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      • This game needs to work with computers in 2020

        in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

        Posted June 20, 2019

        @"Derdzvero.7051" said:I don't think the issue is with single core or dx9 or similar limitation.Why? Several reasons:

        1/I can hear my coolers, when system is loaded at 100% and fps drops usually happen when both CPU and GPU are sitting at sub 40% load. Frequently even at 10% load.

        2/I always check the load when my fps drop significantly suddenly and it's usually without visual justification. In other words sitting idle in Lion's Arch or gathering for North meta at Thunderhead Peaks, for example. There is nothing significantly going on around that can justify 50% fps drop. On the contrary- when fighting starts and I move 10m away, fps go sky high again.

        3/during big events the fps drops are combined with lag spikes, which makes me think the issue is server/network related and Anet's servers can't update the clients in real time.

        4/lags do NOT happen when there's excessive AoE/flash-bang on the screen, despite my PC being loaded. E.g my HW can cope up with DX 9 kitten around, which is expected.

        5/ there are some old games, which are known to be problem children (unreal engine based, Nvidia physics wrong implementation, ambient occlusion issues, etc). I don't think gw2 suffers from those since tweaking settings in game and on driver level will easily confirm that.

        5/ i get similar fps, regardless of hw resolution and PC used. E.g only common thing is gw2 client. Same fps range at those places.

        6/fps going up & down by 50% just by making few steps in a direction, without changing fov/environment focus.. absolutely ridiculous ;)

        In my opinion the issues are:1 the gw2 client is either waiting for server's update or is looped internally by something, caused by skins/effects/animations of non-NPC characters.2 servers are terribly overloaded3 calculations in gw2 client have nothing to do with rendering proximity in game and are busy with something way out of range and interest

        1. The worst: within last 1.5y i haven't seen a single attempt and attention from Anet to do something on the topic. Terrible company practice, but I guess it fits with the rest (balance, brainless grind, F key spam gameplay, collections without rewards, etc..)

        this has to do with how they handle cache, every single time something big loads like a new zone it completely empty's it's cache, this also happens when you walk around for to long in an area where textures are not used for about 10 when you go from zone to zone and back it needs to load it all over again, taking allot more time and effort then if they kept their cache filled till the game is closed.

        • Please add Guild Wars Prophecies pre-searing maps to Guild Wars 2, somehow!

          in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

          Posted June 20, 2019

          i much rather see the catacombs added as open world addon, i love to be able to get to older places and see how it evolved. (but my fear is that Anet will screw it up like always, making it unrecognizable and unrealistically changed)

          • Should there be an option to toggle between leggy footprints and hide shields?

            in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

            Posted June 20, 2019

            i don't have a legendary so i can't comment about that but i agree with the other two, my deadeye needs her rifle in her hand at all times (based on nova terra from starcraft) so it looks weird to walk around with a huge rifle on her back while walking around as if she has a small 9mm......

            • Are You a Clicker?

              in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

              Posted June 20, 2019

              i am both so......baised poll much?

              • suggestion: can we have Dungeon rush?

                in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                Posted June 20, 2019

                we can hardly play dungeons normally, how does a dungeon rush be any different....

                • Am i the only person who doesnt care about tengu as a new race?

                  in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                  Posted June 20, 2019

                  i find them off putting, in GW they fit as enemies but to see them as a playable race, no hair on my body that thinks of that and i have allot of hair.......

                  • Ent sylvari

                    in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                    Posted June 20, 2019

                    @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Yeah, I don't recall any Devs saying we could be elves or ents.I think sometimes we just 'remember' what we want to remember.

                    i just remember just fine, i know 100% they said that.

                    but i already expected this to happen, instead of commenting about the idea ppl derail it and make one single thing into the main objective.

                    • This game needs to work with computers in 2020

                      in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                      Posted June 19, 2019

                      they just made the big mistake in keeping the game on an outdated system, everyone already know 10 years ago that single core CPU's will never get more powerful so games changed tactics in supporting multi core rigs.that's what Anet did wrong, they had an outdated line of thought and now they are stuck with a game based on single core use.

                      they can still fix this but for what i understand from their statements they made a huge mess of their coding, fixing this would require a total recoding of the core does take a huge amount of time and effort but i am of an opinion that if they do this they can fix allot more than just updating their engine, they can also reorganize their engine so they can add stuff more organized.if it's worth the time and money to do so is all up to Anet and NCsoft.

                      • Ent sylvari

                        in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                        Posted June 19, 2019

                        When the game was in alpha stage they redesigned the sylvari and even while i personally like the early designs i see why they did, they had to look more like a plant and less like an elf.However, they specifically said that they redesigned the race so anyone who wants to play an elf can do so but anyone who wants to play an ent can do that as well.The problem here is that, while we can make some awesome wood and other smaller elf races, we can’t really make a proper ent.

                        What i propose doesn’t require a different lore (a small bit adjusted but nothing major) and the story can be exactly the same.It does require a bit of refitting the armor, the body model would be different from that of plant sylvari and are a bit bigger. (biggest size equal to norn)

                        I first got this idea from the master of fantasy books, J.R.R. Tolkien.Back when Lord of the Rings first got on screens i fell in love with it, when The Two Towers showed ents i was sold.Years later Anet came with GW2 and told us about the sylvari redesign so it put a smile on my face.However, when it got released it put a sour taste in my mouth, sylvari can be made elf but in no sense or speech is it an ent.You can have ent-like hair and face styles but when you’re still walking with a human-like plant body it’s just a mask, not an actual ent.

                        I like to see a bark body with root-like hands and feet, a body type that is thin but long, kind but intimidating.

                        Ill leave the rest up to you.

                        • LWS5 very wild theory about locations

                          in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                          Posted June 19, 2019

                          i hope they first fix certain stuff in current maps and then explore places we have truly never bin before.

                          • Wait, you *decreased* the time Augury Rock is open by *10 mins*?!?

                            in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                            Posted June 19, 2019

                            @Skotlex.7580 said:

                            @OutOfOrder.3719 said:Huh ?

                            Perhaps maybe the first time entering it, it may take 20 minutes to read.

                            But the annoyance from replaying it, on a daily basis, the 10 minute wait will improve the meta event for everyone.

                            After playing the meta event, you have to make an active choice to either play the Augury Rock meta for 45 minutes, with the 20 minute delay doing absolutely nothing, or playing something else.

                            This is a welcome change, thank you ANET for listening to player feedback.

                            I literally would go get something to eat, take a shower or relieve myself during that 1 20 minute boring wait. So glad that it is gone.

                            And the worst thing about the Path to Ascension meta, is that you will miss the Casino Blitz meta too.

                            and this is why i am hating META's more and more, they take priority over everything else while ruining the gameplay of others.

                            the issue here is that for PvE, most content drops into one of two categories: repeatable, and not repeatable. It doesn't take a leap of logic to recognize the former is more important.

                            I am glad that Anet does try to please groups in both camps, but if I had to prioritize, repeatable content will always trump those done once.

                            repeatable content is exactly that, it repeats.anyone with a little sense of logic would let non-repeatable content have there go on their own pace, if you want to play your repeatable things you can do so at any time.

                            • New Hairstyles/ Beards - Please Anet!

                              in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                              Posted June 19, 2019

                              i tried to find the most child innocent version of this character so remove if not allowed.

                              i would like to see the black hair style, we currently have one kinda like this but the front part is to the side in-game while this one is straight down.sasya neko.1985's Content - Page 30 (1)

                              • Wait, you *decreased* the time Augury Rock is open by *10 mins*?!?

                                in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                Posted June 12, 2019

                                @OutOfOrder.3719 said:Huh ?

                                Perhaps maybe the first time entering it, it may take 20 minutes to read.

                                But the annoyance from replaying it, on a daily basis, the 10 minute wait will improve the meta event for everyone.

                                After playing the meta event, you have to make an active choice to either play the Augury Rock meta for 45 minutes, with the 20 minute delay doing absolutely nothing, or playing something else.

                                This is a welcome change, thank you ANET for listening to player feedback.

                                I literally would go get something to eat, take a shower or relieve myself during that 1 20 minute boring wait. So glad that it is gone.

                                And the worst thing about the Path to Ascension meta, is that you will miss the Casino Blitz meta too.

                                and this is why i am hating META's more and more, they take priority over everything else while ruining the gameplay of others.

                                • in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                  Posted June 6, 2019

                                  armors don't have different rigs, they are simply limited per weight reason why they don't want this is because of PvP reasons, another is glitch reasons.the first one is already solved, in options you can select genetic armors so enemies can be ID'ed by their armor.the second one already happens without this, even the core armors glitch within each other.

                                  i think the biggest problem is the amount of work behind it, their engine is already messy enough that they have a hell lot of work to ad one single armor piece, imagine redoing every single armor skin in the game.

                                  • GW2's odd version of flying . . . Why can't your mount, like Just. Fly.??

                                    in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                    Posted June 4, 2019

                                    @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:And how Exactlywould it "ruin the game."?Seems to me other MMOs have not been"ruined"by having flying mounts that act just like real birds.

                                    actually Blizzard has acknowledge that the worst thing they did is adding flying mounts, they now have to work even harder to make maps not hide certain stuff.GW2 can get away with it because they are small maps, WoW is a true open world so flying, no matter how handy it is for players, trivializes zones.Anet already kept that in mind, the maps are already small, making you able to just fly over everything trivializes the maps entirely.

                                    • Store unused skins in wardrobe

                                      in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                      Posted June 4, 2019

                                      they could just force the skin items to be absorbed as a one-time free skin change, saves storage and doesn't lower the value of transmutation charges.

                                      • Heart of Thorns ruined this game

                                        in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                        Posted June 3, 2019

                                        HoT is the worst for sure, the only good things from that is gliding, some elite specs and the rev which is still a balance mess.

                                        • GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

                                          in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                          Posted June 3, 2019

                                          i would love the armor of eve.sasya neko.1985's Content - Page 30 (2)

                                          • Which mount is the best and how would you rank them all?

                                            in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                            Posted June 3, 2019

                                            i am not even gonna bother with the skyscale or the warclaw so that's why the low tier.

                                            sasya neko.1985's Content - Page 30 (3)

                                            • [merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

                                              in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                              Posted May 31, 2019

                                              the is one thing they surely did, they turned their worst part of the game into one of the most important part of the collection, the bloody hearts.....

                                              • Weeklong Bonus Event: Meta-Event Rush!

                                                in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                Posted May 29, 2019

                                                oh great, even more event for that blasted META crap.don't they have something better to do then add even more annoying stuff.....

                                                • Can we have an official statement regarding DirectX 12 mod for gw2?

                                                  in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                  Posted May 27, 2019

                                                  last time i tried using it the game didn't even launch, i really don't see why i should ever use it.

                                                  • Solutions to the Skyscale problem?

                                                    in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                    Posted May 15, 2019

                                                    @Dragon Priestess.9760 said:

                                                    @sorudo.9054 said:the reason why ppl use the griffon more is because no one is able to unlock the skyscale and to borrow one you need to get to specific places, allot of ppl already have the griffon so to not use them is simply not viable.

                                                    I see, and understand, of course.However I am hearing a lot that because the Skyscale's abilities are so limited - there are a lot of people who are remarking that the map is easy enough to use with a griffin, so how is Skyscale relevant? Climbing walls doesn't seem like a useful enough ability when you already have a springer with high jump height, and a Griffon that can already reach high altitudes.

                                                    The problem is that: The abilities that the Skyscale has, have already been accomplished by other maps.

                                                    well, since literally no one has ever unlocked the masteries yet, you can't really judge till it's reviewable.

                                                    • Recharging Teleport to Friend: Misfire design choice??

                                                      in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                      Posted May 15, 2019

                                                      i have about 100+ of them, why would i ever have any need for that....

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