Alternative Christmas pudding recipes: Chocolate bombe (2024)

By Jo Pratt for MailOnline

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Fancy a change this year? These delicious desserts can be made in advance - and will perk up your Christmas lunch no end.

One way to reduce your stress levels while entertaining over Christmas is to prepare at least part of the meal in advance, so on the day you simply take it out of the freezer.

With this in mind, I've chosen some make-ahead desserts which not only freeze brilliantly, but also make excellent alternatives to plum pudding on Christmas Day - and have that festive 'wow' factor.

Alternative Christmas pudding recipes: Chocolate bombe (1)

Chocolate bombe recipe: If you happen to have any bombe left over, keep it in the fridge so it can be enjoyed over the next two days

They include one of my all-time favourites: a wickedly delicious chocolate bombe. The fruity pavlova is also a family classic.

I wasn't sure about freezing the meringue, but it actually works rather well. You lose the crispness, but the result is a marshmallow softness which becomes gloriously gooey with the cream and soft fruits. The baked cheesecake is particularly easy to prepare.



  • 125g (4 1/2oz) dark chocolate, broken into small pieces
  • 125g (4 1/2oz) unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing
  • 75g (2 1/2oz) caster sugar
  • 2 medium eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2tbsp brandy
  • 8 trifle sponges


  • 200ml double cream
  • Cocoa powder, to dust


  1. Place the chocolate in a bowl with 4tbsp of water. Gently melt over a pan of gently simmering water or in the microwave. Stir until smooth, and then set aside until it has cooled slightly. Place the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl and beat with an electric hand whisk, until it is light and creamy. Gradually beat in the eggs, a little at a time. The mixture will appear to have curdled, but don't worry, it will be fine after the next stage. Mix the chocolate into the butter mixture, along with the brandy, until everything is combined. Set aside.
  2. Cut each of the trifle sponges into three wafer-thin slices and use enough to line a greased 1.2ltr (2pt) pudding bowl. Spoon in some of the chocolate mixture and smooth over the top. Add a layer of trifle sponges and then another layer of chocolate. Continue until you have used up all of the sponges and chocolate, finishing with a layer of sponge on top.
  3. Cover the surface loosely with clingfilm and then place a saucer on top, pressing down lightly. Place in the fridge for about 24 hours, then remove the saucer and place in the freezer. It will keep in the freezer for up to 1 month.
  4. When you are ready to serve the chocolate bombe, remove from the freezer and turn upside down onto a serving plate, sliding a palate knife around the edge of the bowl and tapping lightly on the top to help.
  5. Lightly whip the cream and spread it around the outside of the chocolate bombe. Finish with a heavy dusting of cocoa powder and serve.


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  • Alternative Christmas pudding recipes: Baked chocolate and clementine cheesecake Alternative Christmas pudding recipes: Festive pavlova
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Alternative Christmas pudding recipes: Chocolate bombe (6)

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Alternative Christmas pudding recipes: Chocolate bombe (2024)


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