Why Did President Roosevelt Need To Create A Second New Deal?Americans Were Prospering And Needed To (2024)

History Middle School


Answer 1

President Roosevelt need to create a Second New Deal because The economy continued to struggle with high unemployment rates and widespread poverty. Thus the correct answer is C.

What was Roosevelt known for?

Roosevelt was considered the youngest President of the United States. During his presidency, he introduced policies like the "Square deal" which promises equality and fairness to citizens in trust breaking or implementation of better laws, and so on.

He introduced a new deal to resolve the financial issue by bringing reforms to meet the challenges arises after the great depression. Then after this, he introduced a second new deal to meet a high rate of unemployment to maintain the economy.

Therefore, option C The economy continued to struggle with a high unemployment rate and widespread poverty is appropriate.

Learn more about Roosevelt, here:



Answer 2




The economy continued to struggle with high unemployment rates and widespread poverty.

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Argentina use to have a military dictator who held all the power. The country now has a federal form of government. Which aspect of a federal form of government now protects Argentina from the control of a dictator?



Explanation: It is protected by the fact that it has a system of separation of powers with three branches that control each other and prevent tyrannical behavior from a single branch. They are also separated into local provinces and autonomous regions that are ruled by small scale governments that have some degree of independence and that could easily oppose a new form of a tyrannical government.

Which of the following statements best characterizes the relationship between education, income, and voting? 1.In every Western democracy, those who vote tend to have higher income and more education. 2.In every Western democracy, those who vote tend to have lower income and less education. 3.In the United States but not in other Western democracies, those who vote tend to have higher income and more education. 4.In the United States but not in other Western democracies, those who vote tend to have lower income and less education.



i prefer 4


it is because in us they vote to have more income and education

The best characterizes the relationship between education, income, and voting is that in every Western democracy, those who vote tend to have higher income and more education. Thus option A is correct.

Voting has been the right given by the government to the public for choosing their own leaders. Voting has been the constitutional right in the democratic government.

The Western democracy has been part of liberal democracy. The constitution can take varying forms and has been monarchy or republic. The relationship between voting and income in Western democracy has been that the higher-income and higher education tend to vote.

This is because the policies of the government affect the growth of the higher-income individual as compared to the lower-income individual. Education plays a pivot role for a voter to understand the importance of voting.

Thus, in every Western democracy, those who vote tend to have higher income and more education. Thus option A is correct.

For more information about voting, and income, refer to the link:


PLEASE HELP!!WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!what was the earliest sutra, or holy text, in Buddhism called A)Vajrayana B)Mahayana C) Tripitaka D)Theravada


I think the correct answer is c it was the sacred holy book

It is definitely C. Tripitaka! Good luck:)

Which of the following is an accurate definition of the modern era? A. The current state in which people share information by using technology B. A philosophy based on technological and cultural advancement C. The term for the time period lasting from the Renaissance until today D. The period in history when people first became capable of communication



C. The term for the time period lasting from the Renaissance until today


Why did Britain change its strategy to focus on the Southern colonies in the summer of 1778?


As a result, the British changed their strategy yet again in 1778. Rather than mounting a full-scale military campaign against the Continental Army, the British decided to focus their efforts on the loyalists, who they still believed were the majority of the American population.


The French allied with the colonials, and the British believe they had supporters in the south.


The French signed a treaty with the colonials in 1778 which forced the British to rethink their tactics. They were now having to fight both the newly formed Americans and the French. The British falsely believed they had more colonial supporters in the south, so began to focus their efforts there in attempt to subvert the French involvement. This lead to the colonials fighting the British in the south with guerrilla warfare tactics instead of proper field combat, as the British were use to. For America, the French helped a ton when they joined the war (Thanks Benjamin Franklin).

What is the purpose of a board of directors?
O A. To run a corporation
O B. To elect stockholders
O C. To hire workers
O D. To sell goods
other businesses


A ? To run the corporation makes sense to me

I think it’s A? I’m not really sure

Describe the lasting impact of the Civil War.



Some long-term effects that occurred after the Civil War were the abolishment of slavery, the formation of blacks' rights, industrialization and new innovations. The Northern states were not reliant on plantations and farms; instead they were reliant on industry.


just did it :)

Answer:Long-term effects of the Civil War. Some long-term effects that occurred after the Civil War were the abolishment of slavery, the formation of blacks' rights, industrialization and new innovations. The Northern states were not reliant on plantations and farms; instead they were reliant on industry


*HELP PLEASE THANK YOU* Why was the use of labor unions by Polish workers effective in bringing democracy and capitalism to this Soviet bloc country? a.) The Soviet bloc countries had never encountered labor unions before, so they didn't understand how to oppose them. b.) Because of unions, communism failed to make workers labor purely for the benefit of state, without individual gain. c.) The Solidarity labor union gained enough political power to overthrow the communist "satellite" government in Poland. d.) Polish workers used labor unions to spread communist ideas to other countries throughout the communist bloc.



Hello there!

Based from past learning, the Polish government impose martial law in Poland in the early 1980s was because to reward the workers of the Poland to increase the wages. This would be the reason why.

Option C : The Solidarity labor union gained enough political power to overthrow the communist "satellite" government in Poland.

Soviet bloc

This is a group of socialist states including Central and Eastern Europe, East Asia, and Southeast Asia under the influence of the Soviet Union that existed during the Cold War.

Solidarity labor

Solidarity was the first independent labor movement in a Soviet bloc country, founded in Poland in 1980. It used methods of civil resistance to advance the causes of workers' rights and social change.

Thus, the use of labor unions by Polish workers was effective in bringing democracy and capitalism to this Soviet bloc country because the solidarity labor union gained enough political power to overthrow the communist "satellite" government in Poland.

Learn more from here - brainly.com/question/16607322


5. What was the basis of the Phoenician economy?



i am sorry i am not fully sure but this might help


The Phoenicians were a seafaring people located in the Eastern Mediterranean around 800 B. CE. They relied heavily on trade from port to port to fuel their economic expansion. Major trade goods of the Phoenicians included exports of cedar, wine, salted fish and glass blown goods.

They relied heavily on trade from port to port to fuel their economic expansion. Major trade goods of the Phoenicians included exports of cedar, wine, salted fish and glass blown goods

Demographics help explain the latest kowtowing to teen tastes the teen population has grown twice as fast the overall population in the last decade theyre also easier to reach than Ever via the Internet the biggest marketing boon sent the bulk mill rate this surge teen power won’t last forever the so-called echo boom in upswing in births as baby boomers have children of their own faded in the middle





Your answer should be A

Vhat organization was the biggest opponent to enlightened ideas?



The Age of Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the ... Philosophers and scientists of the period widely circulated their ideas through ... The ideas of the Enlightenment also played a major role in inspiring the


Philosophers played quite a large role when it came to enlightenment ideas.

What function does latitude and longitude have other than plotting Geographic Coordinates?



These coordinates are what the Global Position System or GPS uses to provide an accurate locational relay. Longitude and latitude lines measure the distance from the Earth's Equator or central axis - running east to west - and the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England - running north to south.

I hope this is what you are looking for... If not I am sorry for not providing the correct/accurate answer. (^-^)

Certain specific powers that the Constitution awards the President
are: (Choose three answers.)
Select one or more:

a. the right to grant pardons

b. the right to appoint government officials

c. the head of the executive departments

d. the right to ban immigration


Answer: A., B., and C.

Explanation: A PRESIDENT CAN . . .

make treaties with the approval of the Senate.

veto bills and sign bills.

represent our nation in talks with foreign countries.

enforce the laws that Congress passes.

act as Commander-in-Chief during a war.

call out troops to protect our nation against an attack.

make suggestions about things that should be new laws.

lead his political party.

entertain foreign guests.

recognize foreign countries.

grant pardons.

nominate Cabinet members and Supreme Court Justices and other high officials.

appoint ambassadors.

talk directly to the people about problems.

represent the best interest of all the people


make laws.

declare war.

decide how federal money will be spent.

interpret laws.

choose Cabinet members or Supreme Court Justices without Senate approval.

Certain specific powers that the Constitution awards the President


the right to grant pardons.the right to appoint government officials.the head of the executive departments.

What are the powers and roles of the president?

He creates policies and is in charge of the hiring and firing of officials within the executive branch. He additionally nominates federal judges, cupboards, and ambassadors and he can pardon (excuse) human beings who've committed crimes against the U.S.

Which electricity does the USA charter give to president Brainly?

The Framers of the Constitution gave the President the strength to veto acts of Congress to save the legislative branch from turning too powerful.

Learn more about Constitution here: https://brainly.com/question/25072090


I NEED HELP PLEASE LIKE NOW Select the correct answer. BonFlight Air offers a low price on airline tickets to Alaska only in winter. What type of product line pricing is BonFlight Air using? A. image B. bundling C. captive D. complementary E. premium


Its D because the are trying to get more people to buy the tickets

Read the following passage and answer the question. That old happiness they had before in their rich ancestry was truly joy, but now lament and ruin, death and shame, and all calamities which men can name are theirs to keep. Based on its context, what is the best meaning for the word lament? happiness sadness pride anger


Sadness is the answer to the question you are currently asking

Sophocles' destiny is vital and controlled by the divine. The word lament is related to Sadness.

What is Sophocles the message in Oedipus the King?

I believe Sophocles' message to his crowd was that destiny is vital and that divine beings control what happens in your life.

You will continuously satisfy your destiny however when relies upon the moves you initiate in life. The word lament is related to Sadness.

Therefore, option B explains the word lament.

Learn more about Sophocles -Oedipus the King here:


What was one major difference between the Commercial Revolution and the Industrial Revolution? A. The Commercial Revolution increased the importance of the European middle class, while the Industrial Revolution reduced the middle class's wealth and power. B. The Commercial Revolution shifted European workers away from farms, while the Industrial Revolution caused a majority of Europeans to return to farms. C. The Commercial Revolution influenced many European social classes, while the Industrial Revolution affected only the very wealthy. D. The Commercial Revolution led to the adoption of mercantilism in Europe, while the Industrial Revolution contributed to the end of mercantilism.



The Commercial Revolution led to the adoption of mercantilism in Europe, while the Industrial Revolution contributed to the end of mercantilism.


You can eliminate A, B, and C because these aren't true. A is incorrect because the Industrial Revolution didn't reduce the middle class wealth and power. B is incorrect because the Industrial Revolution caused a majority of Europeans to move away to farms. C is incorrect because the Commercial Revolution influenced mostly the wealthy.

One major difference between the Commercial Revolution and the Industrial Revolution is D. The Commercial Revolution led to the adoption of mercantilism in Europe, while the Industrial Revolution contributed to the end of mercantilism.

How are the economic Revolution and the economic Revolution comparable?

Each created fundamental changes in the European financial system. Both reduced the dimensions and political power of the EU middle elegance. Both strengthened the system of mercantilism in Europe.

What did the commercial Revolution do?

The economic Revolution consisted of the creation of an ECU economy primarily based on exchange, which began within the 11th century and lasted till it became succeeded by means of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century. Beginning with the Crusades, Europeans rediscovered spices, silks, and different commodities rare in Europe.

Learn more about Europeans at https://brainly.com/question/24877599


Explain advances in industry and traponsportation at the turn of the 19th century. Describe at least two technological advances.



Industrialization had many positive effects on society in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. The creation of power machines and factories provided many new job opportunities. The new machinery increased production speed of good and gave people the ability to transport raw materials. Industrialization also lead to urbanization. Urbanization is the movement of people into cities and city building. Citizens wanted to live closer to the factories that they worked at. The Western World went from rural and agricultural to urban industrial.Then for transportation, The internal combustion engine (ICE) in the late 19th century brought the large-scale mechanization of transportation modes, especially road transport. It was followed by the diffusion of cars, buses, and trucks supported by vast highway networks. For rail, diesel locomotives replaced steam engines.


A lot of advances technologically in the areas of transportation and industrialization

In the 19th century, as the United States spread across the continent, transportation systems helped connect the growing nation. First rivers and roads and then canals and railroads moved travelers and agricultural and manufactured goods between farms, towns, and cities.

Describe the key elements of the Second Great Awakening.



The Second Great Awakening, which spread religion through revivals and emotional preaching, sparked a number of reform movements. Revivals were a key part of the movement and attracted hundreds of converts to new Protestant denominations. The Methodist Church used circuit riders to reach people in frontier locations.


The key elements of the Second Great Awakening include Religious Revival, Expansion of Evangelicalism and Social Reforms and Activism.

The Second Great Awakening was a religious revival movement that took place in the United States during the early 19th century. The movement aimed to renew and revive religious faith in America, emphasizing individual salvation and personal religious experiences. It challenged traditional religious hierarchies and emphasized the importance of individual agency and direct access to God.

The revival movement was primarily associated with evangelical Protestantism. The movement led to the emergence and growth of new religious denominations and sects, such as the Methodist and Baptist churches. It also fueled a surge in social activism and reform movements.

Know more about Second Great Awakening here



*PLS ANSWER, DIFFICULT QUESTION* Why did President Ronald Reagan change his strategy towards the Soviet Union after Mikhail Gorbachev came into power? a.) President Reagan hoped to catch the Soviet Union off guard by suddenly changing his strategy toward the Soviets. b.) President Reagan realized that harsher policies not been effective in resisting Soviet efforts to spread communism. c.) There was a conspiracy between the United States and Great Britain to overthrow the Russian government. d.) President Reagan hoped that the Soviet people, once they felt the effects of Gorbachev's reforms, would overthrow their government.



B) President Reagan realized that harsh policies not been effective in resisting Soviet efforts to spread communism.


the Reagan understood that Gorbachev wanted to fix the broken communist system, and he would use that to his advantage. To do so, he needed to change his strategy and tone.

Hope this answer correct (^^)...

Your answer should be b

Which of the following statements about voter participation among young people is MOST accurate? 1.Young people vote at higher rates than older people. 2. Youth voter turnout is much lower in midterm congressional elections than in presidential elections. 3. Youth voter turnout is much lower in presidential elections than in midterm congressional elections. 4. Youth voter turnout in a presidential election has never been greater than 40 percent.





Voter turnout regularly drops in midterm elections, and has done so since the 1840s. midterm elections typically drew more voters than presidential contests.

When it comes to voter participation in the United States amongst young people, 2. Youth voter turnout is much lower in midterm congressional elections than in presidential elections.

Statistics of voter turnout in the United States showed that in relation to voters in the ages of 25 - 44 for Midterm Congressional elections:

40.4% voted in 201828.3% voted in 201432.2% voted in 2010

Voter turnout in the Presidential elections in the age group of 25 - 44 was:

49% voted in 201649.5% voted in 201251.9% voted in 2008

From the above, we can conclude that young people vote more in presidential elections than in midterm congressional elections.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/3120451.

What attracted people to the suburbs They were areas of large farms and good jobs they were neighborhood the way from the city sensors they were places where there are many factories they were locations for railroad shipping



Probably the jobs and better life


People can go places faster and there are food, goods, and other stuff that people enjoy. I'm not too sure actually.


they were neighborhoods away from the city centers


Use the map below to answer the following question: Based on the location of cities on the map, which of the following statements is true?
A. Most cities in Egypt were located in Lower Egypt.
B. People in Egypt built their cities in a single region.
C. Most cities in Egypt were located in the desert.
D. People in Egypt built cities near bodies of water.



D. People in Egypt built cities near bodies of water.


As you can see in the map, most of the cities are located near the edge, which is near the water.

D people in Egypt built cities near bodies of water

Which contributed to the spread of domestic terrorism?

- improved methods for recruiting new members

-declining economies in various developing countries

-civilian unrest due to government-enforced restrictions

-colonial groups seeking independence from imperialistic powers


it was the colonial groups seeking independence from imperialistic powers


colonial groups seeking independence from imperialistic powers


i got one hundred thanks to the other person (: good luck!!!

It is generally agreed that it is difficult to define "civilization". But we can understand the concept through certain characteristics... Describe these characteristics. Could there be a society today that can be said to lack technology? Why, why not?



cause created


What program allowed Mexican nationals to come to the U.S.?
In your own words, summarize the program.



I don’t really know if I am being honest


Never really learned about this

The correct answer is Bracero Program

*PLEASE ANSWER TY* What 20th century war between the United States and the Soviet Union affected political conditions in Latin America? a.) World War II b.) World War I c.) the War on Poverty d.) the Cold War



D. the cold war !!



d.) the Cold War


After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a Cold War. In an attempt to contain communism, the United States provided military and financial aid to those Latin American countries who promised to fight against any communist influence in their region. However, many of those whom the United States supported were corrupt and ignored the rights and the needs of their people.

Also, I took the quiz.

5. Which gods were most important to the Egyptians?



Osiris. Osiris, one of Egypt's most important deities, was god of the underworld. He also symbolized death, resurrection, and the cycle of Nile floods that Egypt relied on for agricultural fertility. According to the myth, Osiris was a king of Egypt who was murdered and dismembered by his brother Seth.


Osiris, Anubis, Ra, Horus, Thoth, Hathor

How did electricity and steel work together to revolutionize transportation?


Steel and electricity worked together to revolutionize transportation by helping power trains. Steel was regularly used to help build train tracks to connect the US. As well electricity was used on the electrified third rail to power trains.

Smaller and quicker engines were constructed out of steel, and electricity was a novel kind of energy that could be transformed into motion.

What kind of energy does the engine transform?

Similar to engines with drive shafts, the engine transforms the thermal energy into mechanical energy. An internal-combustion engine is a device that uses combustion within the same component that generates mechanical energy. Internal-combustion engines are those found in gasoline or diesel-powered automobiles.

How does energy become electricity?

A sequence of blades installed on a rotor shaft in a turbine generator are pushed by a flowing fluid, such as air, water, steam, combustion gases, or water. A generator's rotor shaft revolves or spins due to the fluid's force on the blades. In turn, the generator transforms the rotor's mechanical (kinetic) energy into electrical energy.

To Know more about motion.



One role of patriotic music in a democracy is: a. sharing information b. celebrating freedom c. practicing cultural engineering d. gaining social control



It Would Be B.) Celebrating Freedom, Hope This Helps Dreamer!


B. Celebrating freedom

How did the progressive party most clearly influence the election of 1912?


Answer: In the 1912 election, Roosevelt won 27.4% of the popular vote compared to Taft's 23.2%, making Roosevelt the only third-party presidential nominee to finish with a higher share of the popular vote than a major party's presidential nominee.


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Why Did President Roosevelt Need To Create A Second New Deal?Americans Were Prospering And Needed To (2024)


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