Healthy Crispy Dijon Pork Tenderloin Recipe (2024)

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Redefined Mom

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By Kelly Published in Food

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Healthy Crispy Dijon Pork Tenderloin Recipe (1)

Sometimes you want to take it up a notch for dinner. Maybe it’s to celebrate. Maybe it’s to reconnect. Or maybe, just because it is Thursday night. The problem I find, is that when you want to take dinner up a notch, all I can find are calorie-laden recipes (thank you Pinterest) that take me off my health goals and have leftovers that can taunt me for days. NO MORE! This Healthy Crispy Dijon Pork Tenderloin Recipe reminds me of an old school Pork Tenderloin Sandwich without all the fat, guilt, and extra grease. It’s really easy to make, is low in calories and could be whipped up on weeknight (just because) or a weekend (well, just because) with ease.

Healthy Crispy Dijon Pork Tenderloin Recipe (3)

Healthy Crispy Dijon Pork Tenderloin Recipe (4)

HEALTHY and CRISPY! Is there anything better? This Healthy Crispy Dijon Pork Tenderloin Recipe is like the old school sandwich, butwith better flavors and way less calories.

Recipe Yields: 4 servings (2 slicesper person) Ingredients (1) 1-poundPork Tenderloin, trimmed and sliced into 1 inch slices (should have at least 8 slices) 1/4cup of Dijon Mustard (I like the grainy kind) 1 cup of Panko Breadcrumbs 1/4 cup of Fresh Parsley, chopped 1 tablespoon ofFresh Rosemary, chopped (if using dried, use 1/2 teaspoon) 1 tablespoon Fresh Thyme, chopped (if using dried, use 1/2 teaspoon) Dash of Pepper Dash of Salt 2­ to 3 tablespoons ofOlive Oil, divided Non-stick Spray Directions

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Using your hands, coat the pork slices with mustard and set aside. Place panko, parsley, rosemary, thyme, pepper, and salt into a shallow bowl or dish, and stir to combine. 2. Place each slice of pork into panko mixture, pressing down so the crumbs will adhere. Be sure to coat all sides, and set aside. Repeat until all pork is coated. 3. Take a large baking sheet, and place a cooling rack on top of it (make sure it’s oven safe, not plastic). Spray the rack with non stick spray and set aside. 4. In a large skillet, add 1 and1/2tablespoons of olive oil. Heat over medium, and then add 4 slices of pork. Turn heat to medium/high, and cook for 3 to ­4 minutes to get a nice brown crispy side. Turn over and repeat. Place cooked pork slices onto cooling rack (on top of baking sheet). Cook remaining 4 slices of pork and repeat instructions; ending with them on the cooling rack. 5. Place pork slices on rack**/baking sheet into the oven. Cook for 5­ to 7 minutes or until pork is 145 degrees F.

By using a cooling rack on top of the baking sheet, you prevent the pork from sitting in thejuices that will run out of it, therefore it doesn’t get soggy. If you place the pork directly ontothe baking sheet, the side that is on the sheet will end up with soggy crust.

6. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Love recipes like this? Be sure to follow my Main Dishes Board on Pinterest. Follow Kelly Snyder’s board Main Dishes on Pinterest.

LOVE this recipe? Make sure to check out all of our tried and true recipes in the Redefined Mom Recipe Index.

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  1. Healthy Crispy Dijon Pork Tenderloin Recipe (9)Alicia Vargas says

    This sounds yummy! Just to clarify, though, is it really 23 T. of oil or 2-3? Also, the cooking times seem off… 34 mins or 3-4? Same with 57 mins in oven. Is it 5-7? Thanks!


    • Healthy Crispy Dijon Pork Tenderloin Recipe (10)Kelly says

      Oh. My. Word, Alicia. You are exactly right. So, so sorry. Post has been corrected.


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Healthy Crispy Dijon Pork Tenderloin Recipe (14)

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Healthy Crispy Dijon Pork Tenderloin Recipe (2024)


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