Chronicle from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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LATE EDITION LATE TELEGRAMS GENERAL CABLE'NEWS 1T SUBXABin CABLE rote oar own Correspondent London December 28 President Harrison proposes to convene a special SMcion at the American Parlia ment for the purpose of enacting legisla tion to prevent the influx of undesirable immigrants into the United States It is coniidered like! that Mr Perceval who recently succeeded Sir Dillon Bell as Agent General for New will bo among the recipients of ieooratkas on New Year's Day The EruriMman a daily paper pub 'ished at Calcutta states that the Ameer tf Afghani is gradually encroaching faptm the Asmar territory and that be is steadily extending his influence in this and other directions The paper also affirms that the Ameer does not intend to keep hi appointment to meet Lord Roberta the Indian Commander In Chief Asiatic cholera is increasing with alarm ing rapidity in Warsaw Hamburg and Brest and it is feared will extend to other centres of population in the same counties Mr John McDwraith who was Mayor of Melbourne about 18 years ago is returning to Victoria by the mail steamer Himalaya London December 29 Mr Rockfeller head of the Standard Oil Trust which controls the petroleum trade in the United States has doubled the donation of £200000 which he made some months ago to the Baptist Church in America for the purpose of establish ing a denominational University in Chicago The Daily Chronicle announces that a proposal is being debated by capitalists in England to form a gigantic association for the purpose of boycotting the labor unions The organisation wifi possess a reserve fund of 400000000 Eight ringleaders in the cholera riots which occurred at Tashkent! in Russia in July last have been convicted and sentenced to death by strangulation A report had been circulated that the doctors were dispomngof cholera patients by poisoning them The riots in which persons wepe killed or wounded re critic from the authorities refuting a demand by the inhabitants that the dead 7 should be exhumed THE PANAMA SCANDAL I London December 28 Letters have been found in the offices of the Panama Canal Company which largely involve members of the Senate ana the Chamber of Deputies in the net work ot bribery and corruption practised by the directors The police however deny that any thing especially compromising has been discovers London December 29 The movement for the establishing of a Consular Republic in rance which many of the deputies are supporting has occasioned considerable alarm A com mittee of public safety is being formed in Paris to counteract the manceuvres ot Prince Napoleon and his friends one of the most prominent of whom is the Marquis de Mores It is intended by the committee to establish vigilance committees in 80 districts of the metro polis Zola the weH known novelist says that too much is being made of the political crisis and that the press is creating an artificial excitement for political ends That the rench Legis safeat contains a few scoundrels and mon dupes ought really to surprise nome for politics are everywhere a dirty business The Imperialists and Royalists adds Zola are seeking to profit by sdAn exposures but their hopes are ridiculous The fate of Baron Reinach dne of the directors of the Panama Canal Company who died suddenly on the eve of the announcement of his intended prosecution for fraud is Still a subject of speculation Dr Brouardel who attended the post mortem enquiry now asserts that no poison was found in the body and that the supposition that poison was the cause of death is merely a medical hypothesis DYNAMITE OUTRAGE London December 29 Close upon the recent disastrous fire which destroyed a large portion of the city Milwaukee has been the scene of another catastrophe some large building Used as tramway stores having yestarday been Mown up by dynamite The damsge is estimated at £160000 and the explo sion is suspected to be the work of an A DYNAMITE EXPLOSION 1 0 London December 28 While some men were engaged in tunnelling in New York yesterday an accidental explosion of dynamite occurred shattering six buildings includ ing the Long Island post office and a church Two persons were killed im mediately and on searching the debris it was discovered that many others been seriously injured Lostdon December 29 later details show tfiat six persons were killed in the Long Island explosion and 18 persons were seriously injured arms legs and eyes being lost One victim had his jugular vein severed by a fragment of broken glass The disaster originated in an attempt to thaw some frozen dynamite and the authorities have ordered the arrest ot the foreman for per mitting the practice THE DUBLIN OUTRAGE Loudon December 28 Mr Gladstone in referring to the attempt to destroy Dublin Castle by dynamite states that the outrage was idiotic arid was perpetrated for a purely local reason by men unconnected with any general organisation London December 29 Kevans the Irish American who was arrested on suspicion of being complicated in the Dublin outrage has Men released an alibi being proved The police adhere 'to their belief that the atrocity was the' "work of a secret society and they propose to institute a houseAo house search REBELLION IN MEXICO Loomr December 28 'An engagement has taken piece between 300 insurgents and 250 troops at Loe Animos Mexico in which 33 were killed and many wounded London December 29 The latest intelligence from Mexico states that General Estrada has joined the insurgents and that in an attack which he led upon a Government force of 300 men the latter were defeated The American Government are garrisoning the frontier WINTER IN ENGLAND London December 29 Vie Christmas season in England has 5besn marked by frost of almost un wxsmpled severity Serious ice accidents and deaths due to cold have been very Mtoerons whilst in the districts where ths poorest congregate distress caused by want of food and fuel haa been terrible In London the interference with work in ths open caused by the frost has thrown great numbers of laborere out of employ ment with the most distressing con sequences our persons were yester day found dead in the streets from ex THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CHRONICLE SATURDAY DECEMBER 31 1892 ANARCHY IN RANCE Lmdom December 28 rench socialists have appointed a committee for the purpose of convening mass meetings of the people in Paris on the day fixed for the reopening of Par liament London December 29 Another anarchist outrage is reported from Paris the prefecture of police having been largely damaged by COMMERCIAL i O' London December 29 Broken Hill Proprietary shares are firm at £4 Ils The price of silver has risen Id per ox the latest quotation being 3s 2d or Australian wheat off coast January delivery 31s 9d per quarter is offered SECRETARY OR IRELAND THREATENED ASSASSINATION London December 29 Mr Morley Secretary for Ireland has received an anonymous letter convey ing a threat to murder him PUGILISM WHITE MURPHY A DRAW ATER 32 ROUNDS London December 29 A fight has taken place at Chicago between Billy Murphy of New Zealand the ex featherweight champion of the world and White an American pugilist The fight was a very severe one and ended in a draw after 32 rounds had been fought MR HALCOMB 0 SAILS IN THE RMS OPHIR London December 29 Mr rederick Halcomb clerk of the South Australian House of Assembly will leave for Adelaide by the RMS Ophir which sails to morrow SUICIDE A GAMBLER 1 HEAVY LOSSES AT MONTE CARLO London December 29 An American aged 22 having lost £3200 at Monte Carlo the property of his mother and sister committed suicide by throwing himself in front of an ad vancing engine on the railway line THE QUEENSLAND MEAT TRADE PROSPECTS GOOD London December 29 The Queensland meat brokers consider that the prespeota of the Queensland trade are good and state that ths demand for the meat in the provinces is rapidly in creating THE BUTTER MARKET DANISH SORTS DECLINING London December 29 Danish butter shows a decline of 9s per cwt THREE WEEKS IN SAMOA ARTICLE BY LADY JERSEY London December 29 The Countess of Jersey wife of the Go vernor of New South Wales has contri buted an article to the current nomberfif the Nineteenth Century Review describing what she learnt and saw during the course of a three weelu holiday excursion through Samoa She gives it as her opinion that Malietoa and Mataafa the rival chiefs of the Samoan natives are both honorable and well intentioned men thoroughly deserving of the respect and sympathy of the European nations who are now partitioning the islands between them AUSTRIAN LABOR TROUBLES MANUACTORIES STOPPED CONDEMNATION CAPITALISTS London December 29 The Emperor rancis Joseph ot Austria has ordered the stoppage of certain manu factories because of troubles which have occurred between the capitalists and their workmen He condemns in strong terms abominable and tyrannical 'spirit of the aristocrats which is always dictated by selfish and ignorant AUSTRALIANMEAT AN INTERMITTENT TRADE London December 29 British importers doing business with Victoria oomplain that the irregularity of the shipments of meat sent from that colony to England are seriously hamper ing the provision trade HOMICIDAL DIGGERS ELEVEN MEN KILLED Dr COLORADO London December29 A dispute having arisen between two parties of diggereak ths San Juan gold Colorado" recourse was had to firearms and as a resulteleven meh were killed and imr othere Wounded THE CHANNEL TUNNEL THE PROJECT REVIVED London December 29 Sir Edward Watkin Bart MP who for many years has attempted to got Par liamentary sanction Tor ths construction of a tinmti between England and rance is hopeful that during the time the Liberals are in powers Bill will be passed giving the nennses ry authority for the completion of the work Sir Edward asserts that the people of Great Britain would be in an unsafe con dition in case of war without a means of supplying provisions and other requisites apart from that of her merchant navy VICE ADMIRAL AIRAX '0 THE LOSS THE HOWE London December 29 Vtoe Admiral Henry airfax CB the senior officer in command of the Channel Squadron is being tried by court martial in respect to the loss of the twin screw battleship Howe which went ashore on the coast ot errol Spain early this year The evidence showed that the charts supplied to the vessel were misleading and that they had been unrevised since 1872 The British authorities were not allowed to make an in dependent survey of the coast and the Admiralty have not asked Spain to supply any details concerning the cur rents or the tides ANARCHY IN ENGLAND POLICE ACTIVITY London December 29 The English detective police have been instructed to show increased activity in order to counteract any disposition to wards rioting by agitators in the midland counties and the strength of the force there has been increased NICARAGUA AND COSTA RICA WAR IMMINENT London December 29 War is stated to be pending between the Governments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica Central America in consequence of disputes in respect to the delimitation of the boundaries pa the Isthmus of Panama VICTORIA Melbourne December 29 The Court of Marine Enquiry to day delivered its decision in connection with the charges of misconduct preferred against Pilot Nicholson who acted as pilot on board the steamer Gulf cf Bothnia which vessel at the time had a draught of water exceeding 17 ft The court found that the charge had been sus tained Nicholson's certificate was sus pended for seven days and he was ordered to pay four guineas costs William Curtis a young man residing in Mary street Richmond attempted to commit suicide this morning by cutting his throat with a penknife while suffering from delirium tremens He is in a critical condition A young married woman Limie Weir aged 29 residing at it zroy attempted to drown herself this morning by jump ing into the Yam Prince's Bridge She was rescued by a young man and handed over to the police Weir was taken to the hospital where it was found she was suffering from hysteria The question of hewing and sa wing sleepers supplied to the Railway Depart ment has been brought under the notice of the Board of Land and Works It having been pointed out that there is atf unnecessary waste of timber by hewing it has been decided that in future til sleepers be sawn which it is anticipated will prevent a great deal of waste in die timber reserves of the colony The revenue collected at the Custom House to day amounted to £14210 At the City Court to day Charles Greenway was committed for trial cm a charge of embereling £375 the money of the western branch of the Commeraal Bank where he was employed as accotm tant and teller The accused admitted having lost the money at races A comparison of railway revenue and expenditure for November with that of the same time last year shows a credit for last month of £23476 and when credit is taken for an extra working day in November 1891 the total saving in the working expenses and reductions in mileage is £28000 odd The train mileage has been reduced from 983017 for the month to 921585 a reduction of 614 miles No proper comparison can be made for December as the periods vary last year taking in till the 24th and this year ending so as to cut the Christmas tmffio out NEW ROUTH WALES Sydney December 29 Joseph oggan aged 24 late a clerk in the Railway Department was to day committed for tnal tor embeoling sums totalling £60 moneys of the Itailway Commissioners On a second similar charge he was remanded QUEENSLAND Georgetown December 29 Splendid rains have fallen The Etheridge river is now running through Georgetown for the first time since March last An attempt has been made to blow up the poppet legs in the Queensland mines by dynamite Augur holes were bored and plugs of dynamite inserted The structure was considerably shattered Cooktown December 29 Jamas Royton a miner committed suicide at Rossville last night by blow ing his head off with a dynamite cartridge which ho placed in his mouth WEST AUSTRALIA Perth December 29 Mr Selby Spurting well known in commercial circles at Roeburne com mitted suicide by shooting himself with a revolver last Monday Mr Spurting was formmly manager tor Messrs Barker and Gull at Guildford' SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CRICKKTEAS Melbourne December 29 The representatives of South Aus tralia in the forthcoming match against Victoria arrived by the Adelaide express this morning They were cordially wel comed by the secretary and members of ths Victorian Cricketing Association and were driven to the Oriental Hotel Collins street where they have put up Shortly after Doon the team was driven to the Melbourne Cricket Ground They were received in the pavilion Mr A Madden welcomed them in a brief speech He said he hoped the best team would win and that it would be Victoria Mr King manager of the team responded and expressed the hope that the very best team would be put in the field against them They were very low in funds and they hoped that sufficient interest would be taken in the matches between the colonies to secure a good at tendance Mr Giffen deprecated the practice xjf formal receptions and looking round at the champagne glasses he This is not so The composition of the Victorian team hasnot beendefinitelydecidedupon It is considered almost certain that Mr Percy Lewis will act as wicketkeeper instead of Mr Houston and it is probable that Mr Mitchell will stand out Otherwise the team now playing against New South Wales will be selected A MYSTERIOUS DEATH OUL PLAY SUSPECTED Sydney December 29 An inquest was commenced to dajp on the body of Annie Morrison 42 who on Sunday was found by a constable lying in an unoccupied house in Liverpool street and who died shortly after being removed to the hospital The woman it is stated said she had been assaulted but afterwards contradicted tbe story John Wilson recognised the body as that his sister in law She was married but separated from her hus band Ou Saturday night she left home in good health and spirits with the inten tion of shopping On seeing her in the hospital she told him two young men assaulted her and she afterwards became unconscious The medical evidence was to the effect that there were considerable bruises about the face and head apparently caused by blows The frontal portion of the body and tbe upper portion of both legs were also extensively bruised Death had resulted from acute pert tonitis the result of violence and which had been caused by the use of a blunt instrument The woman also stated at the hospital that she drank some schnapps on Satur day night and could remember nothing after SPORTING HURTING NOTES NEW SOUTH WALES co*kE DESTRUCTIVE BUSH TIRES MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE DECTIV ORIGiNAV UNEMPLOYED IN NEW SOUTH WALES BETWEEN 7000 AND 8000 MEN ASSISTED Sydney December 30 Since August last work has been found through the agency of the Government Labor Bureau for between 70Q8am 8000 men while a very large number of families have been regularly relieved Thenumber of unemployed in tbe titbas very largely decreased during the la Jew jucu kai Sydney December 29 News has been reoeiued from Wagga that bush fires in that district have wrought great destruction among the selectors Mr Gemwell has loot 600 acres of grass and Sucres of wheat Mr 0 Hall 2000 aaree of grasa 100 acres of wheat and a lot of unaing Mr isher 70 acres of atandipg wheat and some which had been stripped in addition to 6000 acres of grass Mr Boyd 30 acres of wheat and a small house Mrs Kenny 30 acres of wheat and a lot of grass end Mr Clark 600 acres ot grass and a few acres of wheat Nearly half the grass on the Mettagong run has been destroyed and other selectors have lost largely in wheat and grass Bush fires are also reported in tbe Coolanmn district where a number of live stock have been burned THE ALAMEDA IN DANGER Auckland December 29 Information baa been reseived by the Island steamer to the effect that the RMS Alameda whilst between Auck land and Samoa outward bound was on December 5 struck by three heavy rollers Tbe Alameda was at the time steaming ahead at the rate of 13 knots ail hour no indication ot severe wetthar 4 having shown itself previously The second ot the rollers broke over the bows with terrific force and striking the chief officer carried him along the deck together with the bridge and other wreckage which had been tom way by the force of the rushing waters Both the legs were broken and he narrowly escaped being carried over board Realising the danger of the steamer the engineer shut off steam immediately the first wave struck her and but for his presence of mind it is not improbable that the third huge roller would have overwhelmed the vessel millionaue As the subject of kmg diitaiios rides has lately attracted attention the following feots will ba of Mr Cooner Thornhill sn innkeeper at Stilton in Hantingdonshtre rode from tnat place to London mid back again and also a second time to London in cue day which made a journey in all 213 miles He undertook to ride this journey with several borere in 16 hoars bat performed it in 13 bouts and a quarter This remarkable feat gave rise to a poem called Stilton Hero? which was published in the year 1745 Estiy in this oentory Lord Jamre Cavendish rode from Hyde Park Owner to Windsor Lodge whieh la upwards ot SO miles in Ims than an hour Sir Robert Carey rode nearly 300 milec in tees than three days when be went from London to Edinburgh to inform King James of tbe death of Queen Elisabeth On tbe 3rd of May 1758 a lady who at New market had laid a considerable wager that she could ride thousand mites in a tbouaand hours finished her match in a little more than two thirds ot the time At her coming in tbe country people strewed flowea in oer way On the 29th of August 1750 was decided at Newmarket a wager for 1000 guineas laid by Theobald Taff Esq against the Earl ot March and Lord Egtiu ton who were to provide a four wheeled carriage with a man in it to be drawn by four hones 19 mites in an hour The matin was performed in 53 minutea and 24 eecouda An engraved model of tbe carriage wm formerly cold in the print shops The celebrated Msrqnia de la ayette rode in August 1778 from Rhode Island to Boston (U3A) nearly 70 miles dntent in 7 hours aad returned in 6j Mr ozard of Park Line London foe a wager of £150 ageing 1 undertook to ride 40 miles in 2 hours over Epsom ooaree He rode 2 miles more than b4 been agreed on perform ing tbe feat in 5 min under time in October 1789 Mr Wilde an Iriah gentleman rode 137 mites ob the oouree ot Kildare in 6 bra 20 min Cora wager of 1000 guiaeaa somewhere about tbe year 1830 Tbe Count de Mont gomery eemping from the maaeaare ot Paris 1673 covered 90 miles without halting on one horse (according to a manuscript ot the time) THE BARQUE PORT GLASGOW Sydney December 29 Alex Sutherland Mathecoo chief mate of the barque Port Glasgow tree killed at Newcastle to day while superintend ing the unloading of that vessel The cargo gin suddenly carried away and in falling struck Matheson so severely on the head as to cause his instant death Matheson figured prominently in the recent trouble between the captain and crew of the Port Glasgow After the crew had deposed of the captain they petitioned the deceased to take charge of the vessel and he brought her to Sydney Sydney December 29 The Government Geologist has for warded to the Minister of Mines a long report with reference to the co*ke made in the colony and its utility compared with the imported article After carefully analysing specimens made at the different co*ke works he arrived at the following conclusions That there is room for material improvameat in the manufacture of colonial co*ke both in the direction of reducing the ash and increMfa*g' the density or capacity far resisting pressure and these unprormueota can beet be achieved by a more perfect system of coal washing and by the use of a more modern type of ooke oven 2 That some of the co*kes at present manufactured in New South Wales are nearly equal as regards ash to the average imported co*kes in use at the Broken Hui smelting works That several ot the co*kes at present manufactured in New South wales are superior as regards the per centage at ash to some of the imported co*kes in use at Broken HUL That in regard to strength or capacity for resisting pressure the co*kes manufactured in Now South Wales are superior to some of the imparted co*kes at present in use at Broken The report farther states In regard to freight rates there appears to be no doubt that the co*ke manufacturers of New South Whlea labor under a disad vantage so far as the Brokeh Hill trade is concerned compared with the manufac turers of British and Gertpan co*ke I have made enquiries from several ship ping firms and am informed bM? while the freight from British and German ports to Port Pirie is now about 16s per ton it has been as low as 9s On the other hand the coot of freight on ooke from Newcastle to Port Pirie varies from 15a to 18s per ton iv A seriouc rapture reported to hare taken place between Mr Wallace and Welter Hiokenbotham and Titan has been removed from the charge to Qaeenacliff Elton and Buzzard who were stable com panions at one time and were owned by the reme gentleman bad the bad look to break their nooks the former at Caulfield and Buzzard at Randnick on Monday Writing on the betting market tbe Mel bourne Sportsman of Wednesday says: Backen had each a facer at Caulfield on Monday that they showed no desire to sup port their fanoiM for the Standish and Bagot Handicaps last night at the Victorian Club rooms Lord Hopetoon by reason of his briltiaat performance in the VATC Malvern Handicap is now a firm favorite tor the six furlong race In doubles the sou of Promise has been ooupled with Hopetoun Partees Tarooola Come dian and Annealey irst Boolka is still a firm favorite in double event betting and Gresford is not neglected Nothing doing over the Carrington Stakes or Sydney Tsttereall's Club Cup Our Sydney corres pondent wiring last night stated that betting was very quiet over the Carrington Stakes and Cup ar tbe former event 12 to 1 was on offer about Chatham this morning but it was quickly closed with Prioes now on offer are: Carrington 8 to 1 against Chatham 10 to 1 Prime Minister 12 to 1 Playmate 16 to 1 Shamrock or Cannon 20 to 1 others or the 5 to 1 against Little Bernie 12 to 1 Ronda or Oxide 14 to 1 Paris Prime Minister Manna and Steeltrap 20 to 1 others These wereMr Oxenham's quotations at 9 Up in Central Australia at Bourke Blue Jacket by The Englishman True Bine won the Maiden Plate and the Ladies' Bracelet Stakes at the Wanaaring meeting Tivoli who ran second to Madras in the Nursery Handicip at the pqptponed Warwick arm races on Wednesday laet is a half brother to Penance by Trenton out of Peni tent Tivoli who was ridden by the erst while Victorian jockey Holmes only stands 14 Madras who is trained by Tom Payten is by Chester out of Gymkhana by Emulation from Gaiety and is an own sister to Bengal who has taken tbe jflace formerly occupied in Mr A Berry Jerry stud by Oudeia Madras is engaged in theVRC nodnoe Stakes of 1893 Mr erry informs us that he hM received a letter from bis ton Arnold referring to his accident in India and although greatly dis appointed at being thrown out of nding at the oommenoemeut of the season he writes most hopefully of bis chances of an early reoovety He is in a private hospital and has the ministering aid of a very kind Sister ot Meroy who is acquainted with Adelaide and who is most highly esteemed by everyone in the place Arnold expresses his intense disgust at being laid low by a bit of a pony after all the riding and schoolingthat he baa done for so many years past He says that many friends of his father have called upon him as Mr erry sen wot well known in Calcutta as a shipper of horses as far back aa 20 years ago It is gratifying to know that Arnold is in snob good quarters during his time of trouble Lord Hopetoon has nob incurred a penalty in the Standish Handicap for bis victory in the Malvern Handicap at Caulfield as the winner of the latter event only receives 90 sovs The Cap one of the richest prizes in connection with the turf in India has been appropriated by Highborn the famous son of Grandmaster who ran second for the Mel bourne Cup and wm expatriated last season to tbe land of the rajahs An offer ot £300 for the Tasmanian jumper Kimberley has been refused by his owner Britannia who was well supported for the isherman's Stake at Maribyrnong cut np moot inglorionaly and afforded a jteM con trast to her running at Moonee Valley Isst week when she beat a big field Silence II who is fancied in many quarters for the Standish Handicap got a bad start in thia race and finished nowhere tbe event being won by Omaha by Armament Cornelta The veteran sportsman Mr Ivory of Sydney had another slice of ill luck on riday last when the racehorse Australian Light whieh was his property died Australian Light wu by Grandmaster from Sonnambula The ownership of the hurdleraeer Rushlight IL formed the subject ot investigation by the A JO committee at noon on Saturday aad after a thorough enquiry tbe nomination of the mare was declared void The result of bhe enquiry (writes tbe Sydney Morning Herald will have the effect of complicating matters in Victoria where the mare has won several races foe strsoge to rey she was allowed to run in that colony while her alleged owner's name remained on the VRC forfeit list The English flat racing season terminated on November 26 and the following ia the latest list of principal winning jockeys com piled from Maroh 31 to November 13 (the first numbers indicate the mounts and the second the wins): Cannot Barrett Watts Chaloner Loates 419 73 Bradford a Chandley Alsopp Woodbura Rickaby 865 53 Chalone? 408 50 Molleu 258 46 Colling Webb agan 276 33 Weldon inlay Platt Liddiard A Watte Colonel North will be accompanied to Amerim next year by his wife and Mr and Mrs LwfraM Several of the colonel's rece bones are to ran in tbe States Eltbam Queen Mid Royal Harry being spoken ot as probable candidates for the American Derby to be de cided at Chicago in tbe summer during the progress of the World's air Tbe well known hurdle racer Whisperer IL bis leg in the Hurdle Race at Bairns dale on Monday and had to be destroyed Late English files report tbe death ot Mr Thomas Melville which tods place at Nnfth fthinldq on November 20 As an owner of raoebocses bis name was identified with Stamfordbam the winner ot many raoes with Houghton who won several handicaps: and also with Sweet Violet the dam of several winners and who ran fourth in the St Leger He was also known as a breeder and owner of greyhounds on a large scale Perhaps the best greybouzMi he eTer owned wee Melfort who after distingutthing himself as a puppy at Gosforth Park was sold for 400 guineas to go to Melbourne where he gamed the Waterloo Cap for Mr Chirnside Of late years Mr Melville has given up his racing stud and reduced his kennel of greyhounds but he took as much interest as ever in those sports whieh he had go much at heart Charles Tilley tbe Jockey who fell in tbe Hurdle Race at Caulfield whilst riding Indo lenoe is reported to be progressing favorablynd is in do bn mediate danger When a horse shows a tendency to shy at anything he should bt held in by a firm and gentle band and spoken kindly to If pos sible hold bis bead oireotiy toward the object and let him look at it long as he wilt Then move him towards it II the object is sta tionary let him get acquainted with it let him smell it touch it with his sensitive upper lip and look oloeely at it The moment a hone becomre familiar with the things that alarm him and knows what they are be grows in different to them This is the only way to jurat a bocse of shying at everything he meets on the road The man who uses tbe whip when tbe bone shies only aggravates the evil A correspondent of an Irish paper states that tbe thoroughbred stallion Lothario by King Tom was foaled in 1859 that there have been several foals dropped in 1892 which are Mid to have been begotten by him in 1891 and the latter affirms that at tbe present minute there are mares which are believed to be in foal to his service in 1892 A writer in the London Referee discourses as follows on the Chester Cup won by Red Deer As it stands tbe story of Red Chester Cup which many asporting subeditor wishes haX never been run reads rather nasty bare faced plant Justifiable maybe ou tbe part of a profeaed callous sharp of no particular repu tation but most queer business for a very high toned swell turf reformer and ootrector of abuses I Mid that many a sporting sub editor wished Bad Deer had never won That is because ever since he did laud catch bets have been founded on the bodily weight of Kitchener or Kitchener the pilot I always thought that it was Kitcbanar not Tbs late Mr Langlands told ma the name was spelt His fothv found the boy one dark night st the double (tall) gates at Merton A shrimp crept out from tbe toll shelter and aa zed for a lift to Epsom On tbe road be explained that he haarao away from hom*o to be a jookoy and be a jockey ba would inding the mite would not be turned from his purpose Mr Langlands got him a job What size be was when first discovered may be pwesed from hie taiing able to ride after learning the busi ness nt 35 lb in the Ascot Workingham Stakes though be weighed out 3 at 13 lb of the llluetreled Sporting and Dramatic News discussing the article on the Melbourne Cap which appeared in a recent number ot Scribner's teaqazine re marks In one thing the Auetralinns purpose us we have no nee here equal in value to the Melbourne Cup In 1890the value of the trophy sweepstakes and added money amounted to £13080' Snrefoofs Eclipse Stakes at Bandown in 1891 are set down amounting in value to £11075 10a Ayr was £11160 and just £10000 As for the Lancashire Plate La ldohe won under £3000 on the 24th ot last September Bignorina last year took a little under £9000 Amphion the year before £9091 15 Donovan in 1889 found it worth £10131 15s and in year to be quite eooarate tbe stake amounted to £10222 10s tbe odd 10d has an odd look after the little fwtone which preoedee it These have been the richest stakes ever ran for in England so tbe Melbourne £13080 beads the list Sydney December 29 On the arrival of the Melbourne owned barque Alice Muir from Puget Sound with a cargo of timber to day the chief mate rancis Taapt reported that the master Captain Tarnall bad mysteriously disappeared during tbe Voyage Tamit stated that early Noramber the chronometer stopped end Captain Tarnail was then unable to navigate bis vessel This caused him to beeome despondent and led to his suffering grentfr from insomnia and nervousness On the morning of November 12 he was called but failed to respond and on his cabin being searched he could not be found It is supposed that Captain Tarnall in a fit of temporary insanity fell or threw himself overboard Captain Tarnall was well known in the intercolonial shipping trade Deceased was 55 years of age and leaves widow in Melbourne Tbe case is a retry myaterioys one and fqul play is suspected The police are convinced tlmt deceased wm foully outraged and done to death They believe that the crime is the work ot a larrikin but so far have been unable to obtain any cine to the perpetrator Sydney Deosmber 30 The inquest wm concluded to day on the body of Annie Morrison who on Sunday morning wm found in an unoccu pied building ua bearing traces of having been brutally assaulted and who after wards died at the hospital 1 Evidence WM given by the father and brother in law of the deceased and it showed that in the early 'part of Satur day night she visited her father for the 'purpose ot seeing him and her son' She wm then perfectly sober but complained of being ill She left home with the view of visiting the city Witnesses also stated that the deceased was a re respectable and sober woman but she wm separated from her htnband An other witness referred' to having seen the woman with two man late on Saturday night when all three were drunk It wm also shown that she had two rings on her fingers and some money in a bag when she left home but tbeee were misting when she wm taken to tbe hospital TCie jury returned a verdict that deceased came to her death 'by being brutally illused and assaulted by some persons or persons unknown this being equivalent to a verdict of wilful murder The police have not yet discovered any clue which will enable them to sheet home the brutal outrage and murder of the woman ByMXMTOB1 Mr Henry Hughes promptly isiued the weights for tbe BAJ0 New Year meeting on the night of Annivenary Day or a few boon after the conolotioa of the ARO events In the Hurdle Rue wbioh is quarter ot a mile lest than the cm which wm ran on Wednesday TM Actrees hM 11 et 4 lb allotted her wbioh ia a bit in her favor aa ehe had the mme weight over the longer dis taaoe She is reported to be very well andre may again tee her in her old form at Morphettville on Monday in which cbm ehe should be hard to beat Strike has been raieed to 10 sk 10 lb he came very fMt into second place on the Old Coursetb 3 lb lees irst Bomba Barter tad Recruiter are amongst tbe cripples Mra Qailp who carried 9 st 13 lb aa Wednesday baa 8 lb more now and the oborter diatanco will serve her Teddington 10 st does not rend eo wall OlBmeocy 9 8k 13 lb This mare has been raised 10 lb for her win bat she still appews to be about the best thing in the tMA while Benip at 9 si 5 lb may be worth attention None of the others look dangerous or the Disposal Handicap owners have to fix their weights this alter noon and it will be observed that lonaminoka is in this event ae well as in tbe Two year old Handicap where he ia placed along side his stable companMU The Imp at 8 at 9 lb Either of thia pair should take a lot of beating by the best of those below them The ew Gift a mile and a quarter tees Loed John at the head of affairsith 9 st 91a This is only a pound more than he had on Wednesday when he oat out the running for more than a mile and he should be fiard to beat on this ocMsion Below him Port Admiral reads well at 8st 7 lb having been raieed 9 lb for his victory while Syntax has gone up 2 lb for running second Ixra carried 8 at 11 lb and abe haa now 8 at 9 lb so that she has a chance on paper and these look like the dangerous di vision although St George Broken Hill Corio Herod and Middlesex will probably be foond amongst the acceptors Mr Hughes hM started the Steeple under 13 st to accommodate the heavy division al though Halo at the minimum has to meet Teddington on a etone worse terms than when the mare wm beaten by him on Wednesday Had tbe handicapper started with 12 ek 7 lb it is probable haff the top weights would have gone out and the 9 at 7 lb division must be outalaeeod if they cannot raoe at the minimum The Marino Handicap will take a lot of pick ing The acceptances are doe this day riday at 4 pm Nada the firstborn at Richmond dis tinguished herself on Monday by winning the Juvenile Stakes for Mr Wilson at Caulfield She is a beautiful filly by Trenton Tuberose and Mr Jaa Aldrige wm very desirous of keeping her tor the stud or ot sell ing her with toe proviso that ehe should come back to him again when her racing career was done She is a bay with four white feet very handsome and Mr Wilson took such a strong tency to her that he secured her al last sale She ran second to Meg at Geelong but haa had dental tumuea and Mr McDonald deserves credit for getting her well to tbe poet on Boxing day when she beat ten other competitors ana went oat aS 7 to Mr Aldridge has two promising yoongatera from the name grand mare who claim Carlyou ae their aire and they should be quite aa good Nad Although there ia acme talk of appealing to the 8AJC over the dedtion of the Port atewatda in tbe Silver Spur case it ia not likely that thedeciaion will be interfered with as the racing rules which give the premier dub power to deal with homes and jockeys who have been engaged at unregistered meetings aay nothing about owners and trainers and disqualifications by pouy ayndicates are there fare likely to be ignoreA His Excellency tbe Governor and tbe Countess of Kintore and suite intend being pneentat the 8A JC New meeting oa Monday next Albacore wm scratched for the Handicap Steeplechase of the A JO New Year's Day meeting at 1180 am on Thursday Ths rain which fell cm Thursday will have a beneficial influence on the running track al Morphettville for next racea and moist weather op till Sunday night will be advantageous should the elementebe in a pro pitioos humor A local correspondent haa kindly sent the following details of the accident to Mr Arnold erry which is taken from the Indian Planter? Gazette of November 26 Horten sins II went thapourse slowly with Mr erry up She dia not strike us aa being in her best jumping form Mr erry then took oat another of Mr Rees's the pony Lynette The mare wm not on her good be havior and after jamping badly and refusing for the beet part of toe ww round for which abe was keeked wish a liberal allowance of she brought the quondam GR to bowl ing grief over the last obstacle going clean through it and rolling cm net rider She broke bM leg just about a quarter of the way up hi Itfl thigh Over the last hurdle but one the mare lumped very short and rapping them hard looked as if ahe wm going to turn turtle Mr erry cleverly picked her up and drove her hard aS the last flighk She did not aa we have said make an effort to rise and breast ing them ceme down heavily It is very rough on poor young erry being laid op in inis way nt tbe beginning of the seaaoo and all ate heartily sorry for his misfortune more so aa it will deprive rm of seeing a cross country rider than whom few bettor have come from the colonies His leg waa temporarily set and he was removed to the General Hospital where wjaBial aid wna at tmee proMmad We are glad to bear that the leg Waa very sucosmf ally ask and that so far at present can bo ascertained there is no ooctractim Wo hope we shall soon see him out aad about again though we fear it will be acme time before bo will be able to ride again erry waa in charge of Messrs Ralli Co 'a huge string and it is very unfortunate hia being laid on the shelf just when hi services are most The same journal ot Novomberx9 remarks (the pluoky Aus tralian apurtwean) bones to which we re ferred in our last iaraa are coming oa wonder fully wall considering the abort time they have been in the country aad we hope we shall mb them well to the fore with Mr Thom well known black and white jacket when ffie TaUygunge functions are in pro gteaa Mr Thomson's two ch seers are re ported to be real cuatomen over fences and as their sporting owner ia do mean hand at the ctom country himself it ia pity hia weight precludes hi piloting them It is a case of tbe spirit being too willing and tbe flesh too preponderant Mr Thomson intends coming out papeir chnaing and in spite of his being in the 13 staoe division will pat some of oar best performed an their beet form to get in front of A telegram from Perth to the Melbourne Standard says that a serious aoddsat happened to Mr A Towton the part owner and trainer of Wandering Wiilisk on Sunday last JThile going out to the training track in a boggy the horse swerved and overturned the veaicta agg the Adelaide jockey and other occa psnts of the baggy were not injured but Towton hurt his epme Mr Martin Laughlin thewtil knownsporto maa of Bellarat hM jnst given bis annual Christmas donation of £330 to the charities of the golden city Mr Loughlin sets an excel lent example in this respect as be haa also given several valuable pictures to the local art gallery and baa in other ways benefited tbe piece where he first emerged from the ranks of a working miner until be became a 21 8AJO RACES i lb ek lb 9 it io About one mile and a quarter 0 8 8 6 IS (Ute 8 0 6 8 8 0 6 10 (Ute to 10 10 9 13 9 0 8 10 8 10 9 2 9 Oorio Bt'od Middlesex Galesi Wraneler SyiUbos Principle Wabfas Staoacu Repeat 8 1 It 7 10 Tbe fmp tncatDinks Princes Tbe Osrdensr Uorfaoaitu Peirteld KsUietoe The Aetna Sulks Mra Qailp Cletasaoy Rath (tilt) Tne Meris (sil) Ms loo (ail) 10 9 10 9 7 Lord Jobe silty AQV Part Adalrsl Syntax Broken Hill Handover OaerdSjh Padlock Ted inf ton The following are tbe acceptances for ths meeting to be held at MorpheteviUe oo Monday next rxboicap rvuci natm About one tbroe quarter Da Capo Tiostream Port adntral St Georgs Handover Rtnsten Ls Grippe Herod Middlseox Toe Imp Isnamioka Oomedy Befjo Simuletot Wall Wad DiarosAt easMcar Six rarlooce 7 7 XJttle Dttdhy (oil) I 7 I lanoovbaroenvah 711 (nU) 7 3 Treat (nil) TVO TBXk OlD SaMMCaP irs furlongs Hunacar atainscsMS Abort two and a twUf auk 0 I Pare Grit 10 7 I 10 2 Halo co*kedvl Ceairacr Mikiso uaMotcir and a If rurtoogs me arao Prosperity Rtgaanflln Ho tensiuv airfield Silver Spur Jersey) Borieequs Coma 'y) Recline REDIILL RACE CLUB NOMINA TIONS Redbill December 29 The following are the nommatioas received for the Redhill races Rrdhill Nila Dorothy Lady Bodedill Hamlet and Bravo Bboughtok Aben Nil Sua cess Lady Hungarian Brava ani Jimmy nigg*r Lord Liato leet Micawber orest King and Vulture A RACING CASE Melbourne December 29 An application wm made in Chambers to day on behalf of Richard Judd a grazier of Sydney to restrain the Victoria Racing'Club committee from preventing the borte BuUerana (late Kelton) from running in the Standish Handicap al lemington on January 2 Thia bores in Joly last belonged to Jas Judd brother of the plaintiff and while it belonged to him was run on a racecourse in New Sooth Wales James Judd was believed of cor rupt Dractice in respect to running the botsA and the steward disqualified the horse sod add for twelve months Tbe defendant re fused to receive the balance ot the sweepstake on tbe ground that the borae was disqualified under toe rules of the dub His Honor re fused the application THE PERTH CUP AVORITE Perth December 29 Scarpia is a hot favorite for the Perth Cup to be run on Saturday nexk Mr Towton his owner wss thrown out ot his trap a few days ago and very seriously injured Ik ia feared one of his legs will have to be amputated Mr Towton purposed again visiting Adelaide with Wandering Willie early next year SYDNEY The following are day for the principal Monday nexk Sxfui st lb Msrvsl 10 7 Victor Hugo 9 11 Dan O'Connor 8 9 Shamrock 8 9 AUa'u 8 7 Prime Minister Caathaa 8 7 Newcastle Oxeabsm 8 Pharunocd 8 2 AlmMet 8 2 lot Biy 7 12 AlMdra 7 12 BelOiorno 7 10 Owdonece 7 10 Refute 7 10 Here 7 10 8BCOMD MO TrmsALt' Two Marvel 9 11 Paris 90 Oxide 8 7 Spieodlde 8 2 Ktbelbert 8 0 Realm 8 0 Chatham 7)2 Ltttla Bernie (in clnaiog 3 lb penalty 7 11 Prune Mlntetsi 7 10 RK 7 10 Veepaoia 7 8 Sekirk 77 SALL'S RACES 'dney December 39 acceptances made ta ints on Saturday and STtHtS st lb La PercuM 78 Rookwall 77 8oloo 7 6 Veststta 75 Ptajmate 7 5 Two Up 7 A The Market 7 8 KUtuore 7 1 Lsdy Trentoo 7 Gingham TO Cannoa 7 Brands 6 19 Annarrow 10 null 89 Bocolsach Vano 68 Tauri SO roar JsvAkT 2 i clob ot niles Ronds 7 4 Alexander 7 4 Kljmu 7 Magno 7 8 NewcaatJe 4 12 RockwaU If Doncaater 6 IL Two Up a 11 Atquebaa 6 8 NaptoM 64 8 tralgb tfire 6 Narrara 6 2 Blue Pesr 60 Stesltrsp 60 DEATH A RACEHORSE Melbourne Deosmber 99 Tbe raoeborse Meli while exercising on the tan track at Caulfield this morning suddenly dropped dead No reason can be aatigned for hia death Meli wm a three yearoldhy New minster Malodiou Ho was trained by Ike oulaham INTERCOLONIAL CRICKET VICTORIA NEW SOUTH WALES Melbourne Decembw 26 The Intercolonial Cricket Matoh between representatives of Victoria and New South Wales was commenced ou Saturday last on the Melbourne Cricket ground The weather was brautifully warm and the wicket wm in capital order The attendance wm very large and the grand stand and reserve were gay in the extreme with the brilliant costumes of the ladies A tbe hour fixed tx starting drew near it wm discovered that Rosa had injured his finger and was unable to play Percy Lewis ootid not be found and Houston who was id the stand consented to act aa wicket keeper for the Victorians The teams were Bruce Barrett Trott Trumble Houston MoLeod Carlton Worrell Mitchell Phillips Mid Graham New South Wales Jones Bannerman Gregory Donnan Iredale YouilLConning bam Moses Pierce Callaway and Wales Moses the New South Wales skipper having won the toes from Wccrall who captained the home team the New South Welshmen decided to bat fink and accord ingly Bannerman and Jones were sent in The play was very slow and the visitors did not make much of the good wicket the bowl ing being greatly against them Al lunch time four wickets had raueu tbe score standing at 23 wbioh waa certainly not a good recordter two play Moses made a good stand and during bts 41 hours at the wickets be ran up a' score ot 77 when he wm dean bowled by Brace The bowling ot McLeod wm very good and secured five wickets during tile day Qallaway made a good stand and when the stumps were drawn for tbe day nine wicketo had Itilan for 191 ran The match was resumed to day Callaway 58 being joined by Wales tbe last man to eo in McLeod began bowling to Wales and Phillips took the ball at the other end After Callaway had taken 3 eineles off MoLeod and 3 byes Houston caught Wales al the wicket off McLeod and the innings closed for 197 At half past 13 o'clock Brace and Barreto took their places al the wickets Cooniogham opened to Brace Wales being behind the wicket and Bannerman took Moose's place ae captain the teg being too bed for fielding Brace drove the first ball for 3 and in the next over when Callaway opposed he cut him to the boundary toe 4 Barrett played very carefully and broke hia dock by snicking Gallaway for a single Bruce fol lowed with another quartet and then a couple Iredale and Gregory badly failing to stop I them Bruce appeared to be in grand form and within balf an hour be scored 27 out of the total 29 Immediately after thia Bruce wain got Callaway out for 4 the ball passing between tegs The fisiding ot the visitors wm very poor indeed With the score at 43 Pierce relieved Cunningham and ho proved very difficult to hit being a slow break bowler Bruce however wm well set and sent him to the fence for A Jones was pul on in place Mid sent them in pretty smart out without success Bruce had a narrow escape of being ran out when bo had reached 44 Al 68 Greeory relieved Jones tuid Callaway took tbe leather from Pierce but at the luncheon hour no wioketu had fallen tbe score being 83 I On resuming Donnan took Callaway pUKM but Hereto pul him out for a couple and then for 4 Iredale went on vice Gregory and hie third ball wm cut to the fence by Braoa When the score stood al 122 Callaway wm again tried and Oontingham was given the ball al the other end When tbe score had reached 138 Bamti slipped Conuinghstn and was caught by Donnan Troll joined Brune and short afterwards Brace made anioebil tolbeonfort off Callaway whom he alsoslipped for They soon brought the score up to 300 aaudab kmd oheeing Brace wm MtWHidl HMdv.

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.