THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1925 13 re-election, will meet this evening the Hoppb ball, being now well under way. 'N at Hotel Gibson. The Campaign BAD CARTRIDGE Committee is headed by Charles Dor New Method of Vofing For Council Explained CLOSING BATTLES Are To Be Intensive nette, as Chairman, and comprises In Society Louis Ruber.steln, Henry B. Bolce, Thomas J. Elliott, John H.
Ferris, Dennis Hackett und Elmer F. As Easy as One, Two, Three. Saves Life of Officer Miss Jeanie Gal( and Miss Sara Elizabeth Robblns are giving a debutante luncheon at the Cincinnati Country Club on the afternoon of Saturday' next Halloween In honor of two of this year's girls, MIbS Margaret Minor and Miss Elizabeth Haydock. On the Advisory and Executive Committee, headed by Howard W. natl stand In line In the Hotel Gibson lobby 'at the north door of the One of Two Youths Who Terror Edwards as Chairman, are: Eugene Adler, Sidney Adler, W.
M. As Charter Committee Prepares For Election Day. Walnut-street entrance to secure The debutantes In particular and the fashionable world, in general are overjoyed at the decision arrived at this week-end which will add to the ranks of this year's rosebuds th Anderson, Martin Andreas, Bolton S. their tickets for the Amundsen lec ize Covington Negroes, Tries To Fire al Patrolman. Owing to the serious illness of Dr.
W. H. Dunham, for many years one KtlHorit Note Tills is the third of n- ular candidate. Is reported to have be uwi for the election or the liK-lnnatt many voters assumed he would be Hallrtt, Nerretury of the National on else. Again there is no danger 1'roportlona! Representation League.
i of you wasting your vote by mark-By GEORGE hThAIXETT. Jr. I lns your rcal flrst cholce- Vur first choice doesn't need your vote. It When you vote for the City Coun- will be passed on to your second. ture on "Our Airplane Dash To the North Pole" they will bo interested to of Cincinnati's leading physicians.
Dally Meetings To Be Held To Ex- name of Miss Frances Hunt, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graham P. Hunt Frantic telephone calls, asking that Judge and Mrs. Stanley Matthews, whose daughters, Misses Mary Mc Pheraon and Sara, are among the lain System and Issues pla police be sent immediately to the Armstrong, Charles W.
Baker, John G. Bammcrlln, M. Froome Barbour. William E. Beall, Henry E.
Becbe, Charles S. Bell, Julien E. Benjamin, M. D. Alfred Bettman, Joseph Bird, L.
J. Bradford. Albert P. Cas-telllni, H. F.
Cellarlus. W. W. Clip-plnger, William T. Calerdine, M.
W. Conway, Edward J. Corcoran, John W. Cowell, Rutherford H. Cox, D.
Cal Crim, L. Dalton, W. L. Dauner, (Frances Mendenhall). To Citizens.
7. Don't let any one persuade you cil a week from tomorrow let vicinity of Prospect and Lynn streets, that it's wiser not to mark your real .4 I 1 -l old habits get the better of you. Covington, to stop two young men college debutantes of the year, have deferred all entertaining until their father is convalescent, This uncommonly attractive girl, whose people, the Mendenhalls, Car- from terrorialng the neighborhood 1. Don for example, mark your wfll Drobablv be hut for with revolver shots, caused two Coy know thBt while they are thus engrossed in finding a place In which to enjoy this historic event the moat expert "rella" men In town are busy at work upon a Norwegian flag, to be especially built for the evening of November 2, where the Cincinnati Woman's Club, which Is arranging this thrilling occasion, will place It on the stage of Emery Auditorium in compliment to the speaker, and In order that ho may, as it were, give to Cincinnati his epoch-making experiences In the very presence, as it were, of his native land, The Cornell Glee Club concert will Ington policemen to be rushed to the scene and almost resulted In one of councilmanic ballot with X's like the some one else's choice when it might other ballots. You must use figures, i have been effective for your own.
Put the figure 1 In front of your first 8- Don't try to correct your ballot be a fashionable crush unless all Hales, William Hunts and Lari Andersons, have for generations not only graced the annals of Cincinnati society, but from Its Inception helped Chase M. Davies, William Degischer, them being shot. A defective car A. E. Denlson, Thomson De Serisy, Frank F.
rinsmore, Edward R. Dorr, signs fall, The debutantes will help take possession of It, for on that evening Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ste tridge, the last one In the revolver, fallea to explode, saving the officer's i jvu Bin i mam n. wrong, leai choice, the figure 2 in front of your it across once and ask the election seoond choice, the figure 3 in front officer in charge for another ballot, of your third choice and so on for That is your right and it is better to many choices as you want to mark, i exercise it and perhaps submit to a life when he was fired at John H.
Doyle, John Dugan, Chester S. Durr, John O. Lckert, E. W. Ed phenson (Mary Cunningham) will give a dinner at their beautiful new to mold that Institution, la now at Vassar, where she has entered upon her sophom*ore year.
She was on the As a result of the shooting, Ches As election day draws near the City Charter Campaign Committee will Increase the Intensity of Its drive into every section of the city in its battle for a businesslike government for Cincinnati. At noon today Mary L. Hicks, only woman candidate for Council, will ad-dress the meeting in the City Charter headquarters, Mercantile Library The public is invited. After a brief talk upon the issues of the campaign, there will be a demonstra wards, Charles H. Elston, Joseph D.
ter Nance, 19 years old, and hi house on Handasyd Court, In honor 9 r' i rew Pleasantries from your mends 2. Don mark more than one first than to run the dnno-ar of havinir brother, Roy Nance. 21 years old, honor list there last year, for she of their debutante sister, Miss Virginia Stephenson', the guests going Engelbert, Joseph Erman, David L. Falk, Dr. Nlal E.
Ferris. A. Julius Freiberg, Harry F. Freking, Ben Friedman, Jack G. Friedman, Max both of 17 East Fifth street, Coving choice.
If you do. your ballot will be tn "i.tin. comes so palpably by her fine Intel thrown out as Invalid. Don't put the guishlng marks" or lack of ton are 1,1 Jal1 on veral charges on afterward to welcome the Cor. tie II cohorts at Emery Auditorium.
Tomorrow Mrs. Ault Is bringing together at Mills Roches for luncheon a fuw debutantes who have grown up with Miss Hlldegarde Ault. and who all their lives have been Identi ligence and her receptive qualities Thelr automobile shows the marks of same ngure opposite more than one, 9. Don't try to remember all your name. I i nn win These interesting musical clubs ar of mind that they seem to be entirely the conflict, half a dozen shots being fired through the car by the officers Friedman, V.
A- Gebhardt, Fred Geb-hardt, Bernard Gllday, Judge Herman P. Goebel, David Gordon, H. L. Gor S. Don't "plunk" for your first have in the booth.
Write them down submerged in her gay and popular rive bright and early from St. Loul on tho morning of December 30, and fied with hor. This Is a small circle, in their attempt to atop the young don, Edwin L. Grlest, Adolph A. Gru- choice unless there la only one can- the evening before, when you will didate that you care anything about, have Dlentv of time to welch each men.
Liquor, it was said, was re sponsible for the shooting. ber, Judge Frank R. Gusweller, Ernst R. Gwlnner, W. Donald Hall, Edward You can't possibly help your flrst choice carefully, and take the list to spirit.
Besides, she is extremMy pretty, with a coloring as fair as a lily and with a charm that is her Inr herltance. At the police station the youths a few more than the Graces, but not more than the Muses, and as such forms the Inner nucleus of those girls who are being presented to society this winter, und who are to be at hom*othroughout the season. said they were Kentuckians and had cnoice Dy meriting mm only and you the polls with you. That will make may throw your vote away by so do- easy to mark many choices and I vote all your other ballots, too, with-4. Don't stop marking choices too out holding up the other voters.
soon. Don't think that you have to 10. Don't let any one persuade you As she wu be a leader of the col started out to "shoot a. few negroes" who would not tl) their1 hats to them. Police suld negroes In the vicinity of fered no resistance to the two youths, Miss Ault is leaving soon for Bos stop witn nine choices Just because that voting under the new P.
lege debutantes as well as very much in demand among those who are to be at home for the entire season, her mothn! will not be able to present ton to enjoy the debutante festivities tnere are only nine to be elected. If method Is a complicated and mystify- bt sought places of safety when the shooting Btarted, H. L. Haefner, Rev. Jesse Halsey, Coleman Harris, Benjamin L.
Held-lngsfeld, Michael Heintz, Victor Helntz, August Herrmann, Lester HIlpp, A. Bart Horton, B. A Huls-witt, Llttleford Hunemeyer, George Huston, Peter M. I bold, Overton D. Jackson, Lester A.
Jaffe, Elmer J. Joest, John H. Johnson, Frank G. Jones, Orville K. Jones.
Dr. C. H. Kaulman, George E. Kearns, Joseph B.
Kelley, John H. Kilduff, Patrick Kilgariff, W. R. Klrby, Al Kirschner, August J. Knnpp, Alvln Kiels, Frank W.
Kunkel, William C. Lambert, O. S. Larkby, Albert H. Leeker, tion of the system of ballot-1 'ngr.
George Halley, whose articles on the proportional ballot appear in The JUnqulrer from day to day, will stress the necessity of voting for nine or more candidates. Certain demonstrators of the Interested in the campaign of the Hyhicka machine, have declared that it Is necessary to vote for only six Mr. Hallett, who is an i expert, will point out the fallacy of this contention. At 11:60 today William J. Hlggins, City Charter candidate for Council, will address the employees of the Heldman Clothing Company, Pugh in honor of Miss Beatrice Howell, a classmate at the smart finishing school at Aiken, N.
where she and her sister were educated, and which you can And 15 candidates' that you consider at all worth voting for, vote for them all. There isn't much chance that your vote will ever count La niond, and his Cincinnati committee, will go direct to the UnlverHltjf Club, which will be their headquarters during their brief visit. Kor luncheon at one they will be driven to lovely "Broiidvlow Manor," the residence i on Vineyard Place of Mr, and Mrs, Richard K. LeDlond, where they are asked to meet the debu-tantea and a few others. They wilt dance In the great muslu room until 5 o'clock, when these merry minstrels will lie hurried back to the University Club for an early dinner.
It la hoped to arrange their plans no that they can remain for the Benedict ball, but this will necessitate a new train schedule for their private cars, for they are due In Cleveland the next day. ing process and that you'd better stay at home. In a certain P. R. election in (rural Ireland more than 00 per cent of the eligible voters voted, yet only about 1 per cent of They will be arraigned in Covington Police Court this morning.
Chester Nance is being held on charges of having been Intoxicated, having conducted himself disorderly, her to her entire circle as she hud hoped to do at an afternoon reception, this form of entertainment btilng for your fifteenth choice; it won't un engross for the moment the gala less It can't possibly help elect any the ballots were spoiled. Whether worm or mo Massachusetts capital one distinguished for Its elegance and attractiveness. Miss Howell will you understand the counting process having shot with Intent to kill and or not, you can make your vote count having pointed firearms at a potrol- frowned upon during the holiday by the hostesses of fashionable life, owing to the fact that that pleasant form of bringing together one's ac of your first 14. But that might conceivably happen. You can safely number all the candidates from 1 to later come on here for Miss Ault as you would want It to count by man.
his brother is charguu witn 111 If you feel so inclined. Tf the can- debut ball at Mllle RooheH. us will toxlcatiou, disorderly conduct, and simply marking figures 1, 2, 8, 4, quaintances is impractical when there Simon L. Leis, William Licht, WUIam didate you like least makes vou urorn- driving an automobile when he whs 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, to tehow your order a ball every night which lusts until LiUiken, M. C.
Loug'heed, Milton Hsr tn vnto fnr him m.rb him mh.r also another charming classmate at Aiken, Miss Thome, of Chicago, who Is remembered as a great belle at of choice among all the candidates intoxicated. An automatic revolver, a dawn and a dinner every evening us a preliminary to the larger festivities. butcher knife and a blackjack were you would be willing to help elect. Lowen'steln, John L. McLelsh, M.
Rev. Frederick McMillln, Judaon Mc-Klm, Alfred Mack, Clifford W. Malsh, 39. '5. Don't give your first choice to some one who Isn't your real first It's as easy as 1, 2, 3, Therofore Mr.
and Mrs. Hunt will me garden supper which Mr. and Mrs. Ault gave last July for tholr The Next How the Votes Will Be Counted. 1 content themselves with a dlnnor-dance at the CJueen City Club on the evening of Docember 29, the date originally selected by Mr.
and Mrs, Bleecker Marquette, Theodore Mayer, choice Just because you think your Sidney Mills, Harry P. Mlncowsky, real first choice hasn't a chance. You Albert H. Morrill, Judge E. S.
Mor- may be wrong in your guess and rissey, Ren Mulford, G. D. Myers, anyway there is no harm done by John Moore Richardson fur the ball George u. Newiana, Judge Alfred K. giving him one more vote.
If he "Is at the Slnton to Introduce their debutante, Miss Eunice, who with her It was happy thought of the chaperons of the assemblies to assign the partners for their first dinner dance nt tho Cincinnati Country Club on Friday next, a task which requires all acceptances to be In the hands of the committee Immediately, The hours of each reunion are from 7 to 12, and they promise to be even Increasingly delightful with each assembly. Dr. and Mrs. Keller wilt un usual give the tea dance far their eldest daughter, Miss Gertrude taken from the younger brother, and a number of cartridges from the older brother. Patrolmen Neal Regan and Harry Haynes were rushed to the vicinity on complaints of residents of that section of the city.
They found the two youths in an automobile firing shots at random. Residents of the neighborhood were alarmed and terrorized because of the promiscuous shooting, it was said. When the patrolmen approached them, the youths tried to escape. Chester Nance, it is alleged, pointed a revolver at the officers and pulled Building. At 8:30 this afternoon Judge Stanley Matthews, City' Charter Candidate for Council, will speak to a neighborhood meeting in the home of Fred Zimmerman, 1617 Hoffner street, to which all in the community area are invited.
Rue To Speak. At 8 o'clock this evening there will be a mass-meeting in the Tripoli Theater, ML Washington, at which Charles O. Rose, present Councilman and candidate for re-election on the City Charter ticket, will be the principal speaker. At 7:30 this evening, In the Clifford Presbyterian Church, Walter Knight will speak on "The New City Government." At 8 o'clock Walter J. mamma Is now in Europe, where she Mippert, Joseph H.
OConnell, Benjamin E. Pink, W. J. Radcliffe, Raymond Redmond, Charles A. Reld, James A.
Reilly, Richard Remke. Dr. Monte G. Richanls, J. S.
Richardson, W. F. Robertson, W. J. Rose, David N.
Rosenbaum, Theodore Rosenthal, defeated, your vote will then be transferred to some one with a better chance the first of your choices who is still in the running. 6. Don't refrain from voting for your real flrst choice because you think he is sure of election. If every will spend the winter and possibly next summer. Mr.
and Mrs. Htint'ji If, after reading this article you have any Questions on the new method of voting, mall them to The Enquirer. Mr. Hallett will answer all such questions, either in a subsequent article or in the question and answer column which he will conduot daily until the election after the series of articles is concluded. Much Interest centers about Cincinnati's Horse Show Ball, modeled after that given last autumn at the Blltmore In connection with Now York's annual recognition that the horso is still the king of animals.
This gaiety Is to take plans ut the Hotel Alms st 11 o'clock on the evening of November 6, following the second of the three Horse Show nights nt the Riding Club. Mrs, Horace Hohmldlapp Is Chairman of the committee In charge, this group being made up of such popular young matrons us Mrs. B. W. Luinson.
Mr. affair will be confined to a possible 76 or 80 guests, their arrangements for it being very festive though com C. C. Rothier, Joseph Sagmeister, John one did that, he would be sure of de- paratively simple. Thus, a name which adds a new luster to the de feat.
The election officials aren't mind readers. In a certain P. R. election In South Vancouver a pop- the trigger, but the cartridge failed to explode. Later it was found to Schaefer, Walter "Schoenle, Fred W.
Bchwenck, Harry H. Shafer, Benjamin S. Shaipless, Chester Shook, Mark Simon, R. H. Smethurst, Otto G.
Spangenberg, Judge Arthur M. Spie Louise, which has come to be an institution among the letter's friends of the "middle Juniors." It will take place on Now Year's Day at tha residence of Dr. and Mrs. Keller It) butante roster is fixed in fushionable arrangements and gives an Increased be defective. Millard will give, a demonstration of With the officers in pursuit, the interest to the already crowded annals of the year.
give a fiery address. As the meeting 1 youths tried to escape in their car. A Ulendule. Albert Krlppondorf und Mrs. Hulbert Taft.
As those know who have received Invitations to this Innovation In the annuls of Cincinnati's fashionable arrangements. will represent both the Second and half dozen shots, all of which took Fifth Wkds, Chairman Bell has as- i effect in the rear seat of the car, but can be aroused to select men who are free from all men and servants unto all." Dr. Kramer urged voters to cast their ballots for Independent Shaded lights and corridors trans Tomorrow Prince Otto von Bis. marck arrives In town for a week's signed also Mrs. Wllmer H.
Crawford, missed the youths, were fired during gel, James G. Stewart, William J. Strother, E. E. Stokes, H.
Henry Sun-dermann. Robert A. Taft, Joseph. A. Tahl, Owen T.
Taphorn, Walter H. Tarr, Owen T. Taylor, Joseph A. Uhl. E.
F. Van Buskirk. Louis Wei-land, Lawrence J. Williamson, James A. Wilson, Leo Wise.
formed Into lounges greeted a largo number of guests at the dance given by tho Alumna) Association of the vice Mayor Froome Morris, Martin I tne pursuit. i ne orncers overiooa Daly and James J. Heekln as speak-1 the car at Prospect and Bush streets, visit with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and be sent to Mrs.
Lunison ut her resl-Mrs. Charles Wllklns Short, com- dance on Bedford svenu w-i and placed them under arrest. Charles Weber will be ers. Dr. Chairman.
Conservatory of Music Wednesday evening of last week. The gymna TO OPEN HEADQUARTERS. the proportional representation system of voting before the Evanston Welfare Association in the Evanston School auditorium. E. W.
Oesper will preside. Edgar Powers will speak at Vine and Clllton at 7:30 and at Vine and McMillan at 8:15, at which points the City Charter "pep wagon," an illuminated automobile, will make stops. One of the biggest meetings of the City Charter campaign will take place in the Avondale School Tuesday night. Dr. David Wolf stein will be Chairman.
The speakers will be Charles H. Stephens, B. H. Kroger, Murray Seasongood and Cecil Gamble. ter Millard wilt give a demon Ing on from a brilliant fortnight as a guest of his country's Ambassador to Washington, Prince von Bismarck Is the youngest and quite one of the most Im nut Hills.
That these be expeditiously forwarded Is suggested us a matter of courtesy us well ns of practicability for until the committee knows how many guests to expect It cannot YOUNG MEN ORGANIZE BOWLING. GTX)BE-WKKNK'KB I.I5AOUK. WOMEN TO AH) IN CAMPAIGN In PENCIL PUSHEHB. I1RA8S BUKPISRH. Northside To Boost Fred portant ractors in me jteicnsinif.
xio i prucoeu intelligently to place Its Republican Women Are Headed By Mrs. W. H. Crawford. The woman's division of Republican headquarters will be opened this Crowley, Of Stanley Matthews For Council District Leaders Named.
Popp. 1119 127 121 JarobH. 163 1118 145 Cas'lrtlns 116 178 176 133 122 140 Diss 107 106 106 130 148 HO 88 80 129 132 1 17 184 179 1(18 140 162 223 Dineen. Oetty. Dure Reeder.
sium of the school was decorated appropriately for the season, the colors of Halloween predominating ill the fetoonod streamers which formed trellis over the dancers. Students and fuculty mingled with friends of tha Conservatory during the evening, at whose close muny commended tho committee 111 charge, of which Ida Ulmor Jenner was Chairman, for having arranged a most successful dunce. i Schneller For Council. The Northside Young Men's Club, to promote the candidacy of is in tins country to siuay me mans- oroors. tries and meet the business world' of While the holiday ball list has not America, whose reputation for sue- In any wuy been followed, Invitations cess and originality ho has long ad- have gone out to all the dlfforent sets mired.
He Is young (the calendar which properly make un Totals. 737 76 762 The Stanley Matthews For Council morning, for the campaign, with Mrs. Women's Club, with more than 2,000 Wllmer H. Crawford in charge, members, is busy, In every, part (if, the women who desire ny Totals. 677 697 7D BACK SMASHERS.
Fred Schneller for City Councilman, WOOD BUTCH EltH. was" formed at rheWnsr 'at Chase Lohman. 161 134 147 Hohrsc'b 101 102 77 shows' him to be but 28) and very that of the debutantes to that pf the clever, with a keen, generous intelli- married seta whoso children are the gonce that greatly endeared him to i brides and grooms of the pust few the distinguished circle of Lord Rose- 1 years, not to mention all the bache-bery and of the Earl and Countess I lors most Identified with them 1 I. B6 124 104 Mlloy. 108133119 Helnka'p 146 179 148 Starkey.
137 136 168 McGrann 202 149 149 Knab. 126 )40 173 and Hamilton avenues last night. Herman Mueller was named President of the club. The other officers are: Vice President, George Counts; Secretary, Gus Heheman, and Treasurer, Harry L. Brehm.
On the Campaign Committee are Mlss Emily Itelf entertained with sn afternoon of bridge at her home on Erie avenue Saturday, October 17, her guests being the "pledges" just Totals. 729 730 712 Totals. 638 668 711 GLOBK TROTTERS PA PER DOI.L8. 131 127 170 1.30 144 1 city working not only, for the can- information relative to the election dldacy of Matthews, but for the other are cordially invited to visit these eight City Charter candidates, for rooms and make their wishes known. Council.
1 That historic Republican strong- The following women arc in charge 1 hold, the Eighteenth Ward, will have in the various sections: I Walnut Hllls-j-Mrs. N. L. Howell, lts nrst meeting tonight, under dlrcc- Mrs. Llllie Brown, Mrs.
D. M. Bow- tion of Campaign Manager Charles S. man. Mrs.
Nain "Grate Mrs. Robert The old Sterling Hotel, at Sixth of Sandwich, whom he visited in Eng- expected that three or four hundred land before coming to the United will make up this gay parade, for stration. The meeting will start at 8' o'clock. Tjlor Field To Speak. Tuesday noon Tylor Field.
City Charter candidate, will address the employees of the R. K. LeBlond Company. Numerous other meetings arc scheduled each day between now and November 3. Before a crowd of more than 1,600 at Thirteenth and Vine streets, Julius Luchsinger, City Charter candidate for Council, said: wish to compare our streets with a man who purchases a new pair of shoes in January.
Ho wears them January, February and ready well formulated. lamuy, ior mis yuuiin u.upji'c.ii nun Arend. Kettler, 1(7 136 148 170 186 100 129 106 171 ItiO 166 167 Combs. spent much time In the British Em Raymond Galimore, Joseph Galvin Totals 743 774 Totals. 774 786 716 Herdliska, Mrs.
Hazel Mrs. and Mound streets, will be used forJDraeman Cook, Lindsey Suire, Hay- added to tha roster of Omega XI, of Kappa Delta Miss Lucia. Illume, on alumna, whose marriage to Mr, Charles Carey Is to take place In ths near future, was also as were members of the college chapter, of which Miss Reif Is President, Evelyn Thompson. tna demonstration, wnicn win be rea-1 mond Striker, C. W.
Schroder, Donald plre from his earliest boyhood, Besides a dull glimpse of the industrial world of Cincinnati, which some of the city's most eminent cltlsens NASH TAIIXHM LEAGUE. CI lion 'JM1SS JOie UOnner. "UJ id, xittiiy ntJIlBIIlltn. unnv This arfalr is really a supper-dance rather than a ball, and the tables, each of which have been chosen with a view to seating from 2 to 12 guests, will bo ranged about the now ballroom, danalng taking place In tho center from 11 o'clock until dawn. Tho entrance to the ballroom Is on the Locust street side, and SUITS.
Barrett, John Clarke. Chairman Bell has assigned as speak- Harry L. Brehm, Chairman. Meet- 'Alhreelit 132133148 Th.M in ers A. Lee Beatty, Charles W.
Baker, i lnars will be conducted Tuesriav nri 191123 134 1311 100 172 142 125 103 have arranged to give this young imvis. Meyer. 128 177 13 149 147 126 hi. tnr linii'hntiu. M.
Johns. i. unaries tt. Alston and Louis Ku- Friday nights. Mt.
Auburn Mrs. Kenon Dunham, benstsein, the latter also officiating Mr, Schneller was a guest at He-Mrs. Winifred Shawlen. as Chairman. brew Union College yesterday and Gardner.
128 106 130 Laodcko. 194 167 104 773 766 717 NaKolsoii 129 116 142 dinners and afternoon tea, has n. TZTTT. difficult even for one of his energetic nui.i urn-age nearny permits the Niaii Hr, habits to meet. ALPACAS.
179 106 122 Kew'ld, Jr .1 16 133 1 41 Schroec'e 138 102 1011 Hftrtm'n. 135 1.14 147 He is to dine with the George War- most expedl-rlngtons on Tuesday at their home on Tne xnira ward Kepumican uiud, i made a short address there. Later an organization of negro citizens, will he' delivered addresses before two hold Its first meeting tomorrow night, Jewish congregations. Howard Greer, a former member of' 113 115 89 Kelrhert 144 139 144 186 187 156 108 10:1119 ElmhurBt place; on Wednesday he Is aociaea mat no amount neuman iDiiiini mois. 1I 138 164 k.
lh rinrfleallnn nr- un me purl or any- Price Hill Mrs. Mary Olden. Avondale Mrs, H. H. Peck, Mrs.
Flora Stammel. Hyde Park Mrs. O. B. Jones, Mrs, Charles Terry, Mrs.
Urban J. Bruns. Corryville Mrs. C. C.
Simminds. Mt. Adams Mrs. James McFadden. College HII) Mrs.
M. J. McCann. I Hartwell Mrs. J.
Fred L. Schaenle. Chalrmnnv and her committee have been worklnif assiduously completing the arrangements for the theater party to ba given under the ausplcea of the Ohio Federation of Notre Dame de Namur Alumnae, at the Shubert Theater, November 23. .1 The Invitations will be in'the mall the first of tho week, but a number of the boxes have been bespoken, and much Interest Is being manifested In this undertaking by members and their friends. Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene N. naker, 8938 monies of the new law school build- Sil, u.l commlUee' "i 777 741 663 the police force, now retired, will be Chairman of the affair, which is announced for Washington Terrace. Totals. .660 647 733 of the University of Cincinnati.
1 one present OVKKOOAT. Former Judge Edward T. Dixon VK8T Charter Committee candidate March. He notices a small hole coming into the soles. What does he do? Does he wear them until October, when they are beyond repair, or does he have the small hole repaired? Of course he does.
But how does the present "gang" take care of our streets? A small hole develops In January; it is a larger hole in April, much larger in July; still larger in October. And then what happens? "The election Is drawing near. They are dumping ashes and cinders Into the holes, so you will notice that they are on the job; and when election day rolls around you will again return them to office, You know this as well as I do. "And how do you like some of the Campaign Chairman Bell has assigned fnr "encoca uiiuui rut zoi 154 208 1 Knt tha at, mo pan room door, to for 97 133 12S Bnaver. 133 130 127 alld at the brilliant banquet at the which Mr.
1 J. W. 105 107 84 116 138 183 Hotel Slnton that evening, at. which r' "non 151 152 152 Entner. 120 114 180 Taft will h.
th. a-uost i Wl" mi1" eRCn wn0 lias "u- 133 16B1B1 Hlmmi. In 111 ill Chief JUStlCS Taft Will DO tne gUCSt speakers Samuel I. Llpp, George Council, and Municipal Judge Kearns, Mrs. Jessie Adler and A.
Lee, Meredith Yeatman, candidate for Thl. within tho "sioil. Beatty. election, will be the principal speak nnouia any forget these pusle- Totals. .644 689 650 R.
Fellers, Mrs. J. C. Moore, Mrs. G.
A. Price. Mrs. William Tate. Oakley Mrs.
William Stegle and Miss Matilda Kunz. ZOPFp'imKiJs Batos wl11 alB0 as the I BATBKNS. A speech by Councilman E. E. Kel- ers at an open meeting to be con-logg will characterize the big Re- I ducted tomorrow night under auspices publican meeting Tuesday night at of the Greater West End Business Sehre'ker 143 13120.1 Wnrther.
160 104 147 guest of Mr. Charles J'nelps Taft. boards, tho injunction Is Irrevocable, that they must pay for another supper ticket, and take their chance of "tes 148 160 218 147 124 101 On Friday evening Mr. Short Is o.ol- Burwood avenue, Norwood, celebrated! Hyde Park Masonic Hall. Mens' Association at St.
Joseph audi- 'Furlo' l.ts 109 162 Mlt'nd'oVf 103 JJJ i si lecting a dozen or more of tho inter I hftlntr rnfifilfl Viv tkn 11..., VOTE IS NOT LOST It Is said that Mr. Kellogg will torlum. Linn and Laurel streets. Meckley. 217 195 15 4 Granger, mmill estlng member, of he faculty of fof th- 786 712 861 Totals, .694 74 809 I university iu iimui ma i "need comment.
Those groups who wish to bo seated stag reception at nis residence on Taft road, while Saturday will he de- ORITKN WATCH I.F.AOl'K. at(ithe same table up to the number BRONZE NO. 2. tholr sixtieth wedding anniversary yesterday. The Bakers were married In Cincinnati October, 25, 1805.
Mrs. Baker, whose name Before marriago was Jennie V. Keepers, was born in Hamilton, Ohio, and Mr. Baker In Fln-eastle. Vs.
After his arrival In Cincinnati Mr Baker became a telegrapher, studying under Thomas Edison, which position ho held for 20 years. During his youth Mr. Baker was a baseball player, playing second buSra CUBS. Vrrhaar 103 116 122 Wllke. 124 108 2 Dutle.
100 117 94 146 176 119 Alerdlng 131 171 2 Or. Kmmett 89 98 91' a immes, nave B'inann. 98 120 118 Club, where this agreeable seeker but to make thege reservations of the "till it! Bfter knowled9 of modcrn notel Bt the AlmiI aftor re. McG'nev 200 102 tlona will be a guest of that delight-1 reiving their tickets from Bond Issues Are Explained; Week's Campaigning Planned ful organization, brought on from a Totals 683 697 638 A great many out-of-town guests will be here for this ball, among view of his Important manufacturing plant by Mr. E.
B. Stanley. That afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Short Totals 603 686 622 BRONZE NO.
1. Hrllebr'd 139 136 167 113 123 126 Pntourl. 148 143 140 OMerw'li 47 129 116 182 187 189 others the polo players, horse owners SILVER, russ'ker 112 138 131 Klslier. 139 121 104 Deiires 107 133 134 Brunst. 172 102 Gerard.
109 174 106 are bringing together a few friends and devotees of Uuyton, Pittsburg, other things? Half of the electric lights are not burning; your garbage stands on the streets for days at a time; the filthy condition of our streets; holes everywhere. What do you think about our Police Department being half-manned? What do the people of Mt. Adams, Bond Hill. Pleasant Ridge, Madlsonville and South Cummlnsvllle think when they go to bed, knowing they have no fire nor police protection? Republicans Are Scored. "What do all the people think when they see our viaducts and bridges in decay from rust? What do you think about bringing about a change In these disgraceful affairs? There is but one hope, and that Is to eliminate machine-governed politics.
The Republican machine, which is made up of some IS members, functions in the By Proportional Representation, System Speaker Tells Y. M. C. A. A demonstration of the proportional representation method of voting was given by E.
Dudley Hanco*ck on behalf of the City Charter Committee before a large audience at the Ninth street Y. M. C. A. yesterday.
In explaining the principles of the new method of Voting, he told of some of the common misunderstandings that prevail among voters. "I have found men," he said, "who complain that, if their ballots are counted for their first choice candidates, their second, third and subsequent votes are lost. This Id an error, for it Is impossible for a man to lose what is not his. Under the new charter each voter has one vote only, so that there i no second or other for tea 10 meei meir gueai. ana Springfield, Columbus, New will also keep open house through-1 york and Philadelphia.
The Judges Totals 729 717 737 Totals 0119 738 608 to Observatory avenues; Walnut street, from Court street to McMicken avenue; McMicken avenue, from Main street to Mohawk place; Harrison avenue, from State street to Tremont street, and from Falrmount to Fenton out tne ween at luncneon ror ineir themselves will form an array of I GOI-D. DIAMOND. The 13 bond issues to be voted on at the election next week are listed and exp'atned in a statement issued yesterda? by the Citizens' Bond Issue Committee. The committee has called a public meeting of representatives of civic 201 200 188 DsM'gln 122 121 135 Intimate circle, whlcn looks rorward I tlngulshed experts, men of family and B.nJge1? 167 16 16? 103 13 13 to we'comln tnelr visitor on these fortune in many cases who act In this Frueavff 138 110 182 Kueffner 168144142 occasions. Sunday will be spent in capacity through love of the "gentle- 176 130 134 lllujel.
104 162 170 the conutry with friends and Monday men's sport" of riding, driving and avenues; Vine street, from Ruther for the Live Oak Baseball Club, whlrli constituted the nucleus of the present Reds. Among those who pluyed oil the team were Harry and Georgo Wright, widely known In the annala of baseball. Mr. Baker now is employed in tho gas ledger department of the Union Gas and Electric Company, which position he has held for the pust 13 yesrs. The Bakers have two sons, Wlllluin of Staten Island, N.
who is a civil engineer, and Berti New Orleans, manager of the Oulf Refining Company of that city. horse racing. Totals 794 738 801 Totals- 760 770 T42 evening, nuvemuer rnust tun marcK is 10 oine wun mr. james Albert Green, whose fine library Is NORWOOD K. OP C.1EAGIIB.
Among the most attractive out of NO. 9. stocked with most Important Amerl town guests for the Horse Show will and bueinen sorganlzatlons, to be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon, to discuss plans for an intensive campaign this week in hehalf of 'the bonds. The list issued by the committee Strand Building. These men style Vote to be lost But this one vote cana in the shape of books that once! he Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Schmldlapp and themselves the Republican party. The transferable and the voter has the graced the great library, or are o-lMr and Mrs. Frank Washburn, of Kepuoncan party, in a sense, is not to I satisfaction of knowing that if his blame for this state of affairs, but I ballot cannot count for the candidate Republicans, year after year. of nis first preference, It can and does vote this "gang" into power, and these count for some second or subsequent are to be blamed for selecting these preference as expressed on his ballot.
voted to the heroic ana patriotic aeus New York, and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. of William Henry Harrison, ITesldent Tnkeri of Byosset.
Long Island, all of of the United States. Governor and whom are expected here to visit Mrs. General of the Army of the Northwest Horace gchmldlapp. who will have a Territory, one of Mr. Short's many much.B0UKht house party In conse- FRIEDMAN MAKES GAIN, dlstlngulshed ancestors, who helped quence at her newly finished house on avenue to St.
Bernard Corporation line; Hopple street, from Coleraln to McMicken avenues; Second street, from Central avenue to Mill street. Street building issue, total $158,000: Includes new streets on land city owns; Tusculum avenue, from Columbia avenue to Grandin road; Nebraska avenue, from Eighth street to Rapid Run pike; St. Clair street, from Eden to Euclid avenues, a fill to replace present viaduct. It will be noted that the Fifth street widening Is grouped with other widening issues. This means only 25 feet additional street space will be taken; the excess condemnation will not be employed.
Council sewer Issue, total Includes a dozen new sewers, proposed as necessary by City Engineer. State Board of Health sewer Issue, total $294,000: Sewers ordered built by State Board of Health, so Cincinnati sewage no longer is dumped Into open creeks. Voters are asked to approve bonds so their debt service can NO. 1. H.Weh'e.
168 176 120 Cleary. 138 107 lt.Albers 147 132 168 K.AIbers. 197 169 166 W.Weh'e 108 161 Wermes. 191 167 Totals. 762 774 739 NO.
12. Blea 127 166 144 Kuhacper 1 27 136 162 106 But man 138 164 164 Kenslng. 133 151 204 Oreve 139 180 Totals. 600 782 803 NO. 3.
139 158 144 146 140 140 Drumer. 29 115 153 Mchlle. 145 123 ISt G.Albers 205 149 137 give to this Government Its stability, th(J pont of the Schmldlapp estate its security and its culture. overlooking tho Ohio, on the Grandin road. But Kutsch Still Leads Big Ten In Individual Scoring.
rhleago, Octnbsr 25 (A. Benny Friedman, of Michigan, was the only ona of ths leadlnir Big Ten uolnt winners to "This is a great point of difference with the old system, under which the voter picked either a winner or a loser. Under the new system the voter may be sure that he will, as the saying; is, 'get a run -for his is as follows: Six bridge issues, total J635.000: Canal at Seventy-first street, Carthage, Canal at Seventy-third street, Red Bank road over Duck Creek, several along West Fork road, repairs to Harrison avenue viaduct, New Elmhurst viaduct, $120,000. Each of these is a separate bond Issue. Street widening and extending issue, total $2,718,000: Includes all Improvements where land must be added for streets; Ninth street, from Broadway to Sycamore street; Fifth street, from Main to Pike streets; Liberty, Wur'zler.
82 Bchmltt. 101 161 Lohman. 183 182 159 Schn'der. 112 Uchtman 162 I4 Burw'kel 157 164 167 Holtm'er 162 146 190 Totals. 705 726 103 NO.
6. Sehm'lln 144 1(3 111 108 123 Krelmsr. Ill 173 Of em. 142 120 Nlehaus. 153 144 143 Kramer.
126 Wllz'her. 139 14S Totals. 668 681 719 NO. 7. Weiss.
177 169 184 Kchil'm'r 92 103 111 103 115 144 136 126 128 Kunke. 142 157 150 Totals. 709 7.10 697 NO. 11. Nlehsus.
114 93 95 Lamping, 174 169 1 171 161 139 Calnhan. 177 133 187 Ausd'ore 148 122 135 Mr. and Mrs. Short will part with their nephew regretfully on Tuesday, November 3, for he is bound for Chicago on leaving here, and before his return to New York, wher he will pay Miss Hlldegarde Ault, who already add to his strlnK Haturday. but hl field 1 Is a prime mover in the affairs of the I a -A.
I I vna- goal, which ilefoated Illinois, still leave him far behind "Cowboy Nick" Kuteh, of lows, who, after falling to (sin. was kept out of the RPrond halt of play acalnat F0EMER PROMISE RECALLED. Ohio by Coach Ingworson. a series of smart visits, he will spend' 1 (Staying with her grandparents. Mr.
a few days In Detroit. He is th. eldest son of his house. Mi Lee Addison Ault. at Mil whose vast estates.
"Frledrich.ruh.' unt" n'w hUM wh.lnh fislml, of Indiana, with two loucnaowns. and Almouist. of Minnesota, with his third hand-picked candidates, under the pretext of 'party The result is that unfit men are put into office. "This wli) happen so long as voters vote for "birds" Instead of men. The issue in this campaign is this: Do the citizens of Cincinnati wish present conditions to continue, or do they want a change? If you, my fellow citizens, really want a change that will restore the city's fair name; if you believe In honesty and efficiency in city Government, you will vote for the nine Charter candidates.
Vote from 1 to 9, in the order of your preference. "It you do this, I can promise you a new day will have dawned in Cincinnati, and the Queen City will take its place along side other well-governed, progressive metropolitan cities." at Hanover, Include one of the mag- .1,1 nlflcent forests of his native mnaKe- Totals 723 690 70S NO. 6. 168 161129 Trenslng. Ill 137 146 S'-hn'di-r.
120 11! 113 Pankm'n 123 96 127 188 162 219 finished and she Joins there her the far-famed Saxenwald. He hns two touchdown, moved up within ths flrit ten of the Big Ten. Four of the Big Ten teams ware blanked hy their opponents Saturday, and throe of ths toamB are still behind the total points scored by Kutarl alone. Purdue and Minnesota each have eight touchdown scorers, while Illinois and Chicago have but one each and Ohio only two. Conference players who have scored more than 13 points.
Including nonconfer- from Main to Highland avenue; Third street, from Eastern avenue to Kil-gour street; Madison road to be extended from Woodburn avenue to Victory Parkway; widening of corner Dixmyth and McMicken avenues. Street reconstruction issue, total fail outside the 15 mill tax limitations. If voters do not approve. Council! will have to Issue the bonds snyhow, and their charges will be cut Into the city's operating revenues. Sewers ace along Foley road, along Stettlnius Dr.
S. P. Kramer Urges Voters To Support Independent Dr. S. P.
Kramer, independent candidate for Council, addressed a meeting last night a.t the Jewish Community Center on Clinton street, and said that last year, when the new charter was submitted to the-people, they were told that now was the opportunity for the people of Cincinnati t-j tlect to their Council Independent men; that the names were to go on Totals. 784 658 709 TotalsL 720 658 734 Roil-Off No. 11, 102; No. 6. 83.
NO. 8. South'K'n 148 162 138 ence games, are: NAME COLLEGE. T. FO.PAT.Tot.
153 89 126 Raleigh. 164 103 185 brothers and two sisters one of the niomer. rry. n. latter being the wife of Herr von 'wi" be- th "chltect of this pic-Bredow.
who was for some years es-1 turesque residence, Mr. Charles W. tablished at the embassy In Washing-! Short, hopes, by the middle of ton, and whose first wife was a November. Meanwhile Mr. and Mrs.
daughter of Senator Newlands, and Henry tre jomlciled with the rotmer'j therefore an American. Another sis- uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ter Is the Countess Kelserling, who Is Hofer, at their spacious place on the married to an eminent Russion. one; Grandin road.
Mrs. Henry arrived of the greatest modern philosophers 1 from her cottage at Camden, Maine, of Europe. New York two or three days ago. Other small functions will mark the the arrangements for her reception In Smith. 139 109 132 171148 E.NIepe.
131 131 NO. 4. RNIep'te 172 187 193 C.Weh'e. 182 158 147 K.Nlep'e 121 146 Kutarh. Iowa 6 3 4 49 38 Friedman, Michigan 4 1 11 Orannen, 163 166 133 Steins.
149 185 203 $700,000: Includes streets to be rebuilt entirely; Reading road, from Broadway to Florence avenue; Hamilton avenue, from Rockford place to Belmont avenue; McMillan street, from avenue, near Trenton avenue, and replacing West Fork Creek in part. New fire engine house, total $200,000: This will be a new engine house, replacing three old houses, one Osterbaan, Michigan i Gregory, Michigan 4 MerkobrRd. Purdue 4 Wilcox, Purdue 3 COMMITTEE TO MEET. I the. ballot by independent petition Prplaw, Minnesota 3 Auburn to Ohio avenue; Baymiller 1 of which has been condemned.
Com lonly: Prominent Cincinnat ar To Boost I 'i'here ere to be no parties. Salmi. Indians Totals. 777 764 734 NO. 10.
Mol'nk'p 163 137 182 Morm'n. 94 139 141 H.Nab's. 91 118 Woeste. 150 89 Kerkhoff 161 127 30 24 24 24 23 19 18 IS 18 18 14 13 13 11 Totals. 750 746 766 NO.
2. 148 147 1 19 K.NIeh'a 126 120 136 116 102 144 Kramer. 142 112 llnhm'rr 184 173 100 Kaberh's 110 honor of her debutante set for De panies now 209 Webster street, re-rcently ordered abandond; at Laurel and Cutter streets, and at Fifteenth and Plum streets, will occupy the new street, from Seventh to Bank streets; Woodburn avenue, from McMillan Htreet to Aamann avenue. Street resurfacing Issue, total Almqulst. Minnesota Joesttnff, Minnesota Grange, Illinois Radke, Wisconsin Gilbert.
Michigan brief sojourn of the Prince von Bismarck' in Cincinnati, these, however, being impromptu and Intimate. organisation, or clique indore-t-ntt. "Our premise of independent candi- cember 18, and various other charming functions for this attractive rosebud including Mr. and Mrs. Henry's- Judge W.
K. The Yeatman-foi-Judpo Committee, which is boosting the candidacy of Municipal Judge W. Meredith for Srhn'der. 125 100 Urlevs 12S Hogan. Iowa Race Totals.
714 711 008 S'-hlrmer. Iowa $604,000: Includes streets to be resur-( building at Fourteenth and faced; Madison road, from Woodburn streets. dsU. however is gone, glimmering," Kramer asserted, 'unless the people Today when the citizens of Cincln-jown dinner on December 23, before Totals, 141 60173 Nvuahu Minnesota.