Chronostratigraphy of Late Glacial aeolian activity in SW Poland – A case study from the Niemodlin Plateau (2024)

Chronostratigraphy of Late Glacial aeolian activity in SW Poland – A case study from the Niemodlin Plateau (1)

Видання: Geochronometria, 2020, №1, с.124-137

Видавець: Silesian University of Technology


  1. Piotr Moska
  2. Zdzisław Jary
  3. Robert Jan Sokołowski
  4. Grzegorz Poręba
  5. Jerzy Raczyk
  6. Marcin Krawczyk
  7. Jacek Skurzyński
  8. Paweł Zieliński
  9. Adam Michczyński
  10. Konrad Tudyka
  11. Grzegorz Adamiec
  12. Natalia Piotrowska
  13. Fatima Pawełczyk
  14. Michał Łopuch
  15. Agnieszka Szymak
  16. Kamila Ryzner


The stratigraphy of Late Pleniglacial and Late Glacial fluvio-to-aeolian succession was investigated in two sites located at the Niemodlin Plateau, SW Poland. Lithofacial analysis was used for the reconstruction of sedimentary environments. An absolute chronology for climatic change and the resulting environmental changes were determined based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL – nine samples) and radiocarbon (three samples) dating methods. Four phases of changes in sedimentary environments were established. The first depositional phase correlates with the Last Permafrost Maximum (24−17 ka) based on the type and size of the periglacial structures, which aggraded under continuous permafrost conditions. During 17.5−15.5 ka (upper Late Pleniglacial), a stratigraphic gap was detected, owing to a break in the deposition on the interfluve area. The second depositional phase took place during 15.5−13.5 ka. During this phase, the first part of the dune formation (Przechód site) and fluvio-aeolian cover (Siedliska site) was deposited. The sedimentary processes continued throughout the entire Bølling interstadial and Older Dryas. In the third phase (Allerød interstadial), soil formation took place. At the Siedliska site, palaeosol represented Usselo soil type, whereas at the Przechód site, there was a colluvial type of soil. The last phase (Younger Dryas) is represented by the main phase of dune formation in both sites. After the Younger Dryas, no aeolian activity was detected. High compliance with both absolute dating methods was noticed.

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Chronostratigraphy of Late Glacial aeolian activity in SW Poland – A case study from the Niemodlin Plateau (2024)


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