Vinegar Chicken With Crushed Olive Dressing Recipe (2024)



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I award it the Pullet Surprise!

Tim Huddleston

I do like olives but they aren't a favorite. Would a combination of olives and capers be OK? Or would the tang of the capers compete with the flavors of the chicken?


We found our new chicken favorite. Perfect. Suggest not tampering with it. If you don’t like the ingredients, find another recipe before un-creating this one. In my oven, 25 minutes at 450°F leaves the chicken beautifully brown and juicy. A layer of aluminum foil will help keep the pan clean. Try spreading some of the marinade in the pan before adding the chicken. Move the chicken pieces around to coat the bottoms, then pour the rest of the topping over the skin sides.

Frederick Tibbetts

Variations. For the vinegar, substitute the juice of one whole lemon, plus its zest. Instead of green olives alone, consider a mix of olives of different colors, including some kalamata, crushed and pitted. Bearing in mind that the parsley is going to wilt, not cook, add to it some fresh basil leaves, or some dried herbs, like thyme, tarragon, or marjoram. Any of these changes will play well with the chicken and turmeric.

Far and Sure

Is there a reason to not mix the vinegar with the turmeric and olive oil? Won't pouring the vinegar over the chicken wash off the mix? Not asking for a friend.

Debra Silkman

I'm not sure what happened to my note, so here goes again...don't use cast iron, it reacts with the acid and makes the dish taste tinny.Use a sheet pan instead.


a note on turmeric -- there have been high levels of lead detected in tumeric, especially from India and Pakistan. Packaging does not need to provide information with origin of powder, just place of packaging. People have been advised to purchase new tumeric if you are using an older pack -I live in the UK so I do not know if this information has been distributed in the USA also: made this chicken.... loved it

Glenda Corning

This was a hit... comes together quickly and is absolutely delicious! A few notes that might be helpful. Eight chicken thighs are about 3 pounds. An 8-oz jar of Castelvetrano olives yields 1 1/2 cups olives. Lastly, it is really important to grate the garlic so it is not overwhelming as it is never cooked. I love this main dish paired with farro and sauteéd spinach. It is elegant, simple and delicious!

Sheryl Reich

The recipe was immediately appealing, but my husband of 24 years finally confessed that he "didn't get much out of bone-in chicken", so I tried it with boneless breasts and kept an eye out for overcooking. It totally worked. If anything, the tumeric measurement is a bit too modest. Served it with mashed potatoes and parsnips.


Full disclosure: I haven't cooked this, yet. I will change Step 1 before even cooking it, though. I don't mind an extra dish to clean, such as a deep bowl, to toss ingredients before putting them into a rimmed baking sheet. I learned that lesson (losing pieces to the floor) a long time ago.

John Mark

Wonderful recipe! Cooking for olive haters? I love them but my husband hates them so I generally don't cook with them. Instead I used chopped mushrooms (about 1.5 cups) and sundried tomatoes (around 1/4 cup) along with the garlic and parsley. It was delicious. (Might have been even better with olives but maybe next time.)Also didn't have turmeric but used Indian five spice instead, and balsamic instead of white wine vinegar (it's what I had).Lots of room for variation with this recipe.

Doug Peddie

I would imagine this could be done in a cast iron pan vs a baking sheet? Liking the addition of capers, lemon juice and crushed peppers.


Easy to follow recipe. Turned out very well. Made a couple of modest modifications. Added some lemon zest and juice of a lemon to the olive and parsley dressing. Also added a few capers and a bit of smoked paprika. Accompanied chicken with caponata and corn on the cob. To be honest, polenta would have been ideal to sop up the dressing. Had a Nero d'Avola with this dinner.


To make this a complete one pan meal I added halved small potatoes to the pan and served it on top of several leaves of lettuce (Boston or bib). Chicken and potatoes cooked the same time and the sauce served as the dressing. I agree with the comments to add lemon and I will Also cut back on the olive oil next time. Turmeric doesn’t provide much more than color. Maybe a nice substitute will be paprika.

M. Toft

I added crushed Maras pepper flakes to the chicken before it went into the oven, and lemon juice to the olive mixture to perk it up. Absolutely delicious!


Made this again after not liking it that much the first couple of times. Swapped in some sweet paprika and it made a tremendous difference. Totally delicious now. About a 9.6/10.


This is really lovely, a real keeper. But "deep brown" in 25-30 min.? Not even in an hour. I plan to try it again with half the vinegar.


I bought the olives at Zabar's in Manhattan. Even tho they are not as salty as Spanish green olives, I still chose to rinse them and I was glad I did.


Interestingly on Youtube she doesnt put vinegar in the chicken, only in the bowl with olives. My hack - was combine the olive garlic parsley mixture, and after you remove the chicken, put the mixture on the sheet pan and put it BACK in the oven for one minute. Warms it all up and the garlic gets a bit of roast.


Very good! More herbs, a little longer in the oven. Delicious with pasta and a green salad


Dont make this recipe. I love this app but this recipe is so bad it should be taken down. There’s strangely not enough flavor and the chicken doesn’t get crispy. 0/10

Michele W Missner

I made this twice in the last week and it’s a great, easy recipe. Last night I made it for company and inadvertently left out the vinegar! The main difference was the skin didn’t get brown. I used a combination of Greek olives and green olives that I had in the refrigerator. I put them in the food processor with the garlic and parsley. You could use a bottled olive salad like Boscoli for the olives. Probably any muffuletta olive salad would work with this excellent recipe.

Michele W Missner

Made this last night. Delicious. It’s a winner. I did put the olives, garlic and parsley in a food processor and added quartered potatoes to the pan to cook with the chicken.

shea melnick

I think the deglazing step was omitted from the directions. No step including garlic or water.


It’s in Steps 3 & 5.


This is—by far—my favorite chicken recipe in. the. world. Easy, relatively cheap, scalable for either a small family or a crowd, great as leftovers, and impressive for guests. I've made this dozens of times and it never disappoints. I'm so grateful to Alison Roman for this one. THANK YOU, GODDESS.


Delectable ! Ran out of turmeric and used smoked paprika .

Laury G

For 2 large servings, I used 1.5 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs. All other ingredient measurements I followed as written. A perfect amount of the olive mixture…Delicious!

Ellen Shenkarow

I followed the recipe exactly and it's fantastic!


Warning: CAUSES SERIOUS SMOKE FROM THE OVEN!!!! It is an absolutely delicious and easy recipe, but I tried making it twice and both times the fire alarm went off (in 2 different buildings)! The vinegar becomes incredibly smokey when it gets hot


Has anyone made this dish a day ahead of time and let it sit in the juices and then warmed it to serve?

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Vinegar Chicken With Crushed Olive Dressing Recipe (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.