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22 Maestro Richard Calvin Odom: Setting the Atmosphere for Worship

24 Meet Redman Caldwell, Associate Minister of Music

30 More Than A Melody: The Youth and Young Adult Choir Minister Beyond the Walls of the Sanctuary

33 Gospel Goes Go-Go!

34 The Reid Temple Orchestra

38 Pictorial—Fine Arts and Worship Conference 2013

42 Pictorial—An Evening with the Messiah: Opus 3

54 Saving and Preserving More of Your Hard-Earned Money

2 From Rev. Dr. Lee P. Washington: Music of Perfection is Heavenly

6 Worship and Liturgy: An interview with Marlene Burgess

10 More Than a Song: Evangelist Myrna Summers and Music Ministry in the Church

14 A Melody in the Air: Getting to know Michael White and the Reid Temple North Music Ministry

16 Healing Through Music

18 P. J. Morgan: The Man, The Music

20 Patrick Lundy and the Gift of Music

Joshua’s JournalSpecial Edition Winter 2014


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Music of Perfection is Heavenly Rev. Dr. Lee P. WashingtonBy Dewayne Washington

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t began at home as an unannounced family tradi-tion early every Sunday morning. On the record player at 33 and 1/33 revolutions per minute, the harmony of female soloists, choirs and

male quartets floated on the airwaves throughout the two-bedroom home. Once the family arrived at the sanctuary, hymns of worship dominated the vocal praise and worship to God. The beginnings of a musical influence for a young man preordain- ed to become a key figure within the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

“I remember the first time I felt the spirit of God through a simple song, Only Believe,” Reverend Dr. Lee P. Washington recalled. “All things are possible if you only believe.” I had this strange feel-ing come over me, and I told my mother. She said, “You will under-stand it better by and by.”

For Pastor Washington those early days of mu-sical influence included The Harmonizing Four, The Dixie Humming-birds, Mahalia Jackson, and many other gospel artists of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. “Every Sun-day, their music could be heard in our house before church,” Pastor Washington remembered, “and at church our choir really knew how to sing hymns.” Within his hometown, gifted singers, including his father, a member of the local men’s choir, provided an influence. “They had raw talent and were musical models for us; they were our encouragers.”

Pastor Washington’s musical abilities were also influenced in a secular way. During the week an older sister would often play Bebop music on the same

record player. Little Richard, Clyde McFadden and Lloyd Price, a native of the area, were often heard playing from small discs known as 45’s. “I would listen, and she would also show me the latest dance moves; I was her partner,” Pastor Washington said with a smile.

Although he was never involved in a band or choir, it was a requirement in high school for students to

learn the fundamentals of music. “We had a teacher that required us to write and read music,” he said. “You had to draw your staff, write your notes and be able to sing that song to the class.” This musical ability would later provide a benefit and a conflict during Pastor Washington’s ministerial walk.

The young boy would become a man and leave home, never con-sidering the possibility that he could sing, “I never even sang to myself.” After several years away and follow-ing marriage, he would return home and join the Robinson A.M.E. Church Gospel Choir under the leadership of Rev. Jesse Brown, Jr., a young minister who believed in precision singing. “It was when I joined the choir that I began to learn sectional singing...

soprano, alto, tenor and bass. Practices were intense. If you were called at 2:00 am in the morning, you had to know how to sing your part AND on key, Pastor Washington recalled.

The choir excelled and appearance requests increased as they toured the Eastern Seaboard eventually performing before the entire AME conference. “Attending the Quadrennial was a high point for us,” Pastor Washington said. The Quadrennial is an AME • 3


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conference held every four years with thousands of AME attendees from around the country and Africa. The highlight of the summit includes the election of new AME bishops. “I believe it was the first time a choir performed at such a grand event.”

Success for the Robinson Gospel Choir was occurring during a time of major conflict and shift in gospel music. Several years earlier the Hawkins Family had released ‘Oh Happy Day’, a new rendition to an old hymn and many people were disturbed by the change. “That took the lid off traditional music; it was offen-sive to some,” he said. “Critics said the chord structure had a jazzy sound and a beat too much like the world, but I liked it.” The gospel choir became known for its renditions of the Hawkins music, as well as the music of Rev. James Cleveland, Andréa Couch and other non-traditional gospel artists.

Eventually, he would direct the choir with the assis-tance of the pianist, a combination Pastor Washington would repeat again in time. With this arrangement,

he was responsible for arranging the voices and the pianist arranged the music. He also started playing the keyboard to enhance his abilities to read and arrange music. It was during this time that he accepted his call into ministry.

The community was excited about his abilities and the invitations increased for him to sing and play at church events. But this was not the spiritual path Reverend Washington believed he was called to take; he wanted to preach the word. In his prayer to God, it was revealed that he had to give up something. “My vow to God was that I never wanted to be a pianist or organist; I wanted to be a preacher,” Pastor Washington recalled. He began to only accept invitations to preach.

In time he was given his first pastoral assignment, and it wasn’t long before Pastor Washington organized a community choir. “My years of musical experience, first with the gospel choir and then on my own, revealed to me that discipline and harmony are

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essential to the success of a God-fearing choir,” Pastor Washington said. It was a process he would repeat all the way to his Reid Temple assignment.

Pastor Washington believes God wants His children to serve in various capacities. “People would get mad at me when I would tell them they could not sing. What they didn’t realize was, from where I sit on Sunday morning, what you are singing has to pass my ears first. I can hear you.” He would encourage them to become involved in other church activities.

Reid Temple continues to expand and refine the Sunday morning worship experience through song with dedicated, God-fearing singers. “I think our music department is one of the best kept secrets,” Pastor Washington said. “We have well known and respected singers and musicians. Even though most are not stars or celebrities, they understand worship and know how to praise God in song.”

The expansion has grown to include an annual music conference, but Pastor Washington has another

musical vision. “I would love to see a school where we can develop young musicians...we need more training in this area. It is hard to find well trained, seasoned musicians for God.” Pastor Washington also wants to help church members develop their musical talents. “It would be great if they could be mentored by our musicians.”

For Pastor Washington that unmistakable feeling when listening to certain songs of praise he experienced as a youth still lingers and it appears his mother was correct. “There are certain songs today that give me a heav-enly feeling. There is something beyond the music, the lyrics and the sound that continues to provide me with a unique heavenly experience. Heaven has music, and so we should replicate what happens there. God enjoys music, and it is obvious because He has placed it all around us. We have birds that sing, the natural sounds of trees waving in the breeze and the roaring sounds of the ocean. Creation is full of music. Stop to listen sometime; it is God’s perfection radiating from heaven.”

Creation is full of music. Stop to listen sometime;

it is God’s perfection radiating from heaven.

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An interview with Marlene BurgessBy Rev. Hilda L. Hudson

Worship and Liturgy:



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The Commission

on Worship and Liturgy at Reid Temple’s

Glenn Dale Location encom-passes five choirs, a chorale, two orchestras (adult and youth) and the Reflection of God Liturgical Dance ministry (adult and youth). Additionally, the Angelos Ministry, Usher Board, P.U.S.H. and Prayer Minis-try are integral parts of the Commission. These ministries spread the gospel of Jesus Christ by ministering through song (choirs), music (orchestra), movement (dance) and prayer (prayer ministry) supported by the communication mediums at Reid Temple A.M.E. Church.

Marlene Burgess serves as the Commis-sioner for the Commission of Worship and Liturgy (Glenn Dale Location). She proudly recalls joining Reid Temple on December 2, 1990, after hearing Rev. Washington preach a sermon entitled “Word for the Weary.” Rev. Washington appointed Burgess to the Board of Stewards in May of 1992, and she was the first to serve as the Commissioner for Church Life. She was later appointed to serve as the Commissioner for Worship and Liturgy for which she has been re-appointed to serve for the past nine years. In her words, “The role of the Commissioner is to pro-vide spiritual guidance and administrative oversight to the ministries that fall under

the Commission. The Commissioner is also responsible for ensuring that each ministry is setting and achieving goals that are consistent with Reid Temple’s 5E mission.”

Reid Temple is blessed to have a cadre of accomplished choir directors and musicians “who all have great experience,” says Burgess. Evangelist Myrna Summers (Minster of Music, Mass Choir Director), is a gospel music legend, Patrick Lundy (Director of Fine Arts Ministry, Temple Choir and Chorale Director) has record-ed a number of CD’s with his group The Ministers of Music, PJ Morgan (Director of Men’s Choir) is credited with playing/producing/arranging music throughout the Gospel industry, Richard C. Odom (Youth/Young Adult Director) is a clas-sically trained singer who recently began directing the Children for Christ Choir. Reid Temple’s musicians, which include award-winning percussionists, guitarists, keyboardists, and organists, compliment the gifted and talented choirs. Reid Temple’s music department moves beyond being merely “sounding brass and clanging cym-bals.” “They know what the Word says” declares Burgess. "The musicians and directors are spiritually grounded and have a personal relationship with the God in whom they sing about."

A Message in the Music

Commissioner Burgess says that Pastor Washington has shared the importance of hymns with her and the music ministry. “The ministry of music is diverse at Reid Temple, and we touch every genre of music,” says Burgess. From traditional anthems and hymns to contemporary gospel and Gospel go-go and rap, the

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music ministry can reach four generations. The orchestra conducted by Alan Young and the Chorale show the depth of the music department at Reid Temple. Burgess is not only the Commissioner, but she also sings in the Mass Choir. “Music has an important role in worship,” says Burgess. “There are times when you hear a song and the words can lift your spirit. There were times when there was a song being sung that got me through.” Reflecting on the stanza “through many dangers, toils and snares…” from Amazing Grace (the great hymn of the Church), Burgess says that those words

are powerful and minister to many including herself. Another of her favorites is the timeless gospel-recording hit "Changed" by Lady Tramaine Hawkins who ministered at Reid Temple in November of 2011 for the Mu-sic and Worship Conference. Speaking of the choirs on a more personal note, Burgess says, “There is a sense of community and fellowship among the choir members that I enjoy.”

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Worship (reverence and adoration we ascribe to God) and Liturgy (a form or set pattern used for worship) at Reid Temple are not only expressed in song and music but also in dance and drama. “There is a concerted effort to incorporate and integrate all of the elements of worship into the services and special events at Reid,” says Burgess. “The Easter and Christmas Programs held annually at Reid are occasions wherein all aspects of the Commis-sion on Worship and Liturgy minister collec-tively. The Music and Worship Conference is yet another opportunity where the ministries worked together to develop a quality and rele-vant conference for all.”

“Needless to say, the Usher’s play a vital role in worship” says Burgess. The “doorkeepers”

faithfully serve over 5,000 members and guests every Sunday. “Their ministry is not always easy,” says Burgess. “They often have to serve with a smile, while trying to seat “anxious” worshipers.”

The Angelos (messengers) Ministry is responsible for ensuring that the worship services have a medium of communication through utilizing state-of-the-art audio/video equipment. They are also responsible for managing Reid Temple’s Recording Studio.

The P.U.S.H. Prayer Ministry intercedes and prays for the needs of the Church and individuals. Every Saturday morning you can find the Prayer Ministry praying for the leaders, officers, and members. The intensity of their prayers put the devil on the run!

As you can see, the Commission on Worship and Liturgy serves a vital role here at Reid Temple. We are grateful for all of the members serving in the various ministries and for the continued faithful leadership of the Commissioner, Marlene Burgess. To God Be the Glory!

“There is a sense of

community and fellowship

among the choir members that I enjoy.”

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23 Sing to the LORD, all the earth;

proclaim his salvation day after day.

24 Declare his glory among the nations,

his marvelous deeds among

all peoples.

1 Chronicles 16:23-24New International Version (NIV)




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Evangelist Myrna Summers and Music Ministry

in the ChurchBy Francine Buie

More Than A Song




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vangelist Myrna Summers is a gospel icon who has performed

professionally for many years. Born in Washington D.C., she attend-

ed McKinley Tech High School and went on to matriculate at the Uni-

versity of Maryland and the Toutorsky Academy of Music. From a very early age, Evangelist Summers shared her God-given gift of music in services at the Refreshing Spring Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in Riverdale, Maryland. In the early 1960s, she formed a group called the Refreshingnettes and they recorded “Pray Your Troubles/I’m Determined” for HOB Records. Her original composition “God Gave Me a Song” and “Give Me Something to Hold on To” earned Grammy Award nominations. Evangelist Summers has recorded on more than 50 albums. She has won numerous awards and was inducted into the International Gospel Music Hall in 2009. In 2012, she received the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses President’s Award. She is known for her collaborations with the late Timothy Wright, the Dallas Fort-Worth Mass Choir and Ambassadors for Christ. She has performed in many venues including Madison Square Garden, the Apollo Theater, the Lincoln Center in New York and the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C.

Evangelist Summers has held many Minister of Music positions during the span of her career. Currently as the Minister of Music at the Reid Temple Glenn Dale

location, she positions herself as a musical Levite, called to be an instrument of God’s Word. More specifically, she understands that “ministry of music” is more than a song or a performance; instead, it hing-es on presenting God’s word to His people in song. Additionally, as it relates to music, she expresses her belief and source of inspiration from Romans 12:2.

New International Version – “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your

mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

New Living Translation – “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you

into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you,

which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

Evangelist Summers cautions that by not following the words of Paul, we become complacent, giving the enemy access to come into our lives to wreak havoc with the propensity to render us powerless if we do not humble ourselves. She states that as long as we have breath, we have a chance.

Evangelist Summers believes as Christians, and par-ticularly as members of any ministry, we are the only Jesus some people will ever see, so it is imperative that our inward spirit shows positive on the outside. The key to this, according to her, comes to fruition by the transformation of our minds, and by allowing God’s will to be done in our lives. • 11


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Music versus Sermon

The preparation of music is synonymous in comparison to the preparation for a sermon. Evangelist Summers likens this comparison to the analogy of a hand in glove. She believes that the choir’s function is to pre-pare the hearts of the people/congregation to receive the Word from the Pastor. Additionally, the responsi-bility of the choir or ministry of music is to “cover” the Pastor. She believes that just as the Pastor studies and prepares a sermon, the music ministry must exercise the same tenacity.

Current State of Music Ministry

Evangelist Summers shared a vision she expe-rienced while waiting for a bus when she was in high school. The vision was about choirs backing up secular artists. Ac-cording to her, some mu-sic ministries and artists have turned to a posture of entertaining and have dismissed the ultimate purpose of operating as God’s Levites, called to minister to God’s people and to glorify His name. She further points to the position of Lucifer, who got caught up in him-self and neglected God’s

intention for music ministry. She believes that the humility of honoring God has gotten lost and that many have turned to “the flavor of the month phe-nomenon.” She further cautions that we must stay on the battlefield, and pick up our cross so we may follow Christ. Evangelist Summers also believes that this journey requires humility and purposely making a decision to follow Christ at any cost. The “Lucifer syndrome,” as she describes it, wreaks havoc on music ministries and diminishes the overall intentions God set forth in His Word. She offers, “In order to effec-tively disband the Lucifer syndrome, we must stay on our jobs, denying ourselves, so God may come forth and get the victory.” In this scenario, Evangelist Sum-mers believes that leadership must be in a place above others so they can effectively lead. Another factor that harms the effectiveness of the music ministry as

well as any other ministry is the fact that people are not willing to sit still and wait to hear from God.

Establishing a Successful Music Ministry Program

Evangelist Summers emphatically believes that effective music ministry must be taught in order to break old habits and restore God’s vision. She of-fers, “One must have a hunger and thirst for God and believe there is more to just preparing music and being prepared for service. The preparation hinges on one’s study of the Word and prayer life.” As witnesses and fishermen of men, she states, “This only effectively comes from being immersed in the Word and having a personal relationship with Christ.” Evangelist Summers sees something as simple as a rehearsal turn into a prayer service, allowing God’s Spirit to come in and minister to the body of Christ.

Dealing with Life’s Adversities

Evangelist Summers has received positive responses from sharing some of her life’s adversities much to the chagrin of others. Her defense, “It identifies a true worshipper who is not ashamed of exposing that life is not always easy.” She believes that the people of God should know we are not exempt from adversity and that we should consider it an honor that God has allowed the enemy to shake up our tranquility. She states, “Sharing your life’s adversities may help some-one else who is experiencing something similar and who needs to know that he/she too can come through the fire with a true testimony.” She further states, “God makes His own invitations, and we do not need to conjure up anything.”

When asked who her favorite Biblical characters are, Evangelist Summers stated, “David and Ruth.” She further explained that David was a man after God’s own heart, and declared that she is a woman after God’s own heart. She further elaborated that like David, she is committed to God. Additionally like David, she declares that she is courageous and strong in battle; totally trusting in God for protection. Like Ruth, although she has lost some earthly things and experienced times where she thought little of herself, she is still mightily blessed and has the love of family.

Regarding legacy, Evangelist Summers says, “I would like to be remembered as a person of integrity. I want people to remember and say that I lived, preached and taught the life I sang about!”

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“But as for me, I will sing about your power.

Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love.

For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress.

O my Strength, to you I sing praises, for you, O God, are my refuge, the God

who shows me unfailing love.”

Psalm 59:16-17New Living Translation (NLT)




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By Shakisha O’Connor

Getting to know Michael White and the Reid Temple North Music Ministry

A Melody in the Air:

Who is Michael White? Even if you are not intimately aware, you are probably familiar with his voice and music. His past projects, including presenting the “The Conqueror Project” with Michael White and True Praise and writing “Bless the Name of the Lord,” “Great and Marvelous God,” and Reid Temple’s theme song (that we sing every Sun-day), “We’re Glad to be at Reid Temple,” have gained him enough respect and recognition to take him anywhere in the world. However, on any given Sunday, the family and friends of Reid Temple North are ushered into worship by our music ministry led by this awesome and humble man of God. For the past 20 years, he and his wife Cherlyn, along with their children, Dion, Anissa, Mian, and Cierra, have been an integral part of the Reid Temple Family.

Since the age of 8, Michael Lorenzo White has known that music would always be a part of his life. It was at this age that he began praying for the gift to use instruments — the piano and the organ, in addition to his voice — to minister to the people of God through music. White’s impetus to move from singing to playing music was his father. As the pastor of a small Baptist church in Virginia, his father had difficulty finding and hiring musicians to come from the Washington, D.C. area to play at their church. White wanted to be able to play for his father and be dependable enough to take care of that part of the ministry. Since all the church had was a piano, this was the first instrument that he taught himself how to play. When he be-came older, White studied at the Shenandoah Conservatory of Music to further hone his gift.

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White and his family came to Reid Temple in the Fall of 1993. Once they joined, he said, there was almost instantly something for him to do with the music ministry. In contrast to the make-up of what most know as Reid Temple today, at that time, there were “many seats open” in the sanctuary. This was a great time for growth within the music ministry, and Reid Temple as a whole. Twenty years later, White has seen that growth manifest through a new main campus facility and the growth of the satellite campus, where he has officially served as the Minister of Music for the last three years.

The Reid Temple North Music Ministry has four choirs: Adoration Choir, the Mighty Men, Evi-dence Teen Choir, and The Conquerors (Children’s Choir). In addition, there are currently 25 mem-bers who serve in the Praise and Worship Ministry. White considers these 25 to be one unit, assigned to various Sundays, in order to keep them working together in harmony as “a family of worshippers.” Under his leadership, and that of Associate Minister of Music, Redman Caldwell and Adrian Gause, Adoration Choir has blossomed from 15 to 75 members on the roll, and the Mighty Men Choir has grown after being founded only two years ago.

When asked what his continuing vision is for the Music Ministry at North, White responded:

“There is a scripture that I tend to meditate on when I’m preparing music for the ministry. It’s Psalm 89:1. ‘I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever. With my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.’ My vision for the ministry is to reach the heart of each person, through all ages, when they come to church. [The] primary goal is to make sure the atmosphere is set so that the congregation takes over the worship experience as opposed to those on the platform.”

This vision is realized through the incorporation of hymns, traditional music, and current top 30 gospel hits. In order to maintain the balance of music pre-sented during worship, White keeps a journal noting the types of songs, no doubt influenced by his favor-ite artists like Walter Hawkins and Israel Haughton. He also records the number of times a song has been sung. Additionally, many times a specific rhythm may be taken from a contemporary piece and attached to a hymn in order to provide variety. Even with this balance, many cues are taken from the worshippers themselves, who come up to him before and after

service with song suggestions. He loves when that happens!

The process of choosing and writing music to be a part of the worship experience is integral to the music ministry. White makes it seem easy, as he indicated that he is inspired by so much in our life experiences on a daily basis: “I could probably write a song a day if I had the time because there’s always something that’s being seen and heard and there’s always a melody in the air. The Lord sings over us with His own joy. That’s what I long to hear every day; the voice of the Lord singing over me.” He believes that music touches the heart and makes it ready to receive what the Lord is saying through the preached Word. He went on to express, “Music changes our spiritual eyesight to see what God is doing at that moment. When songs are positioned right and chosen properly, they attach to the Word presented and the worship-pers leave with a song for God playing in their hearts all week.”

The best way that White believes the congregation can support the music ministry is by giving their own sacrifice of praise and worship. Join in with what the ministry is doing and don’t be a stranger to the experience. Sing along and shout along! Because that is what really makes the service move and provide witness to those who are there but don’t know the Lord yet. “People join because of the experience they have had with those in the congregation; not just because of the music and preaching.”

If you’re interested in contacting Michael White, email him at [emailprotected]. To


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Gray skies are going to clear up, put on a happy face….So, just put on a happy face! (de, dop, de, do, wah, woooo) Have you ever felt really down? Have you sung a song or merely hummed a few bars of your favorite tune which started to make you feel better? According to Dr. Deforia Lane, Director of Music Therapy at University Hospitals of Cleveland and a world renowned music therapist, music, faith and healing are dynamic partners in healthcare. While only 74 schools in the United States offer a Bachelor of Arts degree in music therapy, Seattle Pacific Uni-versity’s program in Seattle, Washington, is illustrative. Students graduating from this program receive practical guidelines in music therapy that are research based, goal oriented and extremely useful in the areas of psychological and behavioral therapy.

What is Music Therapy?

Many persons have no idea or understanding of music therapy. Further, they are reluctant to accept it as a

healing modality. Music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accom-plish individualized goals within a therapeutic relation-ship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program. Simply stated, it is the use of music to promote feelings of healing or wellness. Although not always scientifically recog-nized, music therapy is an established health service similar to occupational therapy and physical therapy and consists of using music to address physical, psycho-logical, cognitive and/or social functioning for patients of all ages. Considered a powerful and non-invasive medium, music therapy has proven to be extremely effective for patients of all ages with disabilities. It is also used to address illnesses related to respiration, chronic pain, physical rehabilitation, diabetes, head-aches, cardiac conditions, surgery, obstetrics and many other disorders. Because music is a form of sensory stimulation, research indicates that it provokes positive responses brought on by the familiarity, predictability and feelings of security associated with it.

By Dr. Glenda F. Hodges

Healing Through Music

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Music Therapy and Health Care

Dr. Walter Quan, Jr., Oncologist-Hematologist of St. Luke’s Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio states that “music therapy has a wide range of applications. Dr. Quan has seen the blood pressure of patients come down and stabilize through the use of music therapy. He also suggests that in the labor and de-livery room, patients who have gone through Lamaze training can use music therapy to help them relax and experience relief from labor pains. Though many of his colleagues refute his position, Dr. Quan suggests that music therapy is quantifiable and qualitative. Most physicians are only comfortable using things that they can count and measure; however, Dr. Quan believes that music therapy is one of those disciplines where the qualitative effect is equally as or more important than the quantifiable impact.

Dr. Susan Shurin, Chief of Pediatric-Hematology, Oncology at the Ireland Cancer Center in Cleveland, Ohio has concluded that music therapy has a benefi-cial effect in treating patients with neurological impairments. According to Dr. Shurin, “…music therapy enables people to sometimes put words together in ways that are hard for them to do other-wise…” She has concluded that it often seems less difficult if the patient has the rhythm and the ca-dence that comes along with the music. The research indicates that persons with certain kinds of neurolog-ical deficits have shown greater improvement with music therapy than with other healing modalities.

Dr. Joseph Arezzo, Vice Chair, Department of Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, feels definitively that music therapy has a restorative role in neurology. He specifically states, “The degree to which function can be recovered is phenomenal and we are just tapping into the extent that we can get recovery following stroke or injury or disease. We hope that music might play a particularly important role in helping the regeneration of those cells, in helping the individual learn to interpret the pattern and essentially, help the person learn again.”

How Does Music Therapy Work?

The premiere name that seems to consistently surface in music therapy is Dr. Deforia Lane, an internation-ally known music therapist who attests to the advan-tageous traits of music therapy for clients who suffer from a variety of disorders. In her research, Dr. Lane describes a very beautiful and powerful picture of music therapy. She has been described by a number

of other music therapists as a role model in the field. Dr. Lane suggests that students in music therapy do an internship at a school, hospice or hospital. In addition, she suggests that music therapy can be used in less clinical situations. Some of the other benefits of music therapy include curing insomnia and reliev-ing discomfort from pain. Dr. Lane has worked with people of all ages, ranging from birth to 100 years old. She describes these experiences as sweet, hilari-ous, predictable and tearful. These diverse emotions were the results of working with people with autism, people who are mentally and behaviorally disturbed and with people in comas.

Music therapy usually begins by engaging the patient/client/audience in clapping, stomping and moving to music. The listeners follow along as the presenter leads them. This initial presentation changes the audience’s mood while it immediately captures their attention. Dr. Lane believes that music has the power to make people, as well as animals, change. She indicates that if you play music for chickens, they lay more eggs; if you play music for cows, they give more milk. Although it has positive benefits for ani-mals, the primary focus of music therapy is for people.

Music Medicine Institute

Dr. John Armstrong (1709-1779) in his book, The Art of Preserving Health, indicated that “music allays each grief, expels diseases, softens every pain and sub-dues the rage of poison and the plague. The Music Medicine Institute is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organiza-tion dedicated to the proposition that music therapy enhances the quality of life of persons with acute or chronic illnesses. Founded by Elizabeth Jacobi, PhD, RMT, FAMI, the Music Medicine Institute provides music therapy, clinical care services, organizes, staffs and manages music therapy programs for a variety of healthcare organizations; trains and educates health-care providers and lay persons in the therapeutic use of music in medical treatment and conducts research and promotes the advancement of music therapy as an adjunct to professional care. The organization’s website,, is intended for use by medical professionals, hospital and healthcare management, patients suffering from chronic illnesses and their families, prospective and certified music therapists and educational institutions. If you would like additional information on music therapy, this website is an excellent resource. Just remember to “put on a happy face!”

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P. J. Morgan:The Man, The MusicBy Francine Buie

Paul Lawrence Morgan Jr., affectionately known as “PJ”, is just one of the many musicians you may spot on any given Sunday at the Reid Temple Glenn Dale location. But do we really know the man behind the melodic chords? While it would be easy to simply label Morgan as a musician (and a gifted one), there are so many other layers one must peel back in order to effortlessly expose the total package submerged in this person.

Morgan was born in Washington, D.C. and is a product of the Prince George's County public school system. He is the oldest of three children. His father is Paul Lawrence Morgan Sr. and his Mother Delores is deceased. Currently, in conjunction with his duties as a member of the Reid Temple Music Ministry staff, Morgan is a full-time student enrolled at Bowie State, majoring in Music Technology, with a minor in Classical Performance. He will receive his Bachelor of Arts in May 2014.




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Morgan accepted Christ at the age of 12 while attending the Fire Baptized Holiness Church in NE Washington, D.C. It was at the Fire Baptized Holiness Church where his musical interests took root. He credits his great-grandmother and several cousins for peaking his interest in music. As a child, Morgan also played the flute, for which he was often teased. As a result of being teased for playing the flute, he got mad and set out to be the best flute play-er he could be. He also played the saxophone, oboe and drums. During high school, he became interested in playing football, so much so that he considered never playing piano and organ ever again. Fortu-nately, God had another plan and with the demise of a torn ACL and three surgeries later, he was forced back into music.

Over the years, Morgan has been recognized as a renowned musician, producer, and arranger who has appeared on a plethora of albums for such notables as Dorothy Norwood, Ben Tankard, William Becton, Desmond Pringle and Maurette Brown-Clark. He also maintains television credits for title and cue music for shows like BET’s Lead Story, Bobby Jones Gospel, Video Gospel, Comic View, Teen Summit, and Heart & Soul. He has toured with artists such as Najee, Bobby Jones, Karen Clark-Sheard, Ben Tankard, Yolanda Adams, William Becton and many more. Most notable to his credits have been Morgan’s television appearances on The Bobby Jones Gospel Show, MTV, BET Christmas Special, Howard University Television, BET Jazz and BET’s Tribute to Patti Labelle. Among the accolades and awards during his career, he has been nominated three times for a Stellar Award. Additionally, he has created four step-by-step instructional DVD’s, two for organ and two for piano. Morgan also conducts workshops and has served as an instructor at the Berkley School of Music in Boston, Massachusetts and the Soul Bird Gospel Music School in Osaka, Japan. Currently he is a member of the well-renowned “Ray Chew and the Crew” and serves as the organist for the BET Honors.

With such an impressive and busy body of work, how does Morgan establish and maintain balance in his family life? He has been married to Nicole Holmes for ten years. They have two daughters, K’Lah, 10 years old and Brittany, a freshman at Spelman College, majoring in Electrical Engineering. Accord-ing to Morgan, when he is not on the road or produc-ing, he makes sure that he does all he can around his home. That includes taking K’Lah to school, cooking and cleaning. He understands that when he is away,

Nicole has the weight of holding family life down. Out of love for his “Queens”, he has established Fri-days as date nights. He takes his daughters out in the afternoon and Nicole out at night. He believes this ritual is ultimately important in showing them how much he cares and adores the women in his life. He credits his father for developing these traits in him early in his life. He also declares that Nicole is very supportive of his craft.

When asked about his connection with Pastor Washington, Morgan explained by using the farmer versus the mule analogy. He stated that while he is out front as a musician, he follows the "synergy" of Pastor Washington. Over the many years that he has known Pastor Washington, he has studied him and especially his demeanor, enabling him to succinctly understand his flow. He absolutely believes that the music must line up with Pastor Washington’s sermons. He has much admiration and respect for Pastor Washington and likens their relationship to one’s “favorite butler.” He further explained this by stating that although others can get the job done as well, their history and being attuned to the needs of the Pastor has established him as a reliable and dedicated resource.

Morgan sees his responsibilities to the Mighty Men of Reid as more than just music. He purposely main-tains a closed rehearsal in order to create an atmo-sphere of transparency. He wants the men to feel free to talk and share their cares of the world. They have established a level of cohesiveness by understanding that everything that you are going through, someone among them has also been through. Most challeng-ing, as with any aggregation of people, is the many personalities and idiosyncrasies. He credits the ability to sustain the cohesiveness among the Mighty Men of Reid to their faith, growth, varying levels of ma-turity and their relationship with Pastor Washington. Morgan has elaborated to the Mighty Men of Reid that Pastor Washington has set the bar and that they must follow his lead, especially as it relates to their ministry of music and preparation.

When asked what advice he would give others interested in music or any other facets of life, Morgan gave three significant pointers:

• Bewillingtogiveupsomethingyoulove

• Pursuehighereducation

• Findamentortositunderandlearnfromhim/her

Lastly, Morgan believes in always trying to do better!!

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hroughout Biblical chronology, we see where God has used music in a myriad

of ways to bless, heal and deliver His people. David played his harp to soothe the evil spirit that dwelt in Saul, granting him relief and caus-ing the spirit to flee. In anointed music, there can be found an abundance of peace and solace; a soothing for one’s soul. These are the types of uplifting, refreshing, healing and melodious sounds of Patrick Lundy and the Temple Choir.

A native of Thomasville, Georgia, Lundy’s parents recognized his gifts and talents when he was just a toddler pulling his momma’s pots and pans out of the kitchen cabinets to make “mu-sic.” Surely, the banging and clanging then was not as harmonious as it is now, but more impor-tantly, they recognized that their young son had a gift of music. He received his first junior piano at the age of 2 or 3 and quickly graduated to a real one and began taking formal piano lessons.

Patrick Lundy and the Gift of MusicBy Rev. Tish Thomas





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A young boy playing the piano in a small rural town was not the coolest thing that Lundy could have done so he sought to put an end to those pesky piano lessons. However, his mother, being a strong southern Black mother immediate declared: “The devil is a liar! You will continue those lessons and you will play the piano!” Momma and Daddy paid for that piano with their hard-earned money, and neither their money nor his gifting is going to go to waste! Along with the piano, Lundy also played the trumpet in the Thomasville High School Marching Band. He was one of the original members of the Georgia Mass Choir and that was the beginning of his entry into the professional side of the music industry.

In spite of his musical talents, Lundy was also exploring a career that would pay well. To that end, he aspired to be an attorney or a pharmacist. It was not until he came to matriculate at Howard University, and not succeeding in other areas, that he began to then give serious prayer about life and his future endeavors. One day in his time of prayer and meditation, God spoke ever so clearly to him and said “How have I always taken care of you? It’s been through playing my music.” That was a life- altering day for Lundy as he then had clear direction on what his vocation would be.

Once at a Howard University homecoming, Lundy didn’t have money to attend a gospel concert. As he walked by Cramton Auditorium and listened from the outside, God moved and led someone to pay for his ticket. Once inside, he immediately realized a song recorded by the Georgia Mass Choir was being sung, but in his opinion, this choir delivered a much improved rendition. In an instant, he decided that music was what he wanted to pursue — he wanted to be a choral director and learn how the voice works and conclude how to get the best sound out of a choir.

After graduation from Howard in 1994 with a Bach-elor of Arts in Music Business with a concentration in Voice, Lundy’s choir, the “Ministers of Music,“ was born. He did not launch the choir to receive awards or accolades; rather, he wanted to create a good, solid choir that would exhibit excellence and give God glory. Their very first CD was the result of persons asking for it (being sold out the back of a truck) and eventually being nominated for a Stellar Award!

When asked about the Temple Choir, Lundy says that they are simply trying to follow Pastor Washington’s vision to sing with anointing. He notes that there are many church choirs that stand and sing but don’t neces-sarily believe in what they sing. He adds that there are quite a few persons that sit in the congregation that are

gifted musically, so he actively recruits. HINT! HINT! Just as Lundy says, “In ten years, he has never heard a bad sermon by Pastor Washington. That is the model and motivation he uses in rehearsals and wants the Temple Choir to be consistently effective.” He views their ministry in music as a ‘5 Minute Sermonette.’ “You can’t deliver it and then apologize and say ‘I didn’t get it right; let me start that over!’ Of great importance is preparation and rehearsal, but those things become sec-ondary to asking the Lord to seal it with his power!”

Lundy has worked hard in developing the Music and Worship Conference that was started at the Glenn Dale location in hopes of fostering unity. He notes that “It’s easy to say I sing in this choir on this Sunday with no real collaboration. We started the conference to really come together as one.” As the Director of Christian Fine Arts, he was appointed by Pastor Washington to direct the choirs, dance ministry, orchestra, and Angelos to all work together. “Through the Music and Worship conferences we’ve done that — brought some fresh-ness to how music and ministry is done.” The musical events that take place at the Community Fair, Easter and Christmas at the Temple, Pastor’s Anniversary and the Church’s Anniversary have all been a result of that collaboration.

I pushed the envelope in asking Lundy to speak to the idea of musicians and choir singers being referred to often as “Divas.” He gave that wonderful hearty laugh he has and said it was actually an “oxymoron” and a contradiction of being a Christian. He added “I’m very clear that it’s not about me, but more of Christ, but I’m not sure a lot of musicians get that. There needs to be a true understanding of what ministry is versus industry. Lifting up the name of Jesus and magnifying Him and seeing Himthat must be the goal! God has given us these talents. Serving Him in humility — serving the people — means we must constantly stay in God’s face seeking direction on how to lead.” He adds “We want people to approve of us, but it’s really not necessary as long as you’ve done the best you can according to how God has given it to you.” Lundy always feels very blessed and realizes he is doing what God would have him to do when people come up and say the ministry really blessed them and transformed their entire worship experience.

Lundy has been married to his wife Joyce for 14 years and they are both career oriented, which makes for a smooth working and marital relationship. He continues to pray for God’s continued anointing upon the music ministry at Reid to bring peace, healing and deliverance to all who are willing to receive it.

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22 • Joshua’s Journal • Winter 2014

By Pamela Jenkins

Richard Calvin Odom:Setting the Atmosphere for Worship

“For I know the plans

I have for you,” declares

the LORD, “plans to pros-

per you and not to harm

you, plans to give you

hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

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M a e s t r o




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Since the second Sunday in July 2010, Richard Odom’s spirit and effervescence has permeated throughout the sanctuary as he assists in helping to set the atmo-sphere for worship at the Glenn Dale campus of Reid Temple AME Church. As the Associate Minister of Music, Odom directs the Youth and Young Adult Choir (YYAC) and the Children for Christ (CFC). On first Sunday, he assists Evangelist Myrna Summers, Minis-ter of Music, and the Mass Choir.

Born in Denmark, South Carolina to the Late Joseph H. Odom Sr. and Birdell Odom-Hughes, Rich-ard Calvin Odom, the youngest of nine children, began strumming the piano at the early age of two. Before he was born, his parents thought they were finished having children, but God had another plan to get this “powerful ruler” into the earth—which is what the name Richard means.

When asked when he realized he had a passion for music he states, “Music is not just what I do, it is who I am. I was born for it. According to my family, I was about two years old when I began to pick out melodies on the piano and organ. At the age of seven I began taking lessons. At nine I began my first job in ministry as director of the Sunbeam Choir at Sweet Branch Baptist Church, and by the time I was 12 years old, I had formed my first group, The J. Anderson Singers. I also played both the saxophone and xylophone in my school’s concert and marching bands.”

Not taking the gifts or talents God gave him for granted, Odom went on to excel academically, earning a Bache-lor of Music Degree in Vocal Performance, a Master of Music in Conducting and a Master of Music in Voice. When asked how music enhances the worship experience he proudly proclaims, “It is probably erroneous to say that music is a part of worship. In fact, music is worship. Music is fundamental to the lifestyle of the worshiper. It is synonymous with praise, with preaching, and with praying. Music is also ecumenical. Of itself, it is neither sacred nor secular—it just is. Messages, motives, and thoughts are either sacred or secular and even profane, but not music. Music was created to bring glory to God. One should always consider everything he or she does in the area of music ministry as a means to worship God and to somehow point back to Him. Even if one sings

‘Happy Birthday to you,’ it should bring to mind the fact that it is God who gives and sustains life.”

After becoming the director of the Youth and Young Adult Choir, one of Odom’s first challenges was to get them to trust him. When asked how he was able to do that he explains, “The Lord prepared me years ago, allowing me to direct people who were much older than me. I learned early how to develop a “bag of tricks” (not evil ones, but merely tools) necessary to display a benevolent dic-tatorship and to develop an honest confidence in what I do. My task is to inspire the people before me to believe that I know more as a conduc- tor than they do about the task set before us and that I desire to impart that knowledge to them if they are interested. I study, prepare, and remain consistent in my delivery to transfer knowledge to them in the

small window of time that I have. When people see you walk in confidence, they begin to trust you and believe that they can depend on your leadership during collab-orative efforts. Initially, using the Spirit (anointing) and skill, I immediately assessed the ensemble; even if they did not trust me at first, the fact that I produced consis-tent positive results won their trust.”

Odom shared, “A conductor has a exigent responsibility. I’ve known since I was four that I wanted to become a conductor. Many people tried to convince or influence me to become a professional opera singer, and while I enjoy singing, conducting is my first love.”

Most recently, Odom was honored to attend The Classi-cal Music Festival in Eisenstadt, Austria, where he per-formed at the Esterházy Palace. Albeit, one of his greatest accomplishments was being invited to join the University of the District of Columbia faculty in the Fall semester, 2011 to teach conducting and to conduct the UDC Chorale. He has also served as vocal instructor, music theory teacher, and conducting instructor at the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Georgetown.

“The invitation from UDC fulfills my life-long dream of teaching in higher education. When I was contacted, I was ecstatic. I thank God for every opportunity with which He has afforded me. It is an honor and a privilege to instruct in any capacity, especially any musical capaci-ty, and I do it as unto the Lord.” • 23

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“Only What You Do for Christ Will Last”

Redman Caldwell

Meet Redman Caldwell

By Rev. Hilda L. Hudson

Associate Minister of Music

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Redman Caldwell is the Associate Minister of Music for Reid Temple’s North Campus. Prior to joining Reid North in August 2011, he was the Musical Director for the First Baptist Church of Glenarden in Upper Marlboro, MD.

Caldwell, a native of Cleveland, OH, was born to Elder & Mrs. James R. Caldwell. His family later moved to Philadelphia, PA, where the beginning of his journey to his musical career began. In the earlier stages of Caldwell’s life, he developed an ear for true gospel music. He listened to the greats such as, The Hawkins Family, James Cleveland, Andre Crouch, and the late Thomas Whitfield. When he turned eleven years old, he began to develop a greater love for the piano and organ. He always wanted to play in his father’s church, backing his father while he preached and playing for his mother while she sang. Caldwell received his formal training from the Settlement Music Schools of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently enrolled in seminary at Liberty University to further develop his calling and ministry.

In pursuit of furthering his musical career, Caldwell accepted the position as Minister of Music at Mount Zion Baptist Church of Greensboro, NC in August of 1999. It was a church, at that time, of more than 5,000 parishioners. During his tenure there, he played for various artists including

Tremaine Hawkins, Marvin Sapp, Ricky Dillard, and Eddie James and Color Blind, just to name a few. Caldwell also accompanied many well-known preach-ers and evangelists from all over the country. In 2002, he received honor by being named the Praise and Worship Music Director for Bishop T.D. Jakes’ Man Power Conference in Charlotte N.C. On April 14, 2009, Caldwell was afforded the opportunity to perform/play at the White House in the presence of President and First Lady Obama. He is a 2010 Stellar Award nominated producer, skilled musician, song-writer, and composer. He recently released a CD entitled “Hymns: From My Heart to Yours” which is available on iTunes.

Caldwell is primarily responsible for directing the Mighty Men of Reid Temple North’s Men’s Choir, which continues to grow under his leadership. He is also responsible for directing and preparing the band of musicians for service. Caldwell not only wants the Men’s Choir to have a meaningful impact in worship with the congregation, but he wants to share their gifts with the community as well.

Caldwell’s desire is to win souls for Christ at any cost. His motto is “Only What You Do for Christ Will Last”. He is married to the lovely Michelle Caldwell, who ministers along side her husband. They both are the proud parents of one daughter, Makayla Elise Caldwell. • 25

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26 • Joshua’s Journal • Winter 2014

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, To shine for Him each day;

In every way try to please Him, At home, at school, at play.

A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;

A sunbeam, a sunbeam, I'll be a sunbeam for Him.

Jesus wants me to be loving, And kind to all I see;

Showing how pleasant and happy His little one can be.

A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;

A sunbeam, a sunbeam, I'll be a sunbeam for Him.

I will ask Jesus to help me, To keep my heart from sin;

Ever reflecting His goodness, And always shine for Him.

A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;

A sunbeam, a sunbeam, I'll be a sunbeam for Him.

I'll be a sunbeam for Jesus; I can if I but try;

Serving Him moment by moment, Then live with Him on high.

A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;

A sunbeam, a sunbeam, I'll be a sunbeam for Him.

JesusWords, Nellie Talbot - Music, Edwin O. Excell

(Copyright: Public Domain)

SunbeamFor AWants Me

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6 "Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises!"

Psalm 47:6

New International Version (NIV)

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1 Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him.2 Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre.

3 Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.

Psalm 33:1-3

New International Version (NIV)







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3 He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.

Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him.

Psalm 40:3

New International Version (NIV)



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f no one else has ever witnessed the power of God’s calling, anointing, healing and deliverance, the Youth and Young Adult Choir (YYAC) of Reid Temple AME Church, Glenn Dale Campus, without a

doubt, has. In the following testimonies, readers will learn how the choir ministered to Jawhar Stokes before the Lord called his name and how Jasmyne Bracey was raised from her “bed of affliction” to return to service.

On January 20, 2014, about 40 members from Reid Temple’s Youth and Young Adult Choir (YYAC) traveled down to the Verizon Center to sing at the Washington Wizards halftime show honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Prior to the sound check, Choir President, Teon Abrams was approached by a gentleman

named Monte Hatcher who asked if he could speak to us. He then proceeded to share a story about a young man named Jawhar Stokes diagnosed with a rare form of cancer known as Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma (ASPS). He told us about a docu-mentary he was working on with Jawhar titled “You Begin to Die, When You Stop Dreaming.” He said Jawhar needed some encouragement and asked us “Can you help?” We all agreed and said “Yes”.

We decided to go to Children’s National Medical Center, where Jawhar was receiving medical treat-ment, to visit this young man and his family. What we didn’t expect was that he would be the one ministering to us. We went to the hospital and sang songs of praise and prayed with Jawhar and the family. While we were trying to figure out what song to sing next, one of the choir members


The Youth and Young Adult Choir Minister Beyond the Walls of

the Sanctuary

By Karl Thomas, Nikki Akinyeye and Teon Abrams

Philemon 1:6: “I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.”

More Than


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whispered to Jawhar and asked him “Are you tired of us yet?” His response to the choir member was “No ma’am” with a smile and he continued to thank us after every song.

As we were leaving the hospital, we all made a decision to come back for Jawhar’s 19th birthday the following Monday. Although we had already made the decision to return to the hospital, to our surprise, we received a request from the family the next day to come back and minister to Jawhar for his birthday. We sang Stevie Wonder’s rendition of “Happy Birthday” and filled his hospital room with melodies, balloons, cards and most of all LOVE. We closed out in prayer, but little did we know that would be the last time we would see Jawhar.

Here at Reid Temple, the vision is “Have Faith in God” and we aim to please as we serve through the 5 E’s which are Evangelism, Empowerment, Education, Eco-nomics, and Expansion. The Youth and Young Adult Choir has humbly served through Evangelism, sowing the seed of God’s Word in the hearts of all people. It was through the YYAC’s evangelism that Jawhar and his family felt a connection and the presence of God.

The experience that led to the YYAC meeting Jawhar and ministering to him in his hospital room was a life-changing that we will never forget! The acts of love displayed a willingness to serve. Dedi-cation to God is what ministry is all about. We thought we were just going to sing at a Washington Wizard’s basketball game, but God had something else in mind that was even bigger...Kingdom Building!

After Jawhar’s transition, the family asked if the funeral could be held at Reid Temple. They were elated that Reid Temple welcomed them for their son’s home-going celebration and expressed the following sentiments:

“Thank you GOD. That means so much to us.

Thanks to your whole team from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you Teon!! We greatly appreciate it. You guys are the best.”

Dennis and Tarrell Littleton (Mother and Step-Father) and Jawhar Stokes, Sr. (Father)

The Youth and Young Adult Choir also assisted finan-cially to help Jawhar’s family offset the funeral expenses. This is Kingdom Building at its best. We even had a member of the choir print the funeral programs for the family. Additionally, the YYAC was asked to minister at the home-going service and through the power of the Holy Ghost, Jawhar Stokes’ life became the greatest eulogy. On that day 75 souls gave their lives to Christ.

This is not the YYAC’s first time going outside of the walls of the sanctuary to minister. In November of 2013, members gathered at Laurel Regional Hospital to visit a fellow choir member, Jazmyne Bracey. The YYAC went back to the hospital again in January and saw the manifestation of God’s healing sovereignty in Jazmyne. While ministering at the hospital on this particular Sunday, several onlookers from the nurses to various people visiting loved ones came into the room and began to testify about the power of God and of His healing power. Jazmyne had progressed tremendously from not being able to walk, talk, eat or hold her head up. On Sunday, February 9, 2014, Jazmyne came to Reid Temple’s 11:15 am service and the congregation rejoiced for her healing.

We believe that God is not through with the YYAC and that He still has a mighty work to do in the lives of this choir. This is only the beginning and our best is truly yet to come. It is more than a melody…

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1 Praise the LORD.

Praise God in his sanctuary;

praise him in his mighty heavens.

2 Praise him for his acts of power;

praise him for his surpassing greatness.

3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,

praise him with the harp and lyre,

4 praise him with timbrel and dancing,

praise him with the strings and pipe,

5 praise him with the clash of cymbals,

praise him with resounding cymbals.

6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD.

Psalm 150:1-6New International Version (NIV)

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The Eleven22 Youth Ministry at Reid Temple’s North campus recently formed a Gospel Go-Go Band called L.I.F.E. (Living In Full Effect) to reach out to students inside the Church, as well as students within the community. The L.I.F.E. Go-Go Band consists of students from the North campus, Glenn Dale campus and a few churches in the surrounding community.

The mission and focus of L.I.F.E. is to be a ministry where students can fully express their God given gifts and talents while still representing and creating a higher standard of service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The scripture theme for L.I.F.E. is Ephesians 1:10-11 “…to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment-to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.”

L.I.F.E. band currently has over 12-student musicians/psalmists, and another team of five adult servant-leaders. You can catch L.I.F.E. ministering at the REMIX teen service!

For more information contact Rev. Russell St. Bernard.

Go-Go!Gospel Goes

By Rev. Hilda L. Hudson


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Compiled and Submitted by Sandra Daniel and Randy Barnes

Praising the Lord through Instrumental

Music:Randy Barnes and the Reid Temple Orchestra




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his music issue would not be complete without the inclusion of an article on the Reid Temple

Orchestra. Editorial team member Sandra Daniel sub-mitted queries to Director Randy Barnes in order to gain insight concerning him and the Orchestra. This interview begins with Barnes sharing information on his background. Please read on for your enlighten-ment and enrichment.

My membership began at Reid Temple in August of 2006. I had recently moved to Maryland to pursue my graduate degree at the University of Maryland, College Park and to later receive a Master of Edu-cation in Curriculum Instruction in 2009. Prior to this transition, I served as a Church Music Director accompanying, directing, and teaching both adult and youth choirs in Oklahoma City, OK, where I also obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Music Education from Oklahoma City University.

My career as a Band and Orchestra Instructor, currently in Prince George’s County Public Schools, fed my desire to enrich the lives of others with the philosophy that music is a vehicle for achieving one’s highest dreams. Those dreams for me have included a two week tour to China with the Oklahoma City University Symphony Orchestra, being named a Future Outstanding Elementary/Secondary K-12 Educator, and being honored as a recipient of the

40 under Forty Arts Leadership Award for the Prince George’s County Social Innovation Fund.

I am happily married to Dominique Barnes, a member of the Reflections of God Dance Ministry, and also an Elementary teacher in Prince George’s County Public Schools.

How did you become involved with the Reid Temple Orchestra?

Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, I remember being ushered into the Ministry by Rev. Joseph Deck after the conclusion of a new members orientation session as the orchestra was rehearsing. I was in awe at the fact that there was a ministry within the church that spoke directly to my experience as a mu-sician and also the need to become actively engaged in the life of the Church. And so my journey began as a trumpet player within the ministry, and later progressed to become the Director of the Reid Temple Youth Orchestra, but even this story is a true testa-ment to the hand of God. You see it was through my pursuit of my master’s degree that God began opening doors for me.

While in graduate school, I took a course entitled Curriculum Development in Music Education. For the final project we had to create a curriculum that


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Praise the Lord with

harp: sing unto him

with the psaltery

and an instrument

of strings. Sing unto

him a new song;

play skillfully with

a loud noise.

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we would or could ultimately use in our future practice. I chose to write one for a community youth orchestra. Low and behold, God took that plan and used it to develop the mission and goals of the Youth Orchestra and just really set my heart ablaze to truly learn about His purpose for my life.

As I set in an interview with our Minister of Music Myrna Summers as a part of my data collection for that project, I remember asking her about her take on a Youth Orchestra and what that meant for a church music ministry. She responded, “You have to be creative. In these days you have to be creative in reaching God’s people.” And so to this day that spirit resonates inside me as I seek to provide a platform for musicians everywhere to give back to God what is rightfully His!

What is the mission of the Reid Temple Orchestra?

The mission of the Orchestra is to praise the Lord through instrumental music. We seek to enrich the development of the professional musician by chal-lenging them to hone their musical skills and become respected disciples in the body of Christ. We are charged to offer Instrumental Praise and Worship Music that will minister to the masses and bring honor and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

How do you feel it benefits or enhances the worship experience?

The Bible declares, “Praise the Lord with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of strings. Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.” Psalm 33:2-3 (KJV)

It’s a command. God inhabits the praises of His people in many forms. Unfortunately, I believe that often times we are limited in our ability to under-stand and even demonstrate what that is to Him. Whether it’s through singing, dancing, clapping or shouting, If it’s done with a heart of worship, God receives it, and that is all we are called to do. We are created to worship Him in all that we do!

Tell us a little about some of the musical backgrounds of some of the members.

The Orchestra is comprised of professionals and non-professionals, members and non-members, free-lance musicians, private instructors, government employees, educators, corporate businessmen and women, and a host of entrepreneurs. Many have degrees in music and/or are recording and performing artist in the area. All bring varying years of expe-rience and talent, but yet have the desire to serve under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Do you have any particular goals you are striving to reach with the Orchestra?

The goal of the Orchestra is to play unto the Lord, so that through this the music may reach into the soul of the listener and lead them to have an inti- mate encounter with the one and true living God.

Please share any information that may be helpful to persons interested in joining the Orchestra.

Persons interested in joining the Reid Temple Orchestra should first seek whether this is a calling on their life that will allow them to minister skillfully and effectively on their musical instrument, and after doing so willfully contact us at 301-352-0320 ext.442 or email [emailprotected]

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38 • Joshua’s Journal • Winter 2014

Guest Preachers: Rev. Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Jr.

Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church Decatur, Georgia

Rev. Dr. Jacqueline McCullough The International Gathering at Beth Rapha

Pomona, New York

Guest Psalmists/Featured Artists:

Dr. Dorinda Clark-Cole HarvesTime Ministries Southfield, Michigan

Gaye Arbuckle Concord Church

Dallas, Texas

Denyce Graves Mezzo Soprano

Internationally Renowned Opera Singer

Chrystal Rucker Chrystal Rucker Ministries

Kansas City, Missouri

Anthony Brown & Group Therapy First Baptist Church of Glenarden

Glenarden, Maryland

iSing High School & College Challenge

Fine Arts & Worship Conference 2013

October 30 - November 2, 2013

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An adaptation of Händel’s New Young Messiah, Händel’s Messiah – A Soulful Celebration and the classical oratorio by George Frederick Händel

with the Messiah:

An Evening

Opus 3

December 18, 2013

Arranged, Adapted and Conducted by: Maestro Richard C. Odom

Produced by the Reid Temple Christian Fine Arts Ministry

Including Choirs, Soloists, Musicians and the Liturgical Dance Ministry

Featuring: Patrick Lundy Michael White

Lanelle Lightfoot

Guest Artists: Donald Lawrence & Company

Katrina Galka, Soprano




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An Evening with the Messiah: Opus 3

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An Evening with the Messiah: Opus 3

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An Evening with the Messiah: Opus 3

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An Evening with the Messiah: Opus 3

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An Evening with the Messiah: Opus 3

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Music industry veterans well-versed in the financial aspects of the business understand that there is a huge discrepancy in what you make as an artist (total revenues/earnings) versus what you get to keep (take home pay). Total revenues might include earnings from merchandise sales, sponsorships, and performance royalties as well as monies earned from CD and digital sales, publishing royalties and various forms of streaming. However, from the gross numbers, fees like royalty splits, producer fees, manager's fees, promoter's fees, and other costs are subtracted. This process is even acknowledged by the change in the Billboard's annual Money Makers ranking, which is the most comprehensive report card of its kind. In 2010 it changed its rankings to be based on the artist's share of revenue as opposed

to total dollars generated by each artist.

Listed below for musical artists and non-musicians alike are some basic financial tools and strategies that may enhance their finances for saving, giving, and other goals.

Develop Specific Goals for Your Finances

Defining specific financial goals for a few key areas like emergency savings, charitable giving, retirement, or debt reduction might help you make better finan-cial decisions and stay focused. It may be easier to make the necessary sacrifices, when it is more appar-ent what the rewards might be. For instance, it may be easier for the family to agree to cut the Christmas spending budget by 50%, if all agree that the savings

Saving and Preserving More of Your Hard-Earned Money

“The wise man saves for the future but the foolish man spends whatever he gets”. Proverbs 21:20

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs”.

1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV).

By Lanta Evans-Motte, Financial Advisor


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will be used to fund the family’s first real vacation to Disney next summer. A 2011 University of California study found that individuals with a specific plan for their savings amassed between 28% and 85% more than those without a formal plan.

Trim the Fat from your Budget

Several studies have shown that it normally takes between 21 and 66 days for repeated behaviors to become habits. So you might make an agreement with yourself to make some small change in your spending and savings patterns for at least 2-3 months, but allow yourself the mental freedom to change your mind or reevaluate after the 2-3 months are over. You might try making coffee at home, taking your lunch to work, or cooking at home more often, with the savings automatically re-directed to your emergency or savings account or towards debt reduction.

Establishing some type of tracking and accountability process is important. You might use technology to help you stay on track, such as monthly emails or text messages from your bank. Participating in some type of “savings agreement” such as the “American Saves” Initiative (, may also help you stay on target to reach your savings goals. Building in small rewards along the way may help you stay motivated.

Refinance your Home or Car

You may be aware that you could potentially save thousands of dollars refinancing your mortgage, but you may be unaware that you might be able to refinance your car loan as well. However, beware of prepayment penalties or negative equity (you owe more than the car’s value). Refinancing with a longer repayment schedule could negatively impact any interest rate savings you might otherwise obtain, but a higher credit score may garner lower interest rates. A local bank or credit union may offer better rates on car loans.

Beware of Purchasing with Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and Mobile Phones

Several studies have found that most buyers spend less money on purchases when they pay with cash. Avoid buying items that you cannot afford, because eventually the bill will come due and will need to be paid. Lay-a-way programs (where you make in-stallment payments over time before taking an item

home) may be helpful in establishing a more disci-plined spending plan and avoiding unnecessary debt, but beware of late, cancellation or restocking fees.

If you are using cash, be sure to ask the merchant for a discount. In 2010 Visa and Mastercard made changes to merchant rules that allow discounts for cash purchases. Be aware that credit cards may offer some important buyer protections unavailable with cash purchases.

Learn to Value “Frugality”

Approximately 72% of those with a net worth between $5 million and $25 million indicated that frugality was one of the top 5 reasons for their wealth accumulation, according to Thomas Stanley, co-author of “The Millionaire Next Door”. Frugality practices for your family might take many forms, in-cluding buying in bulk, eating out less often, shopping clearance sales, using loyalty rewards and discounts, and planning purchases for optimum discounts (like linen sales in January).

Avoid “Mindless Money Pursuits”

“Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich. Be wise enough to know when to quit”. Proverbs 23:4 (NLT)

In today’s society, most of us need money or financial resources to function, but we should not allow money to control us in an incessant pursuit of it at any cost, including immoral or dishonest behavior. Those who attempt to define their status or security by money, may find it virtually impossible to find security in their Creator. If your desires are always pegged to what others have or think, your thirst for “more” may become unquenchable. Instead, hold fast to your uncompromising values, keeping your financial resources in the proper perspective. Good stewardship practices should be cultivated regularly.

Lanta Evans-Motte is an independent financial advisor affiliated with Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC located at 4061 Powder Mill Rd., Suite 705, Beltsville, MD 20705. Ms. Evans-Motte can be contacted at 301-459-2484 or [emailprotected]. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the forgoing material is accurate or complete. This article does not constitute financial, tax or legal advice. Consult your advisors before making financial or invest-ment decisions. The opinions in this article are those of Lanta Evans-Motte and not Raymond James.

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“Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth!

Sing about the glory of his name!

Tell the world how glorious he is.

Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!

Your enemies cringe before your mighty power.

Everything on earth will worship you;

they will sing your praises,

shouting your name in glorious songs.”

Psalm 66:1-4 NLT


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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.