The Minneapolis Star from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

BPtmiss stuviet 21. Accsintants ana AidHors Church Asks Truman to Drop Vatican Post Newman Club Here Sparks Drive on Indecent Books Led by a University of Minnesota student, the National New Albin Chapel Paul Albinson, Director 22CO AT 14f9 DAViES MORTUARY Funeral Services from $125 MAin 4351 Washburn-McReavy man Cluh wJpmtirvn hs nrxnr! a rtinnuHH ramnnirn tn eliminatp "indecent literature from th mails and newsstands. Dennis Duffy, president of the federation, said his organization will carry its fight from 400 campuses to 200,000 magazine racks throughout the country. Duffy launched the drive byj sending telegrams to Jesse M.i Donaldson, postmaster and J. Howard McGrath, attorney general, demanding that each "take immediate steps to end this flagrant violation of common decency having the apparent approval of the federal government." The telegram I to Donaldson demanded "the immediate suspension of the second-class mailing permits of the publishers of lewd and indecent magazines and periodicals now-flooding the newsstands of the nation." Both telegrams said that fifteen million questionable periodicals reach the American public every month." Periodicals which the organization seeks to ban are those which offend against one or more stipulations of the five-point code adopted by the National Organization for Decent Literature.

Duffy said that students at 'I it Iuffy I it, Jan. 21, 1959 1 1 AGITATED This Los Angeles, cat sits atop an overturned washing machine after she had stuck her tail in the works. Suspended from the machine, she started foaming at the mouth. Her mistress called police who came to the Oxboro Church to Commission Missionary Lola Brown, a graduate of Northwestern schools, Minneapolis, will be commissioned as a missionary to Ni- geria, liritisn jVest Africa, a service at Oxboro Free church at 7:30 p.m. Sunday.

I The commission- I ing charge and sermon will be given bv Dr. Harry Stamm, -v head of the mis- sions department at the schools. Miss Brown The four-year-old Oxboro church, which also supports missionary projects in Japan and Idaho, voted to sponsor Miss Brown at a New-Year's eve service. Money for equipment and travel expenses has been raised since then. She will leave for her new work by plane from Wold-Chamberlain field.

The sisters home is at service. A twin sister, Lois, already is on the Nigerian mission field. The sister's home is at Ireton, Iowa. CITIZENSHIP CLASS A class in citizenship and English for persons recently arrived from Norway will be held at Norwegian Memorial Lutheran church, beginning at 8 p.m. Monday.

ST 7Ti 1 Catholic colleges would assist thetendance and additional thousands Newman club members, who aretuined away, according to Boston 1 Dr. Graham in 1st Appearance Since Revivals Dr. Billy Graham, 31-year-old Minneapolis evangelist, will make his first local appearance tonight following his ighly-publi- cized revival a mpaigTLs in Los Angeles, and Boston, Mass. He will address a Youth for Christ rally in the Minne-a 1 is auditorium at 7:30 p.m. before an Dr.

Graham expected capacity crowd of 11,000 persons, according to George Wilson, chairman. Dr. Graham, who is president of Northwestern schools in Minneapolis, returned here today from Toronto, Canada, where he participated in a Youth for Christ conference. His Boston campaign ended Monday night in the Boston gar den with 16,000 persons in at newspapers. Doors for tonight's rally open at 6:30 p.m.

will 5 Clergymen From Twin Cities to Attend Parley Five Twin Cities' clergymen will be among 400 church and mission leaders who will attend the National Convocation on the City Church Monday and Tuesday in Columbus, Ohio. They are the Rev. Daisuke Kita-gawa. director of Japanese ministry for the Minneapolis Church Federation; the Rev. Bernard Hummel, rector of St.

Stephen's Episcopal church; Dr. Forrest L. Richeson, minister of Portland Avenue Christian church; the Rev. Douglas Henderson, director of Christian education for the Episcopal diocese of Minnesota, and the Rev. Alton M.

Motter, executive secretary of the St. Paul Council of Churches. The convocation will seek to develop "a unified, dynamic strategy to deal with the complexities of modern city life," with special attention to be devoted to minority group churches. A Home Missions congress will convene in Columbus Tuesday, continuing through Thursday. Problems of racial and religious minorities, postwar housing and health, urban and rural popula' tion trends and specific church programs for Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Haiti and Alaska will be discussed.

Kills Lover's Family MILAN, ITALY Special) mna on, 4U, went to Keep a date with her lover, Giuseppe Ric- ciardi, but found him absent from home. She picked up an iron bar and killed his wife and three children. Today she was sentenced to imprisonment for life. TVmHhr rolnmn of Broadtra newt and chatter every day In the Minne apolis iviomin? lnDUne. Adv.

rx7 3. OBITUARIES Ii0 FUHIBilS BEKG s-amul 65. of 17 Sun-t Bid on Thurs. Surrtvei by his v.le, Judith Aaujthter. Mi.

Vfrora Hughes. stireTeprrrt. in. Alias P. of FSushmg.

1 grandchild. Serr-wiii be held Laiewood Chajwi. Men. afternoon 1:30. ArrangantnU its Davies.

BF.KRIrOKD Joseph 63, ri-aenet 1700 Clinton av. on iiuit Survived by wile. 2 oausiue.s. Mrs. Aitprt stepson.

Mc.vta O. Hiil. all of 2 sifters. Mrs. Irie Xorotny trkrtjiaa, at St.

Paul; 4 grandchildren. Strivices Man. 1:30 p.m. at Weinder-Quisl Souta Chapri. C.liraso at 19Ui.

Interment CHKISTOPHERSOX William, ag 57, oq resideiitt SS47 Brooksiue Bloomlngtri Twp. Services Sat. 1pm. at the elandr-Quist. South Chapei, Chicago av at "9-th t.

Iotenneni, Kir-Glen age 64. of 33 Perm At. N. Fri. Survived by wife S.rah.

2 son John J. St George 2 brothers Harry all of Fred T. of Waseca, il-ter Mrs. Merle Thorpe of Va. Retired enr.olcyee ol Apple F.jver MlJIhj Cu.

Fur.rra! Men. 2 pm. Fox-Suilivan Fonerai Parlors, liio Central, iatermeot Laicewood. WINOVtN-Klars. of 1013 J6th av.

Fri. Widow of J. later. IJZIEKONSKl Helen. gt W.

of Green Bush. Mum. Survived by 4 daughters 3 soils. Services Ac interment Tut, at Green Busu. Mum.

Arrangements by Gili Brt.tne:s. Caroline, age i. 1923 Lincoln st tn Xnurs. Survived by ner huADand, Arthur sons Maurice LeRoy A. tmmett A.

ot Mpia. Daughters Mj-s. iame Rentrom Miss Yvonne iiasstiin of Mpls. M.vther. Mrs.

Lena Vasseur of Oaytuii. Minn. Brotn-ers Mitcneil. Gawiei and Atthur of Hapliaei ct Davtcn. Minn, Larence ol Ravei; listers.

Mrs. Ida Scnarber. Ropers. Mrs. Sophie Cunsemius.

Hastings. Mts. Marie Scott. oo: Mrs. Meiance Jonn-son, Mpis.

Kunerai Mon 8.3o a.m. from Kamviile Funcra. Chapel, solemn Re-quistii Hign 9 am. Our Lady of Luurdes Churcn. Interment Fort inciting temeuij.

HOB AN John age 60 vrs of 5536 Bryant So. Survived by hli wife. Margaret sons, John Rooert daughter. Mrs. Burton R.

Carlson; brothers, m. ail of Mpis. brother. Chlford M. of Duiuth, sisters.

Mrs. Catherine Hanlon, Mildred Hooan. funeral Monda 8.30 frtim Gleason Mortuary, 2Tth st Nicollet av. 9:30 at Annunciation church. Interment JRessurecUon cemetery.

KELLER Catherine age 59 years, 5317 3rd av. s. Survived by husband. Frank 2 sons, Robert A. Frank brother.

Owen T. Morris. 2 sifters. Mrs. Elizabeth Sutton of Mrs.

J. Thomas Smith Ssuk Centre. Minn. Funeral services Morida 10 a m. Flynn Mortuary Chapel.

36th ir Lvndaie a m. Church of the Annunciation. Kosaiy. Sunday at p.m. I.

AM BERT Robert II. are Pierce st. accidentaliy, on Thurs. Survived by beloved wife, Betty daught-r. Kathicen: 3 sons.

Robert Rnd parents. Mr. Mri--. ChriMopher Lambert: brother. Xennetit.

Servicrs Mon. Kt a m. Funeral Chapel, Rov F. Hunt. Director.

2.1I8 Central Interment Fort Spelling National cemetery. McINTYRF 4216 Washburn av. on Friday, age f0. Survived bv wife. Emma: son.

James 'Jim1; 2 brothers. Clifford of Ashton, S. D. Victor of Clark Grove. Minn.

Services Tuesday Sundseth Funeral Home. Interment Crystal Lake cemetery. McMONAGLE Fred of 303R 21st av S. Survived by wife Mary. 2 daughters Mrs.

BerEer Peterson. Mrs. Rasmer Abra-liamson. 3 grandchiidren. 1 brother Albert II.

McMonacle, 1 sister Mrs. Nora Gresh-am. both of Stockton. Calif. Services Monday 1:30 p.m.

McOivitt Funeral Home. -'S2; E. Lake Burial Lakewood Cemetery. MO DIG Andrew, afe 44. res.

IfiOl 27th st. Servioes Sat. 3 p.m. at Welan-der Quist (Suth Chape; i. Chicago av at 19th.

Services Jlrni. 2 m. at Grace Lutheran Church, Brandon, Minn. MOONEY Peter ase 74. of rVH4 Losan N.

surived hy mife. Margaret. Services 1 p.m. Monday at Hanson-Nuyent, 2116 Nicollet. Interment Gien Havea cemetery.

ONV Mabel. 41. 817 E. 17th on Friday. Survived by husband.

Axel; mother, Mrs. Hannah Foss; sisters, Mrs. Carl Ludvigson. Mrs. Oscar Larson.

Mrs. Martin Stirrup. Mrs. Eric Hanson; brothers. Carl John George Clarence H.

Foss. Services 1 p.m. Monday at Enger Funeral Home. Interment Crystal Lake. PARKH1LL Capt.

Roger residence 4420 Columbus av. killed In action on Bataan. Survived by mother. Mrs. Ma; M.

Parkhill: 1 sister. Mrs. Zona M. EriciLson; 1 niece. Marcia Lee Erickson, all of Mpls.

Graveside services Mon. 1 pm. at Fort Snelhag National cemetery. Arrangements with Welander-Quist (South Chapelt. Chicago av at 19th.

Family requests no flowers. PAVELKA Arthur age of Hopkins, on Frt. at Swedish hospital. Survived by wife, Matilda; 2 sons, Alfred and Francis: 2 brothers. George and John; 2 sisters.

Mrs. Joseph Tesarek, Mrs. Amanda Ronshar. Services 2:30 p.m. at John Hus Presbyterian Church.

Hopkins. Interment Church Cemetery. Arrangements with Stro-beck-Hauge. RCALLFN Paul Joel, of 521 5th av. PE.

Infant son of Mr. Mrs. Joel F. ScaJ-Icn: also survived by 1 sister. Kathleen: Erandnarenfj.

Mr. Mrs. Frank Mr. Mrs. Edward G.

HeLseth. all of Mp's. Furcrai services Mondav 10 a m. at the Wa. hbU'-n-McReavy Chapel, corner of 4th fe Central.

interment Hillside. 41 Julia. see 73. 2742 N. Survived bv imr husband, William 3 daughters.

Mrs. C. W. Neuninser. Mrs.

Bermce Wyttenback. Mrs. David Kiatke: 1 son. Donald; 1 brother. Patrirk lienry Finn' 2ft grandchildren, 39 great grandchildren.

Serv-Ups at Knaebe chap. Mon. 8 30. Requiem Miss St. Anne's church 9 a.m.

Interment St. Anthony. SINCLAIR Robert, age 7fi. res. 1723 Ruflaell sv on Fri.

Survived by Ills Wifa. Teresa: j.tuhters. Mrs. Margaret DyBay of Mrs. Katliryn at Zniurri.

4 srandsons: brother, William; A- sister. Mrs. Julia Haynes. both of Calif. Funeral services Mon.

1:30 pm Welander-Qutst iN'orth Chapeli. 1200 W. Broadway. Interment St. Mary's cemetery.

SMITH Charles Joseph, a re 69. residence 2300 Lvndaie av S. Survived by wife, Charlotte; 1 son. John: daughters, Mrs. W.

L. Santuccl. Mrs. F. T.

Linsmayer 2 grandchildren, ail Mpls. Services Sat. 1 pjn. at Gill Brothers Cn'o-i. Interment St.

Mary s. STEVENS Craig infant sn of Mr. A Mrs. Arthur J. Stevens, 2525 E.

2Mb st. Service Monday, 1:30 p.m. at the AlbinAon Chapei. Chicago av. at 17th st.

Interment OakhiU. SVITAK Alice, ase 70. of 2iis Grand passed away Jan. 20. Funeral no-ti later.

The Albin Chapei, 2200 Ntc-cilet, Paul Aibinson, director. SWENSON Lens of 3040 James av S. Survived by son Austvn. Springfield. sister Mrs.

Henry Halverson. Farlbauit, brother John P. Mois. Funeral notice later. Arrangements Wetness Brothers.

THOMPSON Grace Whitaker. 79. Service 30 a.m. Monday Joe Bil. man's House of Flcwers.

2121 Nicollet. Interment Minn. VICFNTO Maibew. on age of 41.43 Kmx No. Sjivived hy his Julia' 4 sons.

John. Stephen Pefr: 3 Helen A- Ann.3. 7 ei andiiii dren. Funeral 8. .10 Kapaiii Funeral Hme.

P.e-ouiem Ma. 9 o'clock. St. C-'-nstTit oe church. L'niv.

A 6th av NT. Interment St. Mary cemetery. Parastas 8 o'clock Fii. nisfct.

W.ALZI.K Philip, 110 F.lwoJ w. Ace 71. On Thursday. Survived by wife. Rose; son.

daughter. Mrs. Bess Giazer. Funeral 2:30 Sunday from Zees-man's. VI AT TEN' Mrs.

Christine at Ane'a. N. D. on Friday, age 77. formerly of 2917 4th N.

Survived by son Aivin of Zumbrota. 2 Mrs Oiaa So.berg. Aneta. Mrs. Bertha Mo.

1 bro ther Johnsc.n of Mrjls 6 grandchildren 3 great grandchildren. Services Monday 1'30 m. Sundseth Funeral Home. Interment Crystal CEMSTEBT LOTS XTT Acacia Pars cemetery' Si' hts'crtc pi-e arnor fte vowr chotee. 1.

FUNER4L DIRECTORS SWAKSCN MORTUARY l'lO T-irriT A 7 FT MSI Youth Rally to Mark Conference in Evangelism A youth rally tonight and two special services Sunday will end the fourth annual conference on evangelism of the Evangelical Lutheran church at Central Lutheran church. The Rev. Everett Gilbertson, Brookings, S. president of the International Luther THE JnXNXATOLIS State Pastors' Conference Record Seen Advance registration indicates that the ISth annual Minnesota Pastors' conference here Jan. 30 to Feb.

1 will be the largest in history, it was announced today. The conference will be at Central Lutheran church, under spon sorship of the Minnesota Council. of Churches. Among speak- esr will be Dr. Edwin P.

Booth of Boston university, Boston, head of that university's department historical theology. Dr. Booth Is also pastor of the Community i Dr. Booth Methodist church at Islington. and author of a number of religious biographies, including Martin Luther, Oak of Saxony.

He will speak three times to the conference on development of Catholic and Protestant piety as It is related to Augustine, St. Francis and Luther. Opening speaker will be Dr. Robert J. McCracken, pastor of Riverside Baptist church.

New York, N. Y. His subject will be The Church Diagnosis and Prescription. Upper Midwest News Notes N'eiter Erickson, Deadwood, R. police chief, prepared to resume his job after a jury acquitted him of a first degree manslaughter charge in the slaying of JiVm Gorham.

About 120 AFL employes ended a three-day strike against Gateway Transportation La Crosse, Wis. The new contract gives immediate laises of 7 to 9 rents and automatic raises of 3 and 5 cents an hour in 1930 and 1951. Earl Mann. 57, farmer near Drumniond, who killed his wife and then turned his gun on himself, died at Ashland. The Kaffe fest, civic celebration at Willmar, was set for Jne 30 and July 1.

Verl Schoon, 19, darks Grove, and Kenneth Myers, Webster City, Iowa, were held at Austin, under $1,000 bond each on burglary charges growing out of break-in of a cafe. The North Dakota Association of Fairs, meeting at Grand Forks, named Tony Lill, Fessenden, as president and adopted a resolution asking removal of federal amuge-Ynent taxes on agricultural fairs. Roy P. Glodt of Gettysburg, S. and his bride ran Into trouble on their honeymoon trip.

Thieves took 51,000 worth of clothing from their car at Kansas City, Mo. Later, they were in a co.lixion that did $200 damage to ihcir car and Glodt must appear in court on a careless driving charge. Board Favors School 7f lVlcryGl board of Harley Hopkins i The school district 135 has gone on record favoring proposed merger of the area with three other school districts in Hopkins and Edina, and in Minnetonka and Eden Prairie townships. John A. Moorhead, chairman of the board, said all residents of the district will be urged to support the consolidation plan.

Districts which would be merged include Harley Hopkins, Hopkins If), Oak Knoll 133 and Burwell 52. No election date has been set. Red Cross Credit on Pensions Studied Time spent by teachers with the American Red Cross would be included in considering retirement if the city council approves the recommendation of its ways and means committee. It vfould be the first of the four municipal pension systems authorizing uth credit. Nathan Harris, research engineer, in his report to the committee, said that 10 teachers are involved, that the cost for 1D49 would be $172.50.

and that the aggregate total cost involved would from $6,037 to -depending on the age of retirement. Salem to Install Four Councilmen Four newly-elected councilmen of Salem English Lutheran church win be installed at 11 am. Sunday by Dr. Taul Luther Wetzler, pastor. They are Clark Holm, Norman Jensen.

Lambert Molacek and Frank Brady. Frances Gilmore Miiier, harpist. will be guest artist at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services. TO PLAN CONFERENCE Flans for a regional religion and labor conference will be made at a meeting Wednesday noon at Downtown YMCA.

12- yom hoKts op. mine Individ, rax returns ve-v rems Td Arota rn I FL EXPERIENCE MAY saVs vet' TAX Former income tsx SIM IPt.l a Reus, rates. FL 474. INCOME TAX SERVICE M. Aas.

T. Fraisltri DRAFTING ACCOl'xrlN 1'i N't lea tco ia-e cr too V-A PR ACCOUNTANT iudits. "bock Went has. Re yrs. exp.


TAXES RFPCKT RTAJ. JTY "INCOME TAX SERVICE. rasrable DlTfclL 727. Ashes and Rubbish Hauling PROMPT A P.EASOXAStE" Ahes and nibblsli re reeve Lisht hanl- Jr. GE 4t.

LOW cost ailies robhlsh. Vet would ca.i. At. re YET hau's a snes A nibth Johasca. st A Vth S.

PA "WAS needs wore, ruia tish Pleaje 7F( ArlES A rubbish cn acrt r- ice. m.vl r. VET needs A would apsr-cia-e ha-llr ashes A rurih PR VETERAN, new d-7mp trirk. Affes, ruV bih. dirt snd Kl' VET "LIGHT ASilEt A P.CBBiyH, REASONAELP 4n.

1'AltLING ASHE. runbuh." ar.vtMntT ker.Lo. prjee. II S4-1, AT 7f4fl. VET Aslios.

ruri'ish. cans, $1!irhaiinf ru ASHKS RUBBISH'. 'CUTP. PA 4IC. SCTH SC1TH "VET would hauline ashes rubbish fr.r ym.

Rcas. PA W.n. DO ariv iient Ciean-p and pdd Jr. SO GrSlERAI. hsu'ins.

ar.v kind. A-'hes A rubbish. Veterans. I.I 5759 Blinds. Shades VENETIAN BLINDS Hew.

and rera'B-lr-c. shades trsv'rie rods. Eree eat PU MODERN SHrE H7? V1AA Hf APEX COXrPI.ETP ASSORTVIfNT. ET71W. COLORS.

APEX BUNTS. HIGHEST OVAt.TTY. LCW8ST LAKE ST LO fC7 WIND. Shades A Venetian Blinds to oidei. Abbott Wirfliw Shade AT 29.

Builders and Contractors Kitchen Contractors Complete Remodeling SERVICE POTPOTNT rT5HWAPHTR5. TTPO-ALLS METAL CABINET rORM-1CA OR L1SOUTM CO'JVTER TOPS. CALL or KK US FRE ESTIMATES. Only in Town 36 on Balance, Vangen-Anderson ArPLlANCE CO Take at A Irvine S. Own Wed Friday ucttl m.

pt, rfif GARAGES SIDING OVER SRATHTJ4 $465 B3T QUALITY at a Lew Price TTRMS rCor-truf-llan CO WH 65 Special Prices for Jar. WARREN'S OlNTRAnniu. Banod. all kinds. waterproof Inf.

Tl.e walls A f.oors. Metal St wood cabinets installed. ST Free Estimates HY Btwo "WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS Pumps, well drlllln vuppUes H. RENNER SON'S WELL, CO. A 1170, Hwy.

a Quebec. S. Loi! Commercial Remodeling A GOOD JOB AT A REAS. PPICE T. RUTLEDGE WH 31 7 OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOFS Yoiir rxors Converted to Over-lead LINCOLN.

HILLS KARDWAPJl S70Pennav S. 1 pl REMODELING Our specialty Is imaH. ment ri-na. etc to 36 mot. to Day.

V.H 823. CH 1091 GARAGES MERLES CONSTPUCnOft CO CO 6749 1 Jif CH T.SS fetLP storine Comb, windows. Best deaT lu town. Self Storing Window 2613 gtevens. LO eves.

BR 5M2. REMODELING caipenter work, painllng. spraylnit. cement work and waterproof- lns. Guar.

Ins. PL 31fT. BUILD REMODEL REPAIRS COMMERCIAL A PJESIDrfTiAL PREB ESTIMATES GARAGES Con let Builders BE 7548 NEW homes built A modernlr. Get our plans free estimates. JORGENSO.V Const ru rt 1 --n zl'J Floors Sag? GR 8883 KITCHEN CAPINETS P1RCH OR PINST FIT ANSPACEEV5 KITCHEN CABINETS.


KITCHEN CAP.LNSTS MADE TO CR-DKR. FRF EST. PROMPT DEL. GR 7T18 WE FIX sargtns hooses. porches, etc AAA Adlnstabe Post Co.



Cement Worli, Waterproofing ViREPI.ACES. "bs'stments r-T work, new repairs K5.s. CPMEST WORK. reslden'Ul A rrrriT jnerrlaL Bonded insured piM "OLD basernenis cemented A waterpror.fetT 40 up. HY KM, BAsem*nT floors, cement cttimney repairs.

Free ert. P. rt "33. Cloth WROUGHT IRON RAILS, INSTALLEO DR 391 Model Iron 0'lLaEve)l. HY5f.

34. Dressmaking and Alterations EXPERT dressmakinr A tTyrTT Prompt service. CO Jiin J5.Eteciric Repairtne Servico Wiring a pepairing 1 1 3 3 an PA 6qo NEW HOL'S'E A Wi.VUiER CIA IRLS ST FREE ESTIMATES. WH 1912 ELECTRIC WIRING COMMERCIAL A LICENSED Elect fician. est.

Job too tnull. WHJ74n. 36. Exterminators and Fumlgators COMPLETE PEST "CONTROL SERVlCf for household insects, rat A Ll-ense! lumieator. PLUNKXTT 313 16th at.

Qg S.4 EXrERM rau. mice. moUu, rfches bdbuK3, etc. WcrU suar. Free est.

Radium S.prar Co. Since P.E 029T J7. Floor Reflnlshing I Resurfacing LA YING SANDING REEINIS KING" Modern Machines A EdeerA Ail Tyr-s fandme Mactiines pente P-ee Estimates DR SANDiNfj' ii" REFINISHING. tap! Latf-s; dart. ess equip.

Free e. Reas. hrifon V'AjtiT SANDING FTn'TsIHNC eiT perience. CO Ii. Jiar.vri.

Sao? GR 8ES3 TOR RENT New T.iiJr aiiidj's. buffers vibrators. PA CO CALL ROY HULT. DP. SfTS for and refmt.ine Free eet.

Pai FirjOR. rl SAS'DED l-i-nur r(nlfv ra. 33. Furnace Repairing Cleaning Furnace, Boiler Rrnairs to Fit All Makei DUNHAM SCOTT CO. 17 1PD ST AT Z.ti FURNACE Cl.EANIN'; A EEPA'lP a.

eat. 39.a0 ns a .1 ed 1 41. Insulaljow Weatherstrlpplng ir: ulate wTni" wool PiCHEtELD YARDS. INC OF MPT-. Rt 51.

eve WH 1B4 PE 613 in 7l INSULATE A tourTlri ro''. Fre esTimates. Ca.i eves. A 5- GE 44.t T.THER.srp.IP saveli all. 1.7"( windows, 75 or.

-1 et-PL 3432. 42. Lawn and andsapt Sarvio ARECR TREE SERVICE TOP-TR powtp sawed 13 yr CHf Inaured: Free st Ttt PLP7M T'S" TPEL "SER VICE Wasninrfm N. 33 Yra. fr fyeAL 4.

13. After riours "OS TREE SERVICE Trjn. tro, renwveT ejt. Reas. rates.

LI 517. 45. Moving, ttorage, Shipping LET WVE YOU MCNfTi Loral ion distan'e trnymt. U-fV d-e vtru res'! i ir litre. Free et FISHER TRANSFER PR V'T.

PIAXCiS. P.LFRIG. Tarnitijr'e. EX PERT MOV'FPS, 1 V7EN. ti.SO bur.


AT Ere; rr. 6s '1 WE WILL SAV2 YOU SneV Pianos, ap.isnces. rarniture; ioral-lora; et. 4 Moving AC57I lZTfi' EXPERIENCED m7lSC b'v-jrs truweq service. Transfer. cartage! pa r.7; Contrajt HaaWnt P.eas EXPERT piano A refn. ratraiT Lorint T-ans Tl st MA ST. LCUL5 PK. DELIVXP.Y SFRVIC-" Prpr. A LVird MAN with nw 1-T P4n hi'-linj.

AL 7014. President Truman was asked here in a resolution adopted by the general board of the Evangelical Free Church of America not to appoint a successor to Myron Taylor, resigned envoy to Che Vatican. Two years ago, the board sent a telegram to the President urging him to recall Taylor. In other business, the board voted to change the site of its gold star memorial fund radio station from China to Japan. A committee composed of the Rev.

Arley Bragg and the Rev. A. J. Thorwall, both of Minneapolis, was named to investigate the part the church could play in bringing displaced persons to this country. Dr.

A. T. Olson, Minneapolis, reported that of 106 churches to vote on proposed merger of the Evangelical Free Church of America (Swedish) and the Evangelical Free Church Association (Norwegian-Danish) all but one have approved. Board sessions, which ended Friday were at First Evangelical Free church. College President to Give Sermon Dr.

S. C. Eastvold, president of Pacific Lutheran college, Parkland, will speak at 9:45 and 11 a.m. Sunday at St. Anthony Park Lutheran church.

i subjects will be "Partners With God" and "What a Soul Is WTorth." Dr. Eastvold is in the Twin Cities for the evangelism conference of the ,4 Dr. Eastvold Evangelical Lutheran church. He will confer with college and seminary president here Monday. FILM TO BE SHOWN A sound movie, The Power of God, will- be shown at 8 p.m.

Sunday at Temple Baptist church. No admission will be charged. Dr. Howard Conn on Church of Air Dr. Howard J.

Conn, minister of Plymouth Congregational church, will speak on the Church of the Air over the Columbia Broadcasting System at 9:30 a.m. Sunday. The broadcast will originate from WCCO. Dr. Conn's topic will be "On the Edge of the Spiritual." Hymns will be sung by the Plymouth chancel choir directed by Arthur B.

Jennings. Sacred Concert West high school choir, directed by Victor Hansen, will present a program of sacred music at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at the Cathedral Church of St. Mark. Robert Wetz-ler.

West high student, will be organist. The concert is open to the public and an offering will be taken. CLEAR CHANNEL JEFF CLARK Eileen Wilson tunes of the sing the week on "YOUR HIT PARADE" 8:00 P.M. IACKT STRIKE CIGARETTES 1 HANK SNOW Canadian folk singer, guests with Minnie Pearl and singing emcee. Red Foley, en 'GRAND CLE CPRY" 9:00 P.M.

FRIrE ALB EST i' If, 1 I L. mm end op FT. Vi TXAPJ 5 CEN 1'HAL AT I'M Gleason Mortuary ITth and Nicollet Barney Anderson Son 3H44 Chicago st. LO 0771 A R-Q I CO. WEST CHAi EL SOITH CHAPtL NORTH CHAPEL KtTWOOd 2205 A 1 HY'aoc 9201 BILL MAN Funeral Chapel dan jr rct v.




163. A.K. AM. lil'i limetson a N. Special wiBiDiunkatlon Sat.

Jn. at ta cotwuct lunrai lare brother. William Rosx. Lodte looms p.m.. We.andei -waist, tNorUj cliapeli.

Pm' JOIWBjnNGlVM Hennepin Lodge No. 4. A. F. i A.

M. Funeral ertce lor Jyat late Worshlplul Brother. Sam-JtX uel I. Berg mill be conducted "Se at Lakew.od Chapel, Jan. 23 1:30 pm- C.

W. CHRISTENSEr W. M. 2. TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL BOTH nitAJJEKS ADVERTliiiKa AKE arced to ezexdsc caution In ar-rantinx automobU transportation with other IndlTldoals.

Refez-mces should eTchai.eed and ra re: t-1 ipTesrl gated THAVElTIit dally. V.orrls. BrecS- (nndte, Firgo. Grsnd Flu Llcdcrtiach Bus it CF498S TAKE one Tampa. Florida, about FeO.

New O.cU. CrrniMtnlonship Trefer ddv- tt. Write 68 Star and Trihune. YOUNG couple ibare luto expense to Mexico City Refer, each. Wrtta 5231 Star and Tribune.

WANT passengers to California, leavlnf Jan. 23 HY 0579. Bob. 15. LET'S SEE THE TO WN SLEIGH RIDES DU 0430 HAY RIDES.


LOST AWD FOUMP REWARD Ostrich leather billfold list in or near Lutheran church. Jan. 1. Owner's name ensraved: J. M.

Hobnes. CE days W41 6oP2 eves liOST Collie. Name Rearo 575. information teadlnr to safe return. Tall solden.

white ruff around neck. 3 white legs. rt. front brown. Dr.

Bantle. 1S00 Miss. River St. PauL EM 8..15. RK 6813, CE LOST at Great Northern depot or Yel-IcrW cab.

Mon. A.M., Jan. 9. Brown leather zipper case contamlnc business papers. TartKalariy interested In return ofpaoers.

LI f.671. LOST Maje black A white English et-ter, 3 yrs. old. brown on muzrle A feet. Name Nick.

c. w. HlUbert. SO 9901 or MA Till. REWARD.

LOST Mini sold weHSing rlnf. er-(raved Inside. JH to WJ 6-2S-49. Reward 378. 1X)ST Sappntre bracelet.

Platinum set ith 39 iarrlhlrea. Jan. 13. Rew. St.

Paul. Kl, 2121. 13ST Vi. Grand A Lake, light brown billfold, paoeis desired, wm. Hull.

Call AL P24S Heward. I.O:T ldv's gold wrist watch. In front oi Crowley Feme Friday, Jan. 20. iucre ffr reward.

"LOST Thurs. vl, Armory hand tooled cijrw.g tan leat.ier purse. Kew. Call K-ecti 1ft ctillect. i'art co*cker dog.

black with white chin, wearlne toliar. Vic. 71s. A Knrx An.t. to Pat pet.

WJJ 14W. BOOTSIK" A WhTte female vie. nth av SE. f'o Rew. LOST, child's pet.

whe. tin 4blk. wire haired terrier, Urenre. Tttea. IB lvp.

PR bf.77 or HO 5(i3fi LOST Jan. 13, brown ieatJier sipper notebook. Nar Arena or on strtetear. GR QUI 2. LOST Vicinity Lakes black and whits cat.

Peter." HI 2t)JS). LOST Hamilton wrist watch vie! Snd av 4th st so. Rew. ST 43S LOST RETD -VHEL HAND TRUCK. REWARD.

PA IT9 SETTiiR. white" and tan, missing slnct Jan. 1. PR 3r.98. PEWARD Grip lost on Hiwy.

19 near Hlwy. 55. Vlken Lor -It Q. 1 Ml IOST bck co*cker puppv, part poodle fern. 562j Grand.

RE OJ.m. LOST, bloiid ctx-ser spaniel, answers to naxn St. PJ.1 ic H5C04 LOST 4u Plym. wheel, hlue: vie. SOth Oliver st J.

Rew. 0440. LOST Lady lapel watch, Courthouse Reward. GU 3659. lri white csmetlc case.

Nr. Washburn Hi. Wed. RE 04f'4. LOST Black coin purse.

Int. DP, 'me keys i ng rd LIlb34 -3i5sT Black Lif-old Sunday, lnltlalel CPA." Reward. LO FOUND Stray dead-grass Cheaapeaka vie. 41 a P. A 3JEiJ 18.

PERSONALS 25 REWARD Information adlng to present wnereaoouts of George s. Jatin A re-loverv of 34 Dodge 4 motor No. 2V1175 57. serial SOKWiil. 1941 i.e.

7-QU All ronrider.tlal. 11. J. Ill' PB-'AJll ANYONE who nt ticed slrkenir.g A rauecus fumes In Lyrda bus" wriTe card ti Maor ho*r, re- cueitlr Mra. "WANTITD- 12 or har.d for ten-s danc-s Saturday msMs frr-m to 1 jo Writ eJ 2 4 2S a ra nd Tri bune.

WANT 2 tl'kets to "Mr. Roberts," sr.y- rr e. any price LO WHEF.LCHAIP. FOR RENT T9. P-HSOWALS.

BUStltESS Tamp parts repairing" sorke-s. chimneys. A jru for any or all lamps 'trilled A lrr.r Call or for pr-'-es Appliance y. PK r4? WALL TILE xert lns'allan Satrir A- kitchen' wall tile. Call Lewis MA 3113 nite or djv VEW HOWARD PEST HOSPITAL Peaceful, surroundings.

Overiooe-lni Morrison P. car for elderly, cenvaiearent. 'tients. hiiur nurslcg service. 2116 2nd a at HAVING trojb'e locating tna'erlai-s nd" Will ct aa tn bmrlness in New York CVy and imry.

v. r. Ivx t. Grand Central Y. n.

Y. Trim Ledy rcaucirg ss'cn jca1 rrt redtK-Sng trMWBU fl Sa iw wi'a Ny 10 for iK GE T449 fy "yicole'. syl'e 31 "PLASTIC COUNTER TOPS generative La Tina t'jn, lnc CO 271 INVISIBLE dm4J ciotl-irg r-woven. Low prke. orders.

Wii-ard Wearers. LI MIX rer QUALiTT 'wail tlVe. toot ie It't. cabmeta rail Bob. LI or OTt 04'-' Kre down pa.

mart. SHIRT ST.ttVBS SHORTENED rrtJON'S. ICrnit Bill AT TiTIIOS rrau'ls, 3 V) per we'k. W. Cfayri, 4 Mirt, LI grvw." Flieer Print LI I ANSTTEFi te.ephosea 5 s'sL servi space.

AT BUSINESS SERVICE 26. Accountants and Aodrtor STL'APT L.VCOME TAX SERVICE yp 5. 3rd st. Mt. Life dg.

Open tn 'ice. ever-TZS 4k we-ers, by appointment. 47Ci. stuaents at secular colleges ana universities, in the campaign. Pastor Is Given Leave for Study, Travel Abroad A two-month leave of absence to study and travel in Europe next summer was given the Rev.

John W. Rilling, senior pastor of St. John's Lutheran church of Washburn Park, at the church's annual congregation meeting. The leave was voted in recognition of the 20th anniversary of Mr. Rilling's ordination.

In his annual report Mr. Ril- Mr. Rilling ling disclosed that the congregation's baptized membership now exceeds 2,000 persons. The congregation's contributions for benevolences last year totaled more than $11,300. Officers elected at the meeting include Melvin S.

Anderson, president; Byron M. Smith, vice president and chairman of the board of deacons; Thomas Conners, secretary; Alfred Gorsky, treasurer, and C. O. Mortrud, financial secretary. Cly W.

Johnson was elected president of the board of trustees. Czech Clergy Sign CZECHOSLOVAKIA i The official Czech news agency claimed today that Roman Catholic priests throughout the country are "joyously" signing oaths of allegiance to the Commu-: nist-dominated government as by the new church control i laws. Clergy of other faiths also are signing the oaths, the agency said. This is necessary if clergymen are to receive their salaries from the government. CBS in the Twin I Gene Autry Western music, WCCO I Vaughn salutes Delta 1 Cities i i i league, will speak at the youth rally, which begins at 7:30 p.m today.

A missionary will be held at prayer congress 4 p.m. Sunday with Dr. Philip in S. Dybvig charge. The Rev.

Er-1 1 Jacobson, Moorhead, will speak at concluding sion at 8 Sunday. The following conference leaders from out of Mr. Gilberton town will oc cupy Minneapolis area pits Sunday morning: ELC pul- Rthl. A L. AhrKliunson.

Yankton. S. 8. D. Mwtrn.

I Crcwse, Hik.i Immanufl. S. I. TUakMB, Kdinburt. N.

Lake oknmi. Fvrrftt CtltKTtsnn, Brookings retn. Rof (ilMnsnn, n. El i I A 11. 1 Sent.

Told. National City. J. fi. Stolrr.

Bawir. Canada: Wnodlake. Clarc A. M. Benson.

Storden. and Zion, K--Mjr Difhlin, Brooklyn. N. T. 50,000 WATTS 'LASSIE" itan In 'Th Wog" this mora ing at 10:00 A.M.

BED HTA.RT DOG FOOB nJ ANDY WALSH is just one of the gang yen'U hear on the "KSTP BARN DANCE" 8:30 PM Standard Oil 10:15 P.M. Staley "Sweetese" the tJ1 tTi iTBhX Fill A UIIHlWllllMi v. irv- vr -y -v r. I--- Monro Phi Theta 7:00 p.m. i fun and drama.

1 totAc Gangbusters 8:00 p.m. Enjoy the exciting "Cae of the Four Feathert" Vaughn Monroe 8:30 p.m. Vocalist Susan Miller is Vaughn's guest tonight. Sing It Again 9:00 p.m. 4 mountain of cash and merchandise for the right answers on Dan Seymour's full-hour musical quiz.

STR( HO EERTCH MORTUARY V-A-7. A 741 ENGE'R FUNERAL hCME FLYNN MORTUARY LYXDALE A7 CO Kapa'a Furera1 Hcxa BR. 3721 White Furera! Homa RE 7264 PETER KCZLAK 1 7 18" LEE MORTUARY MA 8731 CH 23C4 Cakiey-Eisrkiund Kr I9C0 FOX-SULLIVAN 1244 Knaebles, 513 Plym.HY 9636 buckisgxr rus-taAiTHcja Central KB. GRlvt lar-t-i PLTMOUTa ETY 4 S'SSTtTiTrCyrt'e-kL MVfT fct. iri LV.VDAiA A aire av K.


The Minneapolis Star from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.