The Best Hamentashen Recipe (2024)

I love Purim and this super easy Hamentashen recipe is really the best! Seriously, you don’t need any other hamentashen recipe ever. You can use this dough with ANY filling, topping or flavor that you can imagine. I love classic raspberry jam, but I’ve suggested a whole bunch of my families favorite fillings/topping combos below.

Here in Israel, pretty much the day after Chanukah, the bakeries start selling Hamentashen! So the Purim spirit really starts early and why not?! This recipe is so good, you may want to make these all year round.

The Best Hamentashen Recipe (1)

What does Hamentashen mean?

Hamentashen is the name of triangular filled cookies traditionally eaten on the Jewish holiday of Purim. The meaning of the name is debated, some say it represents the evil Haman from the book of Esther that we read on Purim while others say it represents the traditional filling of Poppy Seeds (mohn).

The Hebrew name for these cookies is Oznei Haman, which translates to Haman’s ears.

Learn more all about Purim Hamentashen here.

What is the Best Hamentashen recipe?

I am obviously biased, but I absolutely love this recipe! Some of the reasons why I think it is the best are as follows:

  • These hamentashen are dairy free
  • The dough requires no chilling
  • They are made with ingredients you have at home (no orange juice)
  • No margarine!
  • Comes together super quickly
  • And it’s DELICIOUS!!

Hamenstashen fillings

I am a basic girl at heart when it comes to Hamentashen fillings. I like classic jam (jelly) or white chocolate. The dough from this hamentashen recipe goes well with all kinds of fillings. Here are some of the fillings/toppings combos that my family loves but feel free to be creative!

  • Lotus spread with crushed lotus cookies
  • Popping chocolate Klik spread with Chocolate Klik balls
  • Pesek Zman chocolate spread with pesek Zman chocolates
  • Creamy milk spread with cookies ‘n cream chocolate
  • Chocolate spread
  • Fruit Jelly
  • Peanut Butter & Jelly

When to make Hamentashen?

You can make hamentashen whenever the mood strikes 😉 but these are traditionally eaten on and around the Purim holiday.

Can I freeze Hamentashen?

Yessssss! This hamentashen recipe freezes really well. Just put the baked and cooled hamenstashen into an airtight container or ziplock bag and freeze. They defrost pretty quickly at room temperature.

How to make Hamentashen?

These favorite cookies are so easy to make, just follow these steps and you’re 20 minutes away from the best hamentashen ever!

  1. Whisk the eggs with oil, sugar and vanilla.
  2. Add in the dry ingredients and form a dough the is slightly sticky, but not too sticky to roll.
  3. Roll out the dough in between 2 pieces of baking paper until it is about 1/4 – 1/2 inch thick.
  4. Cut out circles of dough.
  5. Place a little bit of filling in the center of each circle.
  6. Fold the hamentashen (see instructions below).
  7. Bake & enjoy!
The Best Hamentashen Recipe (2)
The Best Hamentashen Recipe (3)
The Best Hamentashen Recipe (4)

How to fold Hamentashen?

While folding hamenstashen seems like it requires some skill, it’s actually pretty easy and anyone can do it!

Using both hands simultaneously hold the circle of dough and fold the three sides in toward the center.

Then lightly pinch the edges and flatten them out. That’s it!

See below for my best tips on how to keep hamentashen from opening in the oven.

The Best Hamentashen Recipe (5)
The Best Hamentashen Recipe (6)
The Best Hamentashen Recipe (7)

How to keep your Hamentashen from opening?

This is the number 1 question on all the Jewish cooking platforms everywhere (and in my inbox) around Purim time every year!

Well, you came to the right place, because after yearsssss of making these I have perfected the method and now I’m ready to reveal to you the secret. I have a 99.9% success rate (can’t control everything lol) Are you ready to get in on the perfectly shaped hamentashens?

There are 3 simple tricks to make sure you’re hamentashen don’t open during baking every time.


Guys, it’s as simple as that. I know, I know, you want to bite in and get filling in every bite, the best part is the filling etc… But if you overfill the extra filling expands during baking and pushes the sides open. It’s not worth it. Trust me.


Let me explain. Hamentashen dough should be sticky. Not too sticky that you can’t roll it out, but sticky enough for the sides to STICK together. If you follow this recipe you’ll notice that the ingredient list calls for 2 and 1/4 cups flour plus extra as needed. The texture of the dough can be affected by many different factors such as the weather, the altitude, the size of the eggs or your measuring cups. You may need to add some more flour, but it is important that you don’t add too much. If the dough is too dry, the sides will not stick and will open during baking. If the dough is too sticky to handle, try rolling in between 2 pieces of parchment paper lightly floured.


When picking your fillings make sure to check the consistency. If using jelly make sure to use the most solid part of the jelly and not the liquidy part.

Love these cookies? Try these other easy recipes:

These Easy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookiesfrom my blogare a huge hit.

As well as these Cinnamon Sugar Donut Muffins.

Did you try this recipe?

I LOVE to hear what you think of my recipes! It would mean so much to me if you could rate this recipe below and leave a comment or share with your friends ❤ Thanks for being here!

The Best Hamentashen Recipe (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.